Entering the Growroom at lightsout


Well-Known Member
Is there any kind of light i can use to get into the grow room when the lights are out? I've read that a green cfl would do the job (The green incandescents often show light through cracks in the green coloring) and i'd prefer not to use a colored LED either, i'd like enough light to definately see what im doing, but not enough to harm the plants. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
change your lighting schedule. If your going to use a light I would go with a black light. A green clf is still a cfl. it puts out light spectrum that plants use.


Well-Known Member
changing my light scheduel is not the answer to my question, sorry. I was simply wandering is there any kind of light i can leave on in the room during the flowering process, you know, some kind of light that will not affect the plants?


Well-Known Member
the black light puts out uv. would be a better bet then a cfl. If I need to go in at lights out I just try to keep light low and limit the time spent in the dark room.


Active Member
change your lighting schedule. If your going to use a light I would go with a black light. A green clf is still a cfl. it puts out light spectrum that plants use.
WRONG! A green CFL is fine in the grow room. I've left mine on 3 days straight once and there was no issues, no hermies.


Well-Known Member
Good for you. It's still a flour light. If the green works a white would do just as well.


Well-Known Member
use a green CFL. haven't tried it but it supposedly works.

that or get some big green glowsticks, like the ones used for camping and stuff.

and don't pay attention to the guy that says it still puts out light that plants use.

we know that einstein, he's looking for the best alternative for his particular situation....

I had a similar problem and bought a shit ton of green glowsticks on ebay and it worked....

i've worked nights too, ppl think just because you get home at 7am and it's light out you're not sleepy or tired....


Well-Known Member
I can't find spec's on the green light. But putting color on a bulb doesn't stop the light. Just trying to give the guy good info not bull. Glow sticks don't put off the same type of light a cfl does. with or with out color added. like I said best bet black light. It puts off uv


Well-Known Member
At 100bulbs.com found spec's says the 13w green cfl puts out 500 lumens but still gives no ct for the light.


Well-Known Member
The green light is kind ofthe same effect as using greenscreen for tv or movies. The idea is not how much light there is, it's that plants dot really "see" green light.


Well-Known Member
lol, I'm sure that im not the first with this dillemah, i tried googling the matter and all i found was a few things that say plants reflect green light. i never found any definitive answer as to if it will affect my plants or not. So i turned to RIU and now im getting two sides of the story. Is there any proof as to which kind would be better?

Kush Out The Ass

New Member
Plants absorb red and blue light. They reflect green light - doesn't affect photoperiod. You see leaves as green because they reflect green light...and your eyes see this. I have done hours of work at night under green light.

If anyone tells you otherwise they are wrong. Bottom line.

Just get a green CFL bro alright.


Well-Known Member
Plants absorb red and blue light. They reflect green light - doesn't affect photoperiod. You see leaves as green because they reflect green light...and your eyes see this. I have done hours of work at night under green light.

If anyone tells you otherwise they are wrong. Bottom line.

Just get a green CFL bro alright.
Anybody wanna contest this? If not, i guess im gonna go with green, and if i fuck up, my bad.


Active Member
Stumps is talking out his ass. I have used this tech for a long time and it has worked great.

Not theory, but actual expeirence is where I get my info.

You can now choose between real expeirence or Ace Ventura style ass talk.


Well-Known Member
The only true proof is in the doing. Dont believe anything you hear/read and only half of what you see. Put a bulb in and see what happens. Unless you plan to spend countless hours working during the dark cycle, you shouldn't have any problems. It's a WEED it wants to grow. But, as I said, dont believe this.


Well-Known Member
I'll take a wake at it. Adding color to a bulb does not change the spectum of light. It changes what you see. Jeeb fact is fact rather you can grasp it or not.


Well-Known Member
I'll take a wake at it. Adding color to a bulb does not change the spectum of light. It changes what you see. Jeeb fact is fact rather you can grasp it or not.
What makes it a fact? Please show me. I am open to learning new things, but I usually dont just take the word of a self proclaimed expert without something more to go on. Please show us why you are right. Do you have a link to the research you read on this subject? If I have been messing up all this time, I want to stop! Help me, oh wise one, help me.