First time grower 1000w Mi5 bubbleponics


Active Member
Hello everyone I am a first time grower that has always wanted to grow and finally has gotten the chance. A little info about the grow I am using a 3' x 3' x 6.5' growtent with a 1000w MH/HPS switchable ballast, I using a 30gallon tote with 6 airstones hooked up to 2 airpumps. Right now I am using cfls. I have 6 x 26 watt 6500K and 6 x 26 watt 2700K cfls that I am using. I don't have the 1000 watt light hooked up yet. When I first turned on the cfls temps in the tent rose to 104F, I am still waiting on my exhaust fan to arrive along with my inline fan for my 1000 watter. To bring the temps down I already had a portable ac unit that I attached air ducting too and routed it into the tent which now keeps the tent at 73F. Reservoir temps have risen more then I would like so am keeping them under control using 2 x 2 Liter bottles frozen that I put in the tank that keeps the water at 65F I rotate out every 6 hours. The strain that I am growing is Short Stuffs Mi5 autoflower strain. This is my first grow so I wanted to go with something that would be easier to grow for a beginner. This is day 2 of being in the reservoir the light schedule is 24/0.
Opinions / suggestions welcome. Thanks!







Some puple haze a friend brought by.



Active Member
Can't wait to see pics. You've got all the right equipment. Are you putting the ice directly into the reservoir with the roots? I'd be careful putting ice right in the root zone. I use bottles of ice as well, however, I have an external reservoir hooked up that I add the ice too. That way it dosn't affect the roots. Keep us posted!


Active Member
Can't wait to see pics. You've got all the right equipment. Are you putting the ice directly into the reservoir with the roots? I'd be careful putting ice right in the root zone. I use bottles of ice as well, however, I have an external reservoir hooked up that I add the ice too. That way it dosn't affect the roots. Keep us posted!
I'm putting the bottles directly into the tank this is temporary measures until I can get a water chiller in the few weeks.

Slight update my water has started to turn somewhat cloudy. I use tap water ph'd to 5.6, I let it set out for 24 hours... Is this normal?


Active Member
So I can no longer see the bottom of the tank and the water is starting to smell funky a sour smell like a old pair of shoes, starting to get concerned. Here is an image of my feeder tubes all cloudy white.



Active Member
HOw much light is getting inside your tank? Cause light in the tank will give you all kinds of problems even if it's at the right temperature. Looks like you're using just the plain tote with nothing keeping the light out. Those plasctic totes kind of glow under alot of light. I'd get that in check.


Active Member
hi sorry to but in ive just grown this strain in bubblers and can only say that the smoke was a deffo 9 out of 10 in potency absoloute loved them im currentlygrowing onyx aswell which ive fimmed and created 2 nice colas if you want any advice have a look at my diary over here

i yielded 25 grams off 1 plant dry weight in 8 weeks seed to harvest grown under cfl

good luck with your grow fella



New Member
could b a light leak....also what kinda nutes are u using cus it could be because of FF nutes change the color of my water because the nutes are colored lol. and also does the res smell? if not i wouldnt worry bout it to much unless ur having problems....did u wash off ur hydroton and rockwool very well before starting cus that could also be the problem...and make sure u take ur pump and manifold out every week or so and clean the fuck outa it...cus i had problems start because the pump started harboring nasties inside of it. keep us up 2 date


Active Member
could b a light leak....also what kinda nutes are u using cus it could be because of FF nutes change the color of my water because the nutes are colored lol. and also does the res smell? if not i wouldnt worry bout it to much unless ur having problems....did u wash off ur hydroton and rockwool very well before starting cus that could also be the problem...and make sure u take ur pump and manifold out every week or so and clean the fuck outa it...cus i had problems start because the pump started harboring nasties inside of it. keep us up 2 date
The problem has mostly gone away along with the smell. I didn't do anything so its really weird to me. Also my ph has been jumping overnight from 5.6 to 6.3, using such a large res (30 gallon) I thought the ph level wouldn't fluctuate as much not this it is difficult to adjust the ph back down to 5.6 but is this normal so early in my grow? I'm using tap water that I let sit out for 24 hours. I am really not wanting to buy distilled water. Would getting a brita water filter help at all?

I am planning on spraying the res black then white on top to help prevent any light leaks. I'm using BC nutes but haven't started the cycle yet plants are too small. I washed the hydroton rocks 3-4 times in each netpot but I didn't wash the rockwool only let it sit for 24 hours in ph'd water. I let the airstones soak also along with the water pump. So could this possibly be washoff from the hydroton or rockwool?


Active Member
hi sorry to but in ive just grown this strain in bubblers and can only say that the smoke was a deffo 9 out of 10 in potency absoloute loved them im currentlygrowing onyx aswell which ive fimmed and created 2 nice colas if you want any advice have a look at my diary over here

i yielded 25 grams off 1 plant dry weight in 8 weeks seed to harvest grown under cfl

good luck with your grow fella

Wow this is a small world I actually saw your thread on their website which inspired me to get MI5. Your buds looked super sticky I'm hoping I will be able to get comparable buds!


Active Member
Wow this is a small world I actually saw your thread on their website which inspired me to get MI5. Your buds looked super sticky I'm hoping I will be able to get comparable buds!

yeah mate it was sticky icky icky and you will be in for a real enjoyable smoke she is so easy to grow and very forgiving i cant wait to plant my other 8 seeds outside and see what they bring

im in the uk so obviously have to wait for the right weather which shouldnt be long

all the best with your grow fella



New Member
hmmm if u did that much washing off all the stuff and lets the rockwool sit in water for that long i dont think its usually if u do have washoff itll end up settling at the bottom of the res after awhile unless u have a crazy amount of bubbles in there....and bout the ph thing ya i mean mine goes from 6 to 7 overnight so i generally try to knock it down twice a day....ill make a mixture of low ph 4.0 to a gallon or 2 and if its been a couple days since my drain and replenish i add some nutes to....but then i just slowly add it to the res checkin the ph as i do it....iv kinda got it down now that i can just eye it and im usually within my range i wanna b in..jus try checkin the ph more often and make some ph mixtures and even make like 4 of 5 gallons and just pour in alil at a time...i do this so that i dont shock the plants with just straight ph down. speaking from my last grow...during veg my ph is always changing because as the plants eat the nutes my ph goes back up because my nutes make the ph go down...and fluctuating ph isnt to bad of a problem unless its going up and down RAPIDLY like really fast..


Active Member
So everything has stabilized the res is 100% clear with no funky smell anymore HURRAY!


Temp: 77F
Res Temp: 65F
Humidity: 27%
pH: 5.8
Ppm: 144

My 1000w light has arrived can't wait to hook it up. How long should I wait to throw it in the tent and ditch the cfls?


New Member
shit id do it big are they now? i have a 400w'er that i use from the beginning just make sure u get that venting good so it doesnt get to hot in there and make sure u can put ur hand on the top of the plants and u dont feel much heat at all from the light....keep it a good distance away while keeping it as close as possible if that makes sense....but shit ya get that thing in there the babies will love it.


Active Member
Ok so I took down the cfls and setup the 1000w with MH bulb. I put the relfector 24 inches away from the tops of the seedlings as they are only 5 days old.






New Member
woooo yeah those babies are gonna love it...ya i think ur good 2 feet away did u do the hand heat test? i think 2 feet is enuf tho


Active Member
woooo yeah those babies are gonna love it...ya i think ur good 2 feet away did u do the hand heat test? i think 2 feet is enuf tho
Yes I did I couldn't feel any heat where it is positioned now. I'm still waiting for my inline fan to get here right now with the tent closed the temp is up to 85F and the bulb just smells hot is that normal for not having a fan?


New Member
hmmmm i mean i dont have an inline fan....granted mine is only a 400 watter u might want to post a thread about it....and for now leave that tent open 85 is to hot.


Active Member
hmmmm i mean i dont have an inline fan....granted mine is only a 400 watter u might want to post a thread about it....and for now leave that tent open 85 is to hot.

Yeah I went ahead and opened the tent temp is down to 81 which isnt too terrible (with the ac off) its a pain where I have to keep my tent I can't vent the exhaust from my portable ac out of the closet very well so I have a shit ton of heat in their. I'm hoping with the inline fan once it arrives exhaust air from the tent will help alot. Then when I close up the tent turn on the ac everything should be good to go I hope!