why is mine more leafy??


Well-Known Member
hi was just wondering at these pics,,
the one on the left is mine and the one on the right is just a random picture..

why isnt mine like the right hand pic?
mines more leafy. the other isnt??



Active Member
diff strain, diff light's, diff time into flowering could be multiple diff reason's as too why ure plant isn't as think or is more bushy than the other hope i shined some light on the situationl.
???do u know if they are both the same strain and what setup's there both running light's nutes soil or hydro etc etc


Well-Known Member
no theyl both be diffrent strains..

underneath all my leaf i have some compact buds..
but its a very leafy plant, carnt see buds for leaves..


Active Member
that's most likely the reason diff strains diff genetic's diff charactistic's either way man i'd be smileing if i were u ure plant look's gravy too me if u don't want it i'll take it dude


Active Member
i will say it does need atleast 2-3 more week's though man what strain is it and how much light have u got on it dude

why does my plant look different than a random pic selected from the internet? haha come on duder..

anyway, good luck, be safe

peace love respect


yeah man, all plants will look different. hell they could have been the same strain and still looked different, id suggest looking up what a phenotype is for some light reading :D


Well-Known Member
im thinking ov taking all them foilage leaves off the plant,
so that the buds underneith all the crap can get max light


Well-Known Member
hi was just wondering at these pics,,
the one on the left is mine and the one on the right is just a random picture..

why isnt mine like the right hand pic?
mines more leafy. the other isnt??

It's called 'Genetics' bro. :)



id suggest leaving all leaves on the bud till after youve harvested, if any foliage isnt exposed to light and is wasting ( say under a canopy ) then you can remove it but dont hit the bud leaves! its how they get thier energy man.


Well-Known Member
id suggest leaving all leaves on the bud till after youve harvested, if any foliage isnt exposed to light and is wasting ( say under a canopy ) then you can remove it but dont hit the bud leaves! its how they get thier energy man.
he has a point but the leafs on the rest of the plant will do if you can get more light to the bud it will make more resin. thats what happend with my plants I got two more clamp lights and some cfls and put them next to the base of the plant and aimed the light up on the bud then trimed some leafs off of the bud and the rest of the plant. and I got almost as much resin as my plant I had in the real sun. but dont trim it all of it dose need them. but the bud needs light, and mabye you should use a lower N plant food I use osmocote 4 month plant food in the soil and miricale gro tomato plant food in my water. and this is what I got now. btw this is my new plant grown from seed.

