Active Member
What up so this is my first grow and decided to share it with you all...

3 x 3 flood tray
20 Gallon Rez
264 GPH water pump
Hanna PH/EC/TDS meter
8 inch max fan
2ft 4 tube hydrofarm T5 tube "cool" VEG
Hyrdo farm rdiant 8 hood
1000k watt Hortilux HPS bulb "flower"
1000w lumitek Digital Ballast
Oscilating Fan
Space heater
Nutes general hydroponics 3 part system

when i start the flower will add:
8 inch phresh filter
pushing hard on Co2 with enviromental controller

5 Jack Herrer- 2 GDP
3 O-G Tahoe Kush - 2 Chem Dog
trying to add 2 Green Crack

So got the clones on 2-19-10 anad have had them on 24 hour light cycle and giving only 5.8 ph'd water. Temp been around 70- 75 humidity from 60-80. Definatley have seen improvement in my babies since day one they are budding new sprouts all over and reaching towards the light. just added 1/2 strength nutes and gave one feeding. have the light and the water pump on digital timers. starting my 18-6 period tomorrow and doing two 8 minute floods.

started this op and got a new roomate so he also is on here he has the chem dogs in the garden. check out https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/304384-first-grow-ebb-flow-4-a.html

So hope you guys stay tuned and let me know what you think...dont forget this is my FIRST grow ever and learning on th efly and will be needing your guidance..

Here are some Pics: and will update as see fit so keep an eye out:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Thats dope man keep up the good work. i'll be checking back to see how it turns out. i personally have a jack plant under 2 2ft t5's and i have no nutes yet (second week in vegie) and for flowering i have a 150w hps. i got it in a 1 gallon. did u start with a clone?


Active Member
Thats dope man keep up the good work. i'll be checking back to see how it turns out. i personally have a jack plant under 2 2ft t5's and i have no nutes yet (second week in vegie) and for flowering i have a 150w hps. i got it in a 1 gallon. did u start with a clone?

Sure dId i got lucky the jack clones i picked up were super healthy...my gdp on the other hand are a work in progress..although they are coming in nicely


Active Member
so just added the 1/2 strenght nutes yesterday and im going by the general hydroponics calculator here-http://www.genhydro.com/calculator/index.html

having two seperate issues first seeing yellow spots on leaves and second the leave is green but outer layer is lighter green

Here are some pics please help:



Active Member
Just picked up some diamond nectar and cal-mag.. gonna do a new res and go full strength on the nutes...see waht happens


Well-Known Member
Just picked up some diamond nectar and cal-mag.. gonna do a new res and go full strength on the nutes...see waht happens[/QUOT

I don't think upping your nutes is going to do any good if not do a lot of harm to those clones.

That looks like a ph issue, just raise the ph a tad, if I could call it anything it could just be the root system still establishing itself.

Your going to want to know the issue 100% before you go for a cure. A lesson I've learned the hard way.


Active Member
Just picked up some diamond nectar and cal-mag.. gonna do a new res and go full strength on the nutes...see waht happens[/QUOT

I don't think upping your nutes is going to do any good if not do a lot of harm to those clones.

That looks like a ph issue, just raise the ph a tad, if I could call it anything it could just be the root system still establishing itself.

Your going to want to know the issue 100% before you go for a cure. A lesson I've learned the hard way.

well its too late...i changed the res and up'd the nutes. added cal-mag and diamond nector-

i did up the ph a little so maybe with all these changes something will show!


Active Member
alright added two blue dream babies and everything is looking good..have one gdp clone that is still showin signs of something...im assuming its a magnesium deficiency and hopefully it will bounce back like the others..other than that everything lookin good maybe two weeks from switching to 12/12

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Hey bro. How is the res temp? If you have issues you might want to increase the res size. It seems like a 20 gallon is small. The larger the res, the longer it takes the water to warm up. I think the ideal temp is 65 degrees F? :bigjoint:


Active Member
:bigjoint:Hey bro. How is the res temp? If you have issues you might want to increase the res size. It seems like a 20 gallon is small. The larger the res, the longer it takes the water to warm up. I think the ideal temp is 65 degrees F? :bigjoint:
My meter has a temp gauge on it at it never seems to be higher than 67...usually in the 60-64 range

But to double check i will start checking temp in morn and night to be sure thanks..