GOP Obstructionism--Will it Bite Them in the Ass?


New Member
Well, the Republicans and other conservatives have been delighted at their ability to stall, delay, and obstruct almost every single piece of legislation brought forth by Democrats and the Obama Administration.

Obviously, health care is the number one issue. That issue, arguably, propelled Obama to victory in the last presidential election; that, and the message of change in Washington. With millions of uninsured Americans vulnerable for a variety of reasons it is a significant concern. A poor economy combined with ever increasing costs for insurance and health care (combined with inaction in the past) have all combined for a “perfect storm” of disaster for millions of hard working Americans. Some decry this situation as an embarrassment for the United States: Virtually the only industrialized country that is either unable or unwilling to see that most of its legal (“legal” is my own special emphasis) population is covered by health insurance. This, of course, is occurring in the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression; a catastrophe so severe that it has required its own name: The Great Recession.

This catastrophe has brought forth a set of responses, primarily from the Democrats and the Obama Administration. The centerpiece of this effort is known by most as the “Stimulus Package”. By most (not all) accounts from economists, think tanks, and others, the “Stimulus” has been at least a modest success. The stimulus package is generally credited with not only warding off another great depression in the US, but helping to avoid a global financial meltdown. Although the Stimulus has not fully met the expectations (and promises) of the Obama Administration and democratic supporters, it is, nevertheless, credited to have saved anywhere from about 2 million to 15 million jobs, and created 2-3 million jobs.

It is no secret that conservatives and Republicans in particular, having been pulling all stops trying to kill Health Care Reform; all while cynically decrying the Stimulus Package as an abject failure. Of course, it has been pointed out that the very Republicans calling the Stimulus a failure are holding ribbon-cutting ceremonies, celebrations, and photo ops taking credit for the jobs being created for their constituents. These new jobs have been a direct result of the Stimulus Package.

This reality disconnect is beginning to garner some media attention due to its apparent hypocrisy. My question is, does this have the potential to hurt the conservatives? Listening to conservatives, not only is the answer no, but there is a revolt afoot that will toss out many democratic incumbents and replace them with conservative Republicans. What is the reality, and what do you think?

Illegal Smile

I think Obama is trying to govern against the will of the people and anyone who obstructs him in that is on the side of the majority. The republicans need to go from being merely the party of no to being the party of hell no, we won't take it anymore.


Well-Known Member
They have certainly set the stage to be even bigger hypocrites than they already are. Im talking hypocrite not even being a good enough of a word for who they are. Im talking there is hypocrite and then there is super hypocrite.

But will it bite them in the ass? I doubt it. Their base and loyal rabid followers will go back to pretending nothing is happening in Washington like they did for the 8 years of the Bush administration and the 6 years they ran the entire show. They will believe what they are told by their favorite pundit as like any other cult they have been conditioned not to believe any other source, eg "The Liberal Media". There is already numerous examples of this. I can see them getting away with being hypocrites on things like the stimulus. But Im still hearing them cry about miranda rights being read to terrorists when thats how it was done under Bush and they weren't bitching then!!!!


New Member
I think Obama is trying to govern against the will of the people and anyone who obstructs him in that is on the side of the majority. The republicans need to go from being merely the party of no to being the party of hell no, we won't take it anymore.
Pretty much the reponse I would expect from you Smile. Too bad we do not have a well thought out point-by-point respone to my article. As one of this sites De Facto conservatives, I was hoping for more. :-(


Active Member
Get used to disappointment...
On the lighter side...the jobs bill passed the reform is coming soon,very soon.


New Member
Get used to disappointment...
On the lighter side...the jobs bill passed the reform is coming soon,very soon.

How much support did the jobs bill have from the Republicans? Or did they sponsor it, then vote against it? Or did they simply not give a shit whether americans have jobs or not?


Well-Known Member
And what is the deal with all these tzars? Or czars? Or tsars? We are not in Russia

Maybe you should ask your conservative buddies about this. Look at all the czars Bush had:

Faith Czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Willett, Don[73] 2001 Exec order Bush, George W. Faith-Based Czar,

Faith Czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives DiIulio, John[74] 2001 Exec order Bush, George W.

Terrorism Czar National coordinator for security, infrastructure protection and counter-terrorism, cabinet level rank removed Clarke, Richard A. [126] 2001 Jan - 2001 Oct Pres appointed[citation needed] Bush, George W.

Terrorism Czar National Director and Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism Downing, Wayne[127] 2001 Nov Pres appointed[citation needed] Bush, George W.

Science Czar Science Advisor to the President, Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Marburger, John[121] 2001 Oct - 2009 Jan Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Cyber Security Czar, Cyber Czar Special Advisor to the President on Cybersecurity Clarke, Richard A.[37] 2001 October Pres appointed Bush,

AIDS Czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Evertz, Scott[13] 2001-2002 Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Budget czar Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget Daniels, Mitchell E.[27] 2001-2003 Pres Nominated, Senate Confirmed Bush, George W. √
Clean Up Czar Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, Department of Energy (nuclear clean up) Roberson, Jessie[31] 2001-2004 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Bioethics Czar Advisor to the President, Chairman of The President's Council on Bioethics Kass, Leon[22] 2001-2005 New position, exec, appointed by Pres Bush,
Reading Czar President's Advisor on Reading First Initiative, Director of Reading Research,

National Institutes of Child Health and Development, Member of the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education Lyon, G. Reid[114] 2001-2005 Pres. appointed Bush, George W.

Regulatory Czar Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget John D. Graham [116] 2001-2006 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.
Drug Czar Director National Drug Control Policy Walters, John P.[61] 2001-2009 Pres Appointed with Senate Confirmation Bush, George W. AIDS Czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy O'Neill, Joe[14] 2002-2003 Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Faith-Based Czar, Faith Czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Towey, Jim[75] 2002-2006 Exec order Bush, George W.

Homeless Czar, Homelessness Czar Executive Director United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Phil Mangano[92] 2002-2008 Pres. appointed Bush, George W.

Budget Czar Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget Bolten, Joshua[28] 2003-2006 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Global AIDS Czar United States Global AIDS Coordinator Tobias, Randall[82] 2003-2007 Pres appointed[citation needed] Bush, George W.

AIDS Czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Thompson, Carol[15] 2004-2006 Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Bird flu Czar Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, Advisor to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness Simonson, Stewart[23] 2004-2006 New position, Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Domestic Policy Czar Chief Domestic Policy Coordinator, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the President, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Rove, Karl[53] 2004-2006 Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Health IT Czar National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health and Human Services Brailer, David J.[90] 2004-2006 Exec order (new position), appointed by Sec. of HHS Bush, George W.

Manufacturing Czar Assistant Secretary for manufacturing and services, U.S. Commerce Department Frink, Albert[101] 2004-2007 Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Terrorism Czar Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security Brennan, John O. 2004[citation needed] Pres appointed[citation needed] Bush, George W.

Policy Czar Assistant to the President for Policy and Strategic Planning Gerson, Michael[110] 2005-2006 Pres Appointed Bush, George W.

Intelligence Czar Director of National Intelligence Negroponte, John[98] 2005-2007 Congress mandated (new position) Pres. nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Public Diplomacy Czar Special advisor to the President, Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Hughes, Karen[112] 2005-2007 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Clean Up Czar Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, United States Department of Energy (nuclear clean up) Rispoli, James[32] 2005-2008 Appointed, Senate confirmed Bush, George W. √

Democracy Czar Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy Abrams, Elliott[51] 2005-2008 Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Gulf Coast Reconstruction Czar, Hurricane Katrina Recovery Czar Federal Coordinator of Hurricane Katrina Recovery Effort Powell, Donald E.[94] 2005-2008 Pres appointed Bush, George W.

Homeland Security Czar Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chertoff, Michael[91] 2005-2009 Pres nominated, Senate Confirmed Bush, George W. Intelligence Czar Director of National Intelligence Mcconnell, John Michael[98] 2005-2009 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Budget Czar Director Office of Management and Budget Portman, Rob [29] 2006-2007 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W

Abstinence Czar Administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Tobias, Randall[8] 2006-2007 Pres Nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.
Birth Control Czar Deputy Assistant Secretary of Population Affairs, Department of Health and

Human Services Keroack, Erik [24] 2006-2007 Pres Appointed George W. Bush
Faith-Based Czar, Faith Czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Hein, Jay[76] 2006-2008 Exec order Bush, George W.

Health Czar for WTC, World Trade Center Health Czar Special coordinator to respond to health effects of September 11 attacks, World Trade Center (WTC) Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program also served as Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Howard, John[89] 2006-2008 Pres Appointed Bush, George W.

Global AIDS Czar Coordinator of U.S.Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally, with the rank of Ambassador Dybul, Mark [83] 2006-2009 Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Regulatory Czar Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory AffairsOffice of Management and Budget Dudley, Susan[117] 2006-2009 Nominee failed to win Senate confirmation 2 attempts, stayed in office as recess appointment by President Bush Bush, George W.

War Czar Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan Lute, Douglas[130] 2007 New Position, Pres appointed - confirmed as Lt. General on June 28, 2007 but not as "war czar" adviser to the president Bush, George W.

Food Safety Czar Assistant Commissioner for Food Protection Acheson, David W. K.[81] 2007-2008 Pres. appointed Bush, George W.

Manufacturing Czar Assistant Secretary for manufacturing and services, U.S. Commerce Department Sutton, William G.[102] 2007-2008 Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Cyber Security Czar, Cyber Czar Director, National Cyber Security Center Beckstrom, Rod[38] 2008 - 2009 Pres appointed[citation needed] Bush, George W.

Bank Bailout Czar United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability Kashkari, Neel[20]. 2008-2009 New position, Pres nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.

Illegal Smile

The jobs bill passed so republicans can say "what do you mean we don't cooperate, we just helped you pass the jobs bill." Then they can filibuster the heathcare bill forever.

And again I say - you're damn right republicans will obstruct these socialists from ramming something through that the people don't want. In fact, you haven't seen obstruction yet. Obama care is dead for this year at least. Everybody knows that but I guess this charade is for the benefit of the hard left who are angry Obama didn't try hard enough.

Interesting politics because the hard left thinks the Obama proposal doesn't go far enough and yet we know it won't get a republican vote as it is (probably at all). This is all just election year posturing now. Maybe they'll tryto pass it with reconciliation. That would be a circus!


Well-Known Member
Well, the Republicans and other conservatives have been delighted at their ability to stall, delay, and obstruct almost every single piece of legislation brought forth by Democrats and the Obama Administration.

Since the OP begged for a point by point reply, I'll help him out. First off, the entire premise of your opening statement is a failure. The Republicans simply didn't have the numbers to stop ANY legislation from passing. It was moderate Democrats who OBSTRUCTED any legislation that didn't pass. Or are you actually trying to say that if they don't switch parties, hypnotize themselves to believe in Progressive stupidity and vote for something that sickens them to their core, they're obstructionists? LOL, you're an idiot.

Obviously, health care is the number one issue.
Health care is only the number one issue for Obama's administration and the Progressive pukes in Congress. Americans have clearly spoken out that they do not want it.

That issue, arguably, propelled Obama to victory in the last presidential election; that, and the message of change in Washington.

No, that would be lying about your agenda and misrepresenting yourself as a moderate. That in conjunction with a corrupt Lame Stream Media's capitulation of their responsibility to expose the truth is the reason he was elected. He's a liar, a complete scumbag liar.

With millions of uninsured Americans vulnerable for a variety of reasons it is a significant concern. A poor economy combined with ever increasing costs for insurance and health care (combined with inaction in the past) have all combined for a “perfect storm” of disaster for millions of hard working Americans. Some decry this situation as an embarrassment for the United States: Virtually the only industrialized country that is either unable or unwilling to see that most of its legal (“legal” is my own special emphasis) population is covered by health insurance. This, of course, is occurring in the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression; a catastrophe so severe that it has required its own name: The Great Recession.

This catastrophe has brought forth a set of responses, primarily from the Democrats and the Obama Administration. The centerpiece of this effort is known by most as the “Stimulus Package”. By most (not all) accounts from economists, think tanks, and others, the “Stimulus” has been at least a modest success. The stimulus package is generally credited with not only warding off another great depression in the US, but helping to avoid a global financial meltdown. Although the Stimulus has not fully met the expectations (and promises) of the Obama Administration and democratic supporters, it is, nevertheless, credited to have saved anywhere from about 2 million to 15 million jobs, and created 2-3 million jobs.

It is no secret that conservatives and Republicans in particular, having been pulling all stops trying to kill Health Care Reform; all while cynically decrying the Stimulus Package as an abject failure. Of course, it has been pointed out that the very Republicans calling the Stimulus a failure are holding ribbon-cutting ceremonies, celebrations, and photo ops taking credit for the jobs being created for their constituents. These new jobs have been a direct result of the Stimulus Package.

This reality disconnect is beginning to garner some media attention due to its apparent hypocrisy. My question is, does this have the potential to hurt the conservatives? Listening to conservatives, not only is the answer no, but there is a revolt afoot that will toss out many democratic incumbents and replace them with conservative Republicans. What is the reality, and what do you think?
Wow, I could spend all day decimating just about every claim in the above paragraphs. But it is such a revisionist, liberal douchebag's fantasy of reality, it's pointless. Let's just be clear, the Stimulus WAS AND IS AN ABJECT FAILURE, the Great Recession will soon turn into the GREATEST DEPRESSION if somebody doesn't stop these Progressive loons that lied their way into office.


New Member
Wow, I could spend all day decimating just about every claim in the above paragraphs. But it is such a revisionist, liberal douchebag's fantasy of reality, it's pointless. Let's just be clear, the Stimulus WAS AND IS AN ABJECT FAILURE, the Great Recession will soon turn into the GREATEST DEPRESSION if somebody doesn't stop these Progressive loons that lied their way into office.
Thank you for your well thought-out response. Fact is, you're an embarrassment for all the great true ideals of our great country.

Freedom, equality, democracy, individualism, self-reliance, charity, truth, justice, fairness, privacy. Need I go on?

These are just some of the values (including our great constitution, which right-wingers would love to throw in the trash) that are threatened by the extreme right.

The extreme right will use ANY tactic. ANY. To ram their hideous, distorted, lying, deceitful, hurtful, racist, morally bankrupt trash down our county's throats.

They should just go down to Mississippi, S. Carolina, or somewhere to start their own country. There they can enjoy the economic and educational systems that their types have produced-- basically, a third world county.

These birthers and other ultra right-wing people are repugnant: Hateful, racist, and lying treasonists. They want nothing more than to rip apart our great republic and reform it in their own distorted image.

And as always. . . may the unknown forces in our universe combine to produce insight and wonder. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Up until last month, Democrats held an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Congress. Even now, their majority is nothing short of commanding.

Democrats have had the power all along. Republican 'obstructionism' has been irrelevant in both chambers.

So the question becomes, what has stopped the Democrats from passing whatever the hell they want to pass?


New Member
Up until last month, Democrats held an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Congress. Even now, their majority is nothing short of commanding.

Democrats have had the power all along. Republican 'obstructionism' has been irrelevant in both chambers.

So the question becomes, what has stopped the Democrats from passing whatever the hell they want to pass?
Finally, an intellegent rebuke. Well, they have passed the Stimulus and a small handful of other bills.

The reality is, is that lobyists and others are preventing the change that should be. Either by direct payoffs, or more likely, making the cost of change too high a political price to pay. Said another way, some of the demmies don't have the balls to do the right thing.

This is a situation that will only get worse since the right-leaning Supreme Court just ruled that corporations, foreign governments, anyone, can spend as much as they like in promoting a candidate. Yes, even Iran could spend HUGE amounts directing and influencing our political makeup. :cuss:


New Member
Up until last month, Democrats held an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Congress. Even now, their majority is nothing short of commanding.

Democrats have had the power all along. Republican 'obstructionism' has been irrelevant in both chambers.

So the question becomes, what has stopped the Democrats from passing whatever the hell they want to pass?
Johnny, you are right, rebuttal is the correct term. Tried to respond directly to you but the system wont let me. Thanks.

Illegal Smile

Finally, an intellegent rebuke. Well, they have passed the Stimulus and a small handful of other bills.

The reality is, is that lobyists and others are preventing the change that should be. Either by direct payoffs, or more likely, making the cost of change too high a political price to pay. Said another way, some of the demmies don't have the balls to do the right thing.

This is a situation that will only get worse since the right-leaning Supreme Court just ruled that corporations, foreign governments, anyone, can spend as much as they like in promoting a candidate. Yes, even Iran could spend HUGE amounts directing and influencing our political makeup. :cuss:
We certainly hope so!


Well-Known Member
wow...i think upnorth is a little off of deep end..a left wing nut job.
the majority of americans are center right. 40%. another 35 percent identify them selfs moderates.and only like 17 % of the people would call themselfs liberals.,
the first thing the democrats done as soon as they took a oath to protect and uphold the constitution was pass a ex post facto law. violating the oath they just took..
where in the constitution does it authorize the federal reserve to spend tax payers money? where in the constitution does it authorize the federal government to bail out banks and private companys? where in the constitution does it authorize the federal government to take over the health care industry?
when you talk about mccain fiengold know what you are talking about. it is obvious you are completely uninformed , you only have opinions not backed by fact and feelings.
mccain /fiengold was unconstitutional from its inception . everyone knew it everyone screamed about it..espeialy the NRA as it gagged them but gave groups like the unions and ACORN a huge advantage and shut down any conservative opposition .that is what it was designed to do.mccain is a piece of crap..that is why he will probably even lose his senate seat. mccain is a progressive. here you bitch because the supreme court of the US upheld the constitution. WOW....