The Pure (from Speedy Seedz) 180 watt ProSource LED : My 1st Real Grow


Active Member
OK, here is my first grow journal. :hump:
I ordered Flying Dutchmen The Pure from Speedy Seedz the first week of February and they arrived on Friday 2/19. I went with 'The Pure' on the advice of Speedy since I am a newbie, the price is low for 10 beans and it is a sativa (which I wanted to grow) On the advice of Jorge Cervantes courtesy of the Marijuana Grow Bible(great book!) I took 6 of the seeds and put them in a glass of water to soak overnight before germinating with the paper towel method. Because I am impatient as fuck, I decided to check on them after about 6 hours in water and lo and behold can you believe that a little bit of the root tip was already peeking out! When I saw that I decided to go ahead and switch over to the paper towel. I grabbed about 3 paper towels folded them up, lightly ran them under the water and then put it in a bowl. I then transferred the beans from the glass to the bowl using a spoon so I wouldn't have to touch them. I covered them up and put them back in the dark. The next day when I checked on them & there wasn't much progress and I think it is because it isn't warm enough. Since it is cold as hell here right now, my house is at about 65 degrees and according to the Grow Bible, the seeds need to be at 70-89 degrees optimally. So, I moved them over to a warmer area and holy shit, it worked. The root tip moved out even further. So that is where I am at now. It's been 48 hours since the 6 seeds were introduced to water and it looks like 3 of them are aggressively pushing out the root tip and the other 3 are moving slower but still pushing.
I will post updates as things progress.
LIGHTS: 180 watt ProSource LED UFO Light (after I saw IrishBoy's grow using LEDs I was convinced that it was the right light for my needs. Low heat, low electric costs, & minimal fire hazard. He might not have yielded as much as an HPS system but his grow still turned out good)
SOIL: On the advice of the local grow shop I am starting out with Happy Frog while they are seedlings and moving to Ocean Forest for Veg & Bloom.
NUTRIENTS: The local grow shop advised that I not use very much nutes at all since I am a noob- that's fine with me- I don't want to fuck anything up. BUT, I still bought some Big Bloom, Grow Big & Sugar Daddy. Why? Well, I will use minimal amounts and not overdo it because I think it will help my babies more than hurt them. I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass later though... For the first week or two when I transfer to soil, I will use only water. That much I know for sure.

MISC: I am using Plantable Pots because I like the idea of not having to transfer the plants from container to container. I would rather not disturb the root system and be able to just drop the container into a bigger one.
I bought a Thermometer/Hygrometer from the local grow shop to monitor the temp and humidity levels.
I also got a 3 way Light,Ph, & water meter from the local grow shop. It was pretty cheap, so I am not sure how reliable it will be. I also have some Ph paper to test my water and make sure it's neutral.

Am I forgetting anything? Shit, I know this is a long as post but I want to document as much as I can in case it helps anyone else out in the future. Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions. Thanks!:peace:


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
you got any pics? What is your averall plan and goals? I am not familiar with any led grows beyond just vegetative growth. I got some pure seeds to I want to try them out but I got so many strains to work with right now.


Active Member
you got any pics? What is your averall plan and goals? I am not familiar with any led grows beyond just vegetative growth. I got some pure seeds to I want to try them out but I got so many strains to work with right now.
My goal is to be able to grow 2 or 3 females and maybe the strongest one of them I will try to clone. But, since this is my first real grow I don't want to be too ambitious and mess anything up by trying to clone. I just want to grow a couple plants at a time as this is for personal use only. I am not looking to grow strains that are high-yielders necessarily- the most important thing for me right now is how easy it is to grow because I am almost out of what I got and I need to replenish :eyesmoke:
I might supplement my LED with a CFL or T5 light as well.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
oh okay that sounds like a pretty good idea. They should be pretty stable given the description so that should work well. Check out my grow journal I basically got the same idea as you since I'm limited to #s. Gonna go for 3 big girls and am using FF big bloom and will be adding some FF slow release fertilizer for bloom. The only thing I can think of is you might need to pick up some more flowering fertilizer. That Big bloom is kinda misleading I thought it was all I needed but it's actually part of their 3 part line which is added during veg and bloom cycles. Look for tiger bloom and you should be set.


Active Member
oh okay that sounds like a pretty good idea. They should be pretty stable given the description so that should work well. Check out my grow journal I basically got the same idea as you since I'm limited to #s. Gonna go for 3 big girls and am using FF big bloom and will be adding some FF slow release fertilizer for bloom. The only thing I can think of is you might need to pick up some more flowering fertilizer. That Big bloom is kinda misleading I thought it was all I needed but it's actually part of their 3 part line which is added during veg and bloom cycles. Look for tiger bloom and you should be set.
Hey Pipe Dream,
your grow is lookin good, that Cannalope Haze is my favorite I think ;-)
I was going to get Tiger Bloom but as I was checking out the guy at the Hydroponic Hobby Shop said not to use Tiger Bloom unless I am experienced and that he has seen many people burn their plants with it. He suggested that just the 2 parts of the system would work out OK. So, if you have Tiger Bloom then make sure you go easy on it- I would hate to see that Cannalope get any nute burn.


Active Member
Quick Update- I moved 4/6 germinated seeds into little plantable pots yesterday. I also germed some bagseed and 3 of them are in little plantable pots as well. They have been under lights now since yesterday morning 2/22/10 at 9:30 am. The temperature is around 73 and the humidity is around 31%- the humidity is low, I know.
Will post pics later, although there isn't much to see yet.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Hey Pipe Dream,
your grow is lookin good, that Cannalope Haze is my favorite I think ;-)
I was going to get Tiger Bloom but as I was checking out the guy at the Hydroponic Hobby Shop said not to use Tiger Bloom unless I am experienced and that he has seen many people burn their plants with it. He suggested that just the 2 parts of the system would work out OK. So, if you have Tiger Bloom then make sure you go easy on it- I would hate to see that Cannalope get any nute burn.
oh well okay I just picked my stuff up from a nursery because it looked good and when i looked at it the ratios are like .1 .3 .2 or something so I thought that sounded low.

The cannalopes are going to be a smooth ride all the way I think they have no problem with any of my nutrients so far and I've really used guesstimated amounts of soil amendments and mixed soiuls and everything. My last grow I used the FF Peace of mind mixed right into the soil and I am going to try it again in conjkunction with the ff big bloom so it's if something goes wrong it's going to be hard to stop it but I really don't see it happening and I even read a great article about using it after the fact so it should be a good replacement for the tiger bloom I think.


Well-Known Member
oh well okay I just picked my stuff up from a nursery because it looked good and when i looked at it the ratios are like .1 .3 .2 or something so I thought that sounded low.

The cannalopes are going to be a smooth ride all the way I think they have no problem with any of my nutrients so far and I've really used guesstimated amounts of soil amendments and mixed soiuls and everything. My last grow I used the FF Peace of mind mixed right into the soil and I am going to try it again in conjkunction with the ff big bloom so it's if something goes wrong it's going to be hard to stop it but I really don't see it happening and I even read a great article about using it after the fact so it should be a good replacement for the tiger bloom I think.
mr solodolo what is your wish, 5 cheap seeds or 1 feminized white russian from serious seeds?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys- I'm pretty much at the same place as you(lost) with germinating some pures from speedy. I do ff soil and nutes as well, but grow outdoors. Be interesting to see how they compare, indo vs outdo.

Btw- lost is filming by my house right now.



Active Member
Hi Guys- I'm pretty much at the same place as you(lost) with germinating some pures from speedy. I do ff soil and nutes as well, but grow outdoors. Be interesting to see how they compare, indo vs outdo.

Btw- lost is filming by my house right now.

You lucky bastard to have LOST filming by you- that means you live in Hawaii- effing sweet man. Sounds like we have the same grow going and yeah, I am also interested to see the outcome of indoor vs outdoor grow! Plus, I am using an LED light, so that makes things interesting as well. Welcome to my journal- feel free to post your updates as well. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Here are the couple pics of the seeds in the lil pots. Nothing to see yet, I'm keeping the LEDs on 24/0 right now and I have one toggle switch off on the lights because they are a little bit closer than 18 inches away from the light- so to compensate I have turned off a couple rows of LEDs.
Right now there are 4 Flying Dutchmen 'The Pure' and 3 unknown Bag Seeds.

I can't wait for them to sprout, it's a great feeling seeing them for the first time :hug:

Picture #2 is kinda cool because you can see some of the blue & red rays from LEDs shooting down from the light



Well-Known Member
Good luck my brother!! My first two pures i germed were boys:cuss:. No worries I got 8 more, and i got a good feeling about the ones i just put into soil.

Really interested in leds right now, so can't wait to see how she goes for ya!


Active Member
I meant to post this yesterday but I was too busy. So on Tuesday night I went to check on the babies and one of them had sprouted a little bit- by the morning 5 of them had popped out! WooHoo. Things are lookin good right now.

So, I attempted to germ 6 'The Pure' seeds. 5 of those cracked and formed a root tip, one did not. Of those 5 I have planted, 3 of them have sprouted. So far on the Pure seeds I have 3/6 growing. Not sure if the last two are going to make it or if it will just not take root at all. Guess we will see. There are 3 Bagseeds that have also sprouted. So, I have 6 little babies growing right now.

And here are some pics from yesterday morning:



Active Member
I do want to note that The Pure sprouts are noticeably better than the bagseed sprouts. The Pure are perfectly symmetrical and growing straight up. The Bagseed are growing kinda crooked and are not symmetrical- one leaf is bigger than the 'matching' leaf on the other side. I assume this is because the genetics of The Pure are superior to the random bagseed.

Here are some pics taken today- the first 3 are The Pure; the last is a Bagseed- you can see the shell of the seed still hanging on to it.



Active Member
Good luck my brother!! My first two pures i germed were boys:cuss:. No worries I got 8 more, and i got a good feeling about the ones i just put into soil.

Really interested in leds right now, so can't wait to see how she goes for ya!
Hey Surf- sorry the first 2 were boys- but now that you got them out of the way, all the rest will be girls! ;-)

Are you keeping a grow journal on here? :blsmoke: