Laceygirls Grow


Active Member
Thanks high... I really love your signature quote... So bloody clever..:-)

Have checked the clones this morning, they didn't take too much of a hit over night, in fact they look pretty good...:-) They should be ready to go by the time I chop down, clean everything and prepare the room again...

Hahaha thanks :bigjoint:

Good to hear the clones are taking well....cant wait to see them get huuuuuge bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
G'day all. Laceygirl here...

I am just posting two pics, one of the buds I had to cut off the other night due to collapse, and the other is of the cuttings I took yesterday...

They are standing straight back up again, which is good news, and it also means they are beginning to develop roots... I am a big believer in foliar feeding cuttings, they need a little help, so I use Rhizotonic and a little bit of Cannazym.. Rhizo grows fat white roots and cannazym keeps the babies healthy... Both these products were developed for use on cuttings right up to mature plants... I don't class these as nutes as they are really just additives, but I get great results from them... I will post more pics of the clones tomorrow and you'll see what I mean...

Laceygirl... :-)



Well-Known Member
the babies are looking good. i took some more photos this morning and will be taking a heap this arvo. i will have to come over and take some pics of the big tent.


Well-Known Member
the babies are looking good. i took some more photos this morning and will be taking a heap this arvo. i will have to come over and take some pics of the big tent.
Yeah, I'd love that, your camera kicks arse now...:-) I had a look at your journal this morning... Everything is coming along swimmingly... Did your carpet dry ok? It should with the weather...

Would give anything to know the strains you are growing... We need that universal seed and plant dna :-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd love that, your camera kicks arse now...:-) I had a look at your journal this morning... Everything is coming along swimmingly... Did your carpet dry ok? It should with the weather...

Would give anything to know the strains you are growing... We need that universal seed and plant dna :-)
the camera was all good, it was the dumbass behind it. carpet will be fine, no stains.
we will just have to wait until harvest and taste test to maybe find out what strains they are.


Well-Known Member
btw i am smoking those little bud you gave me. they are tasty. just had the second bong. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
ooopps i meant that for pm.


Well-Known Member
btw i am smoking those little bud you gave me. they are tasty. just had the second bong. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
ooopps i meant that for pm.
I reckon, its yummy isnt it????

Having trouble staying out of the shed, keep going back in there to have another one... :-)


Well-Known Member
Just put my new Thermo Hygro meter in the big tent while the lights were off, and I think I have the whole Mould Issue well in hand... I haven't had any repeat appearances so I am pretty chuffed..

Temp in my big tent with lights off, and its a warm day here today, is 25.9 degrees celcius and the relative humidity is holding steady at 36%....

I am pretty happy with that..



Well-Known Member
hey Lacey nice grow :)
fellow aussie grower here, take a look at my journal let me know what ya think, im pretty new still.
im growin in autopots and perlite, growin WW from whitelabel :)
i read that your partner doesnt share your passion... haha same as mine! though she also wont complain with the finished product hehe.
autopots are pretty good too! havent had any issues so far with it
Hi there I would love to have a look at your journal, its easier if your journal can be located in your signature... What you do is go to My RollItUp and then on the left hand side go down the list until you get to a tab that says edit signature. You can put all kinds of really small stuff in there...
Then lots of people will be able to view your journal, every time you make a post...

Message me if you have any more questions...
Laceygirl.. :-)


Well-Known Member
just checking in. your still not chopping on mass haha, props for sticking it out!
Hi Don :-)
Every night I go in there and expect to see them ready, and they're not quite there... I've had to cut a few down due to collapse from weight, but other than that, I've stayed away with the scissors... The good news is, I have now stopped buying pot :-)...I have enough to get me thru till the big chop which is nice...:weed:


I reckon about another week....

Eightenough came over last night and took some nice photos with his good camera, and you can see from the photos, I'm close, but no cigar yet....



Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again and I am sick as a dog.:spew:

.. I have a stomach thing... I feel like death warmed up...:sad: Even cones don't make me feel better, that's just sad...

But on another note, I did top the two crossbreeds today... I need them to be bushier....

The pics below are before and after shots of the far left plant in the mother tent... Eightenough was kind enough to take these photos for me... :-)

Hang on....:spew:

This is ridiculous...:-( I need to eat something to stop my tummy rumbling but it just bounces...

It would take two of me to feel worse...



Active Member
Isn't it awesome???? Considering we are the Sunburnt We are like Jamaica at the Winter Olympics... lol :-)
I rooted her on and cheered for her when she won.......and then blazed a J for her too ;)

She beat out the entire Chinese team, which was expected to sweep that event :D



Well-Known Member
Found this in the Harvesting and Curing Thread.... I need to remember this... This person knows how to dry...

Drying is the most key part of the whole smell and flavor department,
not flush.

Smell and flavor are related to the chloraphyl in the plant matter, while
the harshness, and burning of the throat and lungs is described when
smoking herb which hasn't been flushed properly.

You need to allow all of the chloraphyl to release while drying, but the problem
is that chloraphyl is only released and a certain rate, which is much slower
than water is allowed to release,you must allow adequate time to dry, and
the humidity needs to be around 35-45%, this allows the buds to stay moist
long enough to allow the chloraphyl to escape. It should take around 8 days
for the stem between the buds to be dry enough to snap when bent.

Do not cut up individual branches when harvesting and hanging, this
allows the moisture to escape too quickly!

Do not trim the buds of their leaves before they are completely dried,
this also allows moisture to escape. Also this is KEY for the curing process,
a properly dried bud will smell MAGNIFICENT right after it is done being
trimmed. Trimming allows the terpenes to really expose themselves and
this causes excess moisture within the leaves and buds to allow the bud
to "sweat" and this is needs to happen right before the buds are jarred,
if you do this before you dry them, what happens to the terpenes? They are
released in to the air and dissipate, you need to do this before you jar them
and then the buds sit and bask in their own dankness..... This is how the
curing process begins.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha ditto lacey every day i stick my head in the door hoping miraculously they'll have all turned a nice amber shade and be ready but it just aint happening eh

interesting take on the drying and curing im gonna give it a go i usually trim the sugar leaves then hang to dry working off the principle theres less plant matter to have moisture in haha well see

hope you feel better soon lacey!