I guess I'm not the only one using my refund at HTG...


Well-Known Member
Got my refund 2 weeks ago.

Ordered a 600W digital HPS, 6" 435cfm fan and carbon filter 10 days ago...

HTG has yet to ship my new toys.... why?

Because they ran out of ballasts!

I've dealt with HTG twice before and have nothing but good things to say about them. Heck, they're even throwing in a spare HPS bulb for the delay.

But damn... this shit is costing me money! I have 12 (soon to be 18) plants in flower already and they have a measly 65 watts worth of CFLs on them.

Damn you all for buying the same shit I did!
Got my refund 2 weeks ago.

Ordered a 600W digital HPS, 6" 435cfm fan and carbon filter 10 days ago...

HTG has yet to ship my new toys.... why?

Because they ran out of ballasts!

I've dealt with HTG twice before and have nothing but good things to say about them. Heck, they're even throwing in a spare HPS bulb for the delay.

But damn... this shit is costing me money! I have 12 (soon to be 18) plants in flower already and they have a measly 65 watts worth of CFLs on them.

Damn you all for buying the same shit I did!

HAHA they ran out of digi ballasts like 2 months ago too it took 2 weeks to get mine a month ago they will take care of you for sure they say ur gettin the spare bulb for free but u will get more then that for free ... at least i did
HAHA they ran out of digi ballasts like 2 months ago too it took 2 weeks to get mine a month ago they will take care of you for sure they say ur gettin the spare bulb for free but u will get more then that for free ... at least i did

I hope you're not referring to the HTG sticker and crap-o lighter/crap-o bottle opener that they send with all orders.:mrgreen:
At least you got thru! lol I friggin called and called needed about $900 worth of shit and ended up using 2 other stores for digi ballast and extractor fans. GAH!!! I tryed for 2 days couldn't get someone to take my mney but shit happens for a reason from the sounds of it because I should be good by Friday. I think you will be all good but shit still sucks ass man.
Got my refund 2 weeks ago.

Ordered a 600W digital HPS, 6" 435cfm fan and carbon filter 10 days ago...

HTG has yet to ship my new toys.... why?

Because they ran out of ballasts!

I've dealt with HTG twice before and have nothing but good things to say about them. Heck, they're even throwing in a spare HPS bulb for the delay.

But damn... this shit is costing me money! I have 12 (soon to be 18) plants in flower already and they have a measly 65 watts worth of CFLs on them.

Damn you all for buying the same shit I did!
Thats crazy you made this thread cuz I just order my 600hps and t-5 floro from htg I hope it dont take for ever I used my tax $ also
I ended up going with the quantums but the Digital Greenhouses have a fan also just not adjustable that's all. How much was it and what is your light setup? Like ballast,light, and hood? ANd if so what ones?
Nope what i got extra was a 10 dollar item ... dont want to spoil it just incase they dont do they same for you ... but with my free bulb and extras it was about 90$$ worth or free items
I hope you're not referring to the HTG sticker and crap-o lighter/crap-o bottle opener that they send with all orders.:mrgreen:

haha yea man ive ordered from htg on over $15000 worth of stuff in the past year..they are great. one of a kind...usuall fuckups..but in the end your taken care of which not too many buisness would throw in free shit like they do. they always send me free bulbs and timers...

but ya lighter/bottle openers blow..
cant even hardly light a spiff up or a cigg...fuck.

but all n all i believe they are a good company..
I ended up going with the quantums but the Digital Greenhouses have a fan also just not adjustable that's all. How much was it and what is your light setup? Like ballast,light, and hood? ANd if so what ones?

Digital Greenhouse 600 watt with Euro Hood and their 6" can fan/carbon filter combo. Just under $500 with shipping
Good news! The ballasts came in yesterday morning... and they hooked me up with 3-day guaranteed shipping (although it's gonna be 5 b/c of UPS not working on weekends, the bastards) so everything should be here by Tuesday!

Thanks, HTG!
Dude I am going to use them also I just got home and read my email from them what a great and friendly company. I guess they were just really busy the first couple times I called. I had placed an order and been trying to call and email dchydro.com with no luck so HTG supply it is for me also grabbed some sixes and a 1000 digital!
I ordered the same light/hood/ballast in early Feb and finally received it 2 weeks later. Did the extra bulb you guys got come with the shipment or seperately? They told me they were throwing in a free MH conversion bulb for the inconvenience, but it wasn't with my stuff. Can't decide if I'd look like a dick if I call them and ask about it. I'm tempted to though --- considering what all I've bought from them lately, they NEED to throw this dog a bone!!!
I ordered the same light/hood/ballast in early Feb and finally received it 2 weeks later. Did the extra bulb you guys got come with the shipment or seperately? They told me they were throwing in a free MH conversion bulb for the inconvenience, but it wasn't with my stuff. Can't decide if I'd look like a dick if I call them and ask about it. I'm tempted to though --- considering what all I've bought from them lately, they NEED to throw this dog a bone!!!
Used part of my refund on HTG, too. lol I just got four digital 600w from them like four weeks ago, with Euro hoods, and extra bulbs for each one, plus four 400w MH conversion bulbs. Final cost shipped, $1092. I asked for a discount, since it was a large order - they gave me all four of the extra 600w HPS bulbs for free, and took 10% off the remaining total.
If they promised you something, and it wasn't in there, it just got overlooked - call them, and they'll send it. You really can't find better customer service than HTG!
Called them about the bulb and they had it to me in under 48 hours!!!!! Talk about good customer service!!!!

Hmmmm.......Woman who knows how to grow --- with not one, not two, but FOUR 600 watters!!!!! I think I'm in love!!!! Lol
I am not having any luck LOl I am trying to get a discount on a 1300+ dollar order at least free shipping and just can't seem to get a hold of who I need to, to get a deal. Did you all ask for a deal? How much did you all spend for a deal? I do like this company I used them 3 years ago for their 400 watt mags and hoods and they were the nicest coolest company ever and I spent a measly 300 bucks then and they kissed my ass. Now I am just not having luck at all and spending 3 times as much.If I could get a call back or reply to my e-mails I would use them and if someone from HTG is on here you guys need more help or at least people who will give a little on a 1000 dollar plus order!

Can you all post a picture of your ballast? Do they look like the picture? can you hear that fan in the Digi Ballast? Anyone get the SunSoaker hoods? Peace RIU' ers
lol Mr.GreenJeans!

hydgrow, how long have you waited? They are pretty busy, and when I've emailed them, it's often taken four or five days to hear back. Talk to Perry in the shipping department. BTW - they won't really come off the shipping costs, but just tell them, you're going to place a large order, and is there anything they can do to help bring the cost down. They'll work with you. I don't know which ballast you want, but my stuff has always been exactly as pictured.
I used my tax return on HTG last year. They also messed up my order by sending me bulbs(argosun) that are not compadable with the digital greenhouse ballast. I had one in there for 2 weeks and it blew up, thankful it was in a cooltube. So i had bought an extra bulb to be safe. And that one blew up too! I called them pissed off and they sent me 3 sunmaster bulbs! So i got a 90 dollar bulb for free and they upgraded my other two i paid for. I cant complain one bit!!! TONY is the man to talk to, he will make it right.
It has been about 1 week since I stopped calling and started e-mailing them 10 days total in waiting for callbacks, e-mails, or even a piss-off. I understand they are busy that's why I am asking you all what is up and how long you waited. I did get a response to my email saying they will get back to me but that was days ago. I do understand that I could always pay full price and just order online but, do understand that I am asking for a deal so I have been patient but come on, I emailed since the 24th 3 times with one response being we will get to you we are busy.?

Even if it is not free shipping i want to purchase 3 600's with Sunsoaker hoods, 9 bulbs, and a couple of extractor fans, and ect. My exact total is just under 1400. and some change I have 1400 to spend but shippng is over the budget by 40.00 I don't think that is asking for to much of a discount, is it?
I would try and call, talk to them, and just ask. If you don't get through right away, try again later. I've had better luck getting through on the phone in the afternoons than in the morning, if that helps.