Tap water how does it effect your plants


Active Member

AZOO Chlorine&Chloramine remover ensures an immediate water condition for fishes by clearing away residual chlorine and neutralizing toxic chloramine.

Guess you never had an aquarium.


Nope, no fish... Well, that lived... Just plants...

And all and all... Your water will be purer with R.O. Not neutralized... Removed. Lot's of people use tap water and have great luck... But, I and a lot of other people like knowing that we are the ones adding chemicals to the water, not the water company.

If the add-ins work for you, then keep at it. I'm not hear to beat up on people. I just like bringing down my water from a start point of 200+ppm to 5ppm.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Nope, no fish... Well, that lived... Just plants...

And all and all... Your water will be purer with R.O. Not neutralized... Removed. Lot's of people use tap water and have great luck... But, I and a lot of other people like knowing that we are the ones adding chemicals to the water, not the water company.

If the add-ins work for you, then keep at it. I'm not hear to beat up on people. I just like bringing down my water from a start point of 200+ppm to 5ppm.

Best of luck.
I hear ya.:peace:

The OP said he didn't want to spend $100+ on a RO system if he didn't have to.

I pointed out an alternative.:leaf: Now, once he gets a few grows under his belt and has a better handle on what's going on, he may decide to go with RO.

I agree with you about RO water and purity and for some it is a necessity because their water is so bad. But, for most, it is a luxury to make things easier, but not a 'must have'. At least not at the moment.

That was my point.



I hear ya.:peace:

The OP said he didn't want to spend $100+ on a RO system if he didn't have to.

I pointed out an alternative.:leaf: Now, once he gets a few grows under his belt and has a better handle on what's going on, he may decide to go with RO.

I agree with you about RO water and purity and for some it is a necessity because their water is so bad. But, for most, it is a luxury to make things easier, but not a 'must have'. At least not at the moment.

That was my point.

I agree also on how important ro water is to plants and I concluded that the chlorine/chlormine is pretty much taken alway my micros which the plant really need so with that being said I will buy ro water until I get enough for an ro system which I think fars as Im concern is needed. I will give final analysis as soon as I go through a couple of feed water/nutes etc.


Well-Known Member
I agree also on how important ro water is to plants and I concluded that the chlorine/chlormine is pretty much taken alway my micros which the plant really need so with that being said I will buy ro water until I get enough for an ro system which I think fars as Im concern is needed. I will give final analysis as soon as I go through a couple of feed water/nutes etc.
Do as you like, but I've noticed no ill effects on my BB or mycos from using de-chlorinated tap water. Or, to my worm castings tea (have my own worm bin), with the same water.

I have good BB and Myco on my outdoor plants which just get straight tap water from the hose. Feed them with molasses and the chlorine/chlormine really doesn't seem to affect them at all. Not by the way my garden produced anyway.:weed:

If you insist on buying water, I think Spring water would be better than the RO, but that is up to you to see what works best.



Well-Known Member
Do as you like, but I've noticed no ill effects on my BB or mycos from using de-chlorinated tap water. Or, to my worm castings tea (have my own worm bin), with the same water.

I have good BB and Myco on my outdoor plants which just get straight tap water from the hose. Feed them with molasses and the chlorine/chlormine really doesn't seem to affect them at all. Not by the way my garden produced anyway.:weed:

If you insist on buying water, I think Spring water would be better than the RO, but that is up to you to see what works best.

I'm with you; been gardening with chloramine water for decades before I knew what it was; never seen any effect.

The chloramine water vs myco and soil bacteria thing has been studied. There's a minor suppression of activity that is resumed within hours. So yes, there's an effect but, no, it doesn't indicate against using the water.

Not telling anyone what they should do; just telling you what the science says.


Well-Known Member
will one of those pur water filter clears the chloramine out the water
I don't know, but I doubt it. Even a standard RO unit won't remove chloramine.


Have a look around, reef guys are really fanatics about pure water. Till doing a little research, I never knew that standard RO units didn't remove chloramine.:dunce:



I don't know, but I doubt it. Even a standard RO unit won't remove chloramine.


Have a look around, reef guys are really fanatics about pure water. Till doing a little research, I never knew that standard RO units didn't remove chloramine.:dunce:

it dont? i'm pretty sure an standard ro system will get the chloramine out at least thats what been reading. I did buy those water conditional drop the active ingredient are as followed sodium chloride,aloe vera and polyvinyllpyrrolidone will that be ok for the plants


Active Member
it dont? i'm pretty sure an standard ro system will get the chloramine out at least thats what been reading. I did buy those water conditional drop the active ingredient are as followed sodium chloride,aloe vera and polyvinyllpyrrolidone will that be ok for the plants
no one really knows if they can be used as it seems reading though this thread. give it a try on an isolated plant.. also try to use just plain tap water on an isolated plant (ph adjusted ofcorse)..

I dont use tap water but.. my water is like 300 PPM out of the tap and 7.0 PH.. I use one of those ZeroWater carbon filter things.. its not reverse osmosis or anything fancy but it drops the water to 0 ppm and lowers the PH. Anyway this thing looks like one of those water machines in a doctors office but you add your own water to the top and replace the filters now and then.. its been working for me..

Your tapwater may cause less harm then those drops from the pet store or the drops may do nothing of harm.. who knows.. go the cheap way like i did and even if the clorinamine isnt removed it isnt hurting my adventures


Well-Known Member
it dont? i'm pretty sure an standard ro system will get the chloramine out at least thats what been reading. I did buy those water conditional drop the active ingredient are as followed sodium chloride,aloe vera and polyvinyllpyrrolidone will that be ok for the plants
This is the first time I've ever heard of chloramine specific RO units myself. Look around the site real quick, a lot of saltwater reef stuff, super pure water.

Drops should be ok. 1 drop/gallon, yes?



New Member
just get a brita water pitcher for your watering needs, they use activated carbon and that sucks up most of the shit in the water, not all of it but most. All my plants were dying until the filter was bought.

10 bucks for the offbrand unit at walgreens, they actually have better filters than the brita unit.

rep please i am new x )


This is the first time I've ever heard of chloramine specific RO units myself. Look around the site real quick, a lot of saltwater reef stuff, super pure water.

Drops should be ok. 1 drop/gallon, yes?

I got something called saferight from walmarty but Im scare to use it I also picked up a du point water filtraration system that hooks straight to the faucet i'm going to hook that up in a few and see what ppms is at. I know from the start before I run it through its at 170ppm.I dont know how you guys micros live with that chloramine with ammonia. Im using organic nute.are you guys using synthetic nute maybe that make it different?



Well-Known Member
I got something called saferight from walmarty but Im scare to use it I also picked up a du point water filtraration system that hooks straight to the faucet i'm going to hook that up in a few and see what ppms is at. I know from the start before I run it through its at 170ppm.I dont know how you guys micros live with that chloramine with ammonia. Im using organic nute.are you guys using synthetic nute maybe that make it different?

Its high levels of chlorine that plants cant handle, chlorine is actually on the list of micro nutrients for plants:leaf:


Active Member
Depending on where you live, tap water is of great quality.. New York's Tap water is about 40ppms to start .. lol .. which means if you live in a state with similar water quality you don't have to do much .. most all BIG cities have good water .. R/O systems are good but IMO are a waste of money .. they don't improve yield anymore than good quality tap water ..

And besides .. people act so funny about what chemicals goes into their marijuana without realizing that farmers have been using all types of chemicals and regular tap water for years .. and NOBODY complains about their crops when they are shopping at the grocery store .. I'm not here to Bash anyone .. but if you haven't purchased a R/O system .. then DON'T .. SAVE YOUR MONEY ...

Everything in this world has some chemical in it ..chemicals have become a part of our society... whether in the rain or the soil in ground .. lol .. if y'all are so concerned with having a CHEMICAL FREE world then stop growing pot and Join a Global Environmental agency .. hahaha .. which won't do any good .. TAP WATER GROWS GREAT POT .. END OF STORY .. Peace :)


Active Member
Nope, no fish... Well, that lived... Just plants...

And all and all... Your water will be purer with R.O. Not neutralized... Removed. Lot's of people use tap water and have great luck... But, I and a lot of other people like knowing that we are the ones adding chemicals to the water, not the water company.

If the add-ins work for you, then keep at it. I'm not hear to beat up on people. I just like bringing down my water from a start point of 200+ppm to 5ppm.

Best of luck.
It doesn't just "Neutralize" .. lol .. It breaks down the chemical bonds .. it all gets Evaporated out .. meaning "GONE" .. and Azoo is not the best product Kordon AmQuel is IMO .. It's been used for 20 years ..

It also removes Ammonia .. which can also help flush the growing media .. Ammonia is produced by all living things through their waste .. bacteria create excess Ammonia inside the root zone as they break down the soil and excrete waste.. which can also be harmful ... when AmQuel is used in water that is used in the root zone it helps to flush out excess bacterial waste that can build up .. AmQuel is actually better than an R/O system .. and it cost less money ..

When used in Hydroponic systems .. it helps to prevent Algae .. because Algae LOVES Ammonia ..

R/O systems alone do not remove Ammonia without adding a special filters .. so again I say .. WASTE OF MONEY .. but as the old saying goes .. EACH TO HIS/HER OWN :)
Happy growing


Well-Known Member
My tap has chloromines in it which won't evaporate. 3 drops of Tap Water Conditioner and problem solved. PH it to around 6.5 (it's around 8 from the tap), put some Cal-Mag and some 1/4 strength nutes in it and dump it on the plants. Even if you use tap, Cal-Mag never hurts. I use 5ml per gallon. IMO the whole idea that if you use tap you don't need a cal-mag supplement is bullshit. My tap water comes from a big nearby river and there are very little minerals in it. Without the Cal-Mag, my plants suffer.

Bottom line is that even with chloramines, tap is completely fine. Nutralize it, PH it, and put some cal-mag in it. You'll have zero problems using tap water.


Well-Known Member
from what ive learned growing, and having fish tanks, is that chlorine/chloramine/ammonia all will dissipate out over time. fill up a bucket, leave it there for 3 days then use it. if your extra worried, go to the pet store and get water treatment stuff for a *tropical tank* not african/saltwater.

or get an RO filter...