Who the Fu*k You Are and What the Fu*k You Stand For

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty tired of people claiming to know what other people are or what they believe or what they're about more than themselves, so this thread is to destroy all that and post what you believe, why you believe it, right there in black and white. I suspect only the brave ones will do it because whoever does, from this point on is subject to be held accountable for the shit they say. I'll be quoting people and referencing this thread in the future.

If you want to question someones opinion, you have to respond with a counter opinion or argument you think is better and why it's better, otherwise the other person isn't obligated to reply at all.

Organized Religion

I think the organization of religious people is sort of pointless and only serves to create a vulnerable mindset. In short it's dangerous for the people practicing it, reinforcing each of their opinions, no matter how insane they may be, and dangerous for the people around them who don't practice it. Be it because they commit violence or influence other people to commit violence. I believe every person has the right to practice whatever religion they think is right, or none at all.


Should be a personal decision left up to the mother. Should not be used as a form of birth control. I believe making it illegal is not the right thing to do and would not decrease the amount of abortions performed. Safe sex practices and responsible education would decrease abortion rates.

Gun Rights

I think anybody should have the right to a reasonable arsenal of weapons. "Reasonable" should be kept vague.

Gay Rights/Gay Marriage

None of my business. Sexual orientation doesn't matter to me, rights come first. I don't feel threatened in any way by gay people having the same rights I have.

Foreign Policy/Military

I think we should decrease the military budget substantially and focus our attention on the conflicts we're currently involved in and protecting the American homeland and our allies and certain American interests or assets. Percentages of the military budget spent in other ways could substantially increase our economy, create jobs, finance better science and better education, etc. countless other much smarter investments could be made with the money we spend on weapons.


The Federal Reserve system is slavery. Abolished. I don't have an alternative solution as it's a complicated issue.


Education is a joke in this country. Stuff that should be taught is never touched on, stuff that couldn't be less important to life or the real world gets entire classes devoted to it... American students are remedial when compared to European students. No child left behind is gone. Better teachers who want to educate kids and not just work for a paycheck should be doing the job. Incentive in compensation for better teachers.


Not a right, should be automatic given the amount we spend on the military...


Should be emphasized much more than it is.

pray if you want but dont force me to pray in your way. abortion is wrong but maybe shouldnt be compleatly illegal? extreme situations? should have gun rights you should be able to hunt and to defend yourself family property friends and neighbors. being gay is some kind of mental or genetic thing but they have the right to live life and be left alone...just please dont infringe on my rights with your gayness. Avoid war and conflict whenever possible if its unavoidable go their and take everything and elimanate the enemy compleatly and take everything of value...war is horrible if you have one youd better win. i think we should isolate ourselves more and buy and manufacture american. Money..end the Fed and dont spend money you dont have as a nation and as an individual. teaching should be made to be as rewarding as a music careear or being an athleete...the children are our future. our health care system is good but we need to focus on preventing illness instead of treating it and drug companys shouldnt be trying to market medications. science...??? i think its kind of scary...rember the MAD scientsts from comic books?? their real and their cloning sheep and making transvestites and weird weapons...SCARY
Who the fuck am I? Your average stoned slacker. 5 years college and 5 classes short of a degree, blue collar, lower middle class upbringing in New Jersey backcountry, where all the conservatives hide out. Currently unemployed, living on severance, savings, and unemployment. Lucky that my girlfriends doctorate program brought us here to Oregon, where I became a full time legal patient/grower after getting laid off.

Now that you have a little background on me, I define myself as 'progressive', which is often associated with liberal. Although my views often coincide with the left, I define myself as progressive moreso because I believe in things like equal rights and civil liberties. I believe government is a necessary evil and the current left/right thing we have going on in this country is horrible. The right has many good ideas, as does the left. I voted for Obama and am deeply disappointed so far, although the jury is still out on him. I am an unabashed critic of our previous administration. I felt we never should have gone to war with Afghanistan or Iraq, and that a far more intelligent and covert misison should have been conducted. If I was able to vote in the primaries, I would have voted for Obama over Hillary not because I thought he was the better candidate, but because he was the more viabe candidate to defeat McCain. This year, I want to go 3rd party, but detest Ron Paul for his stance on abortion (which I will refuse to argue and respect any viewpoint, no matter how misguided I may think it is) and especially Israel. I once held pretty far right views on abortion, gay marriage, and other issues of the sort, but have changed my stance when I could not defend my viewpoints against those who articulated betetr ones that struck true with my core beliefs.

I will come back and edit this as time goes on and I get drunker and see more responses. Good idea for a thread!
What happens to a guy if he's in prison, and everybodies taking a shower right? And he gets A BONER?
The OP should have added that he is unspeakably self-absorbed to think the rest of us care.
I'm a sovereign person wannabe. The wannabe part is because of restrictions placed upon me against my will and without my consent.

I don't believe anybody should own me or you. I think if you leave others alone, they should reciprocate. I believe for me anyway, government is an unnecessary evil. I don't believe there are any "necessary evils".

I believe involuntary "participation" in a system that is forced upon people is "evil". I believe voluntary interactions are "good" as long as the parties to it are in agreement. My right to life, liberty and property, are sacred, so are yours. I believe it is wrong to initiate aggression, but there are times when self defense is needed. Unfortunatey, there are assholes in the world.

Concerning politics, I'm fine with people cooperating as long as they recognize their sphere of influence should extend only over those that agree to it. If I vote it isn't to encourage the growth of systems that control people, it is to shut the system down.

All the rest of "politics" is pretty much bullshit rationalizations to accomodate people's reasons why they or their "leaders" can control you against your will.

I recognize that my way of thinking is not mainstream. I also recognize that most people thought the world was flat just a few hundred years ago.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty tired of people claiming to know what other people are or what they believe or what they're about more than themselves, so this thread is to destroy all that and post what you believe, why you believe it, right there in black and white. I suspect only the brave ones will do it because whoever does, from this point on is subject to be held accountable for the shit they say. I'll be quoting people and referencing this thread in the future.

If you want to question someones opinion, you have to respond with a counter opinion or argument you think is better and why it's better, otherwise the other person isn't obligated to reply at all.

Organized Religion

I think the organization of religious people is sort of pointless and only serves to create a vulnerable mindset. In short it's dangerous for the people practicing it, reinforcing each of their opinions, no matter how insane they may be, and dangerous for the people around them who don't practice it. Be it because they commit violence or influence other people to commit violence. I believe every person has the right to practice whatever religion they think is right, or none at all.


Should be a personal decision left up to the mother. Should not be used as a form of birth control. I believe making it illegal is not the right thing to do and would not decrease the amount of abortions performed. Safe sex practices and responsible education would decrease abortion rates.

Gun Rights

I think anybody should have the right to a reasonable arsenal of weapons. "Reasonable" should be kept vague.

Gay Rights/Gay Marriage

None of my business. Sexual orientation doesn't matter to me, rights come first. I don't feel threatened in any way by gay people having the same rights I have.

Foreign Policy/Military

I think we should decrease the military budget substantially and focus our attention on the conflicts we're currently involved in and protecting the American homeland and our allies and certain American interests or assets. Percentages of the military budget spent in other ways could substantially increase our economy, create jobs, finance better science and better education, etc. countless other much smarter investments could be made with the money we spend on weapons.


The Federal Reserve system is slavery. Abolished. I don't have an alternative solution as it's a complicated issue.


Education is a joke in this country. Stuff that should be taught is never touched on, stuff that couldn't be less important to life or the real world gets entire classes devoted to it... American students are remedial when compared to European students. No child left behind is gone. Better teachers who want to educate kids and not just work for a paycheck should be doing the job. Incentive in compensation for better teachers.


Not a right, should be automatic given the amount we spend on the military...


Should be emphasized much more than it is.

I agree with this for the most part except health-care. If you are born in the United States and work and pay taxes in this great country of ours Health Care should be a right...We as Americans also need to stop super-sizing and start eating more healthier!!!!
I agree with this for the most part except health-care. If you are born in the United States and work and pay taxes in this great country of ours Health Care should be a right...We as Americans also need to stop super-sizing and start eating more healthier!!!!

So if a healthcare worker wants to quit their job, they can't because it's your "right" to their service?

Don't you already have the right to buy healthcare insurance now?

It seems you are really saying that it is YOUR right, to have ME pay for your health care. I don't want to, but I'd never stand in your way of having insurance or not as long as you fund it.

Why do you insist I buy something I don't want?
Why do you insist I buy something I don't want?

The same way that people who don't want so much spent on the military still have to pay for it? I assume the poster was implying that having all citizens get health care should be given as high a priority as military spending gets.
I am, among many other things, a person who is no longer shocked but never the less saddened by the notion that we have become a Nation filled with people who can sum up all of their beliefs about life in a few paragraphs. They sum up life within a bumper sticker and then have absolute confidence in their opinions, dismissing as unenlightened, evil and mean spirited those who properly perceive life as being as complex and nuanced as it is.
So if a health care worker wants to quit their job, they can't because it's your "right" to their service?

Don't you already have the right to buy health care insurance now?

It seems you are really saying that it is YOUR right, to have ME pay for your health care. I don't want to, but I'd never stand in your way of having insurance or not as long as you fund it.

Why do you insist I buy something I don't want?
If a health care worker quit his/her job I don't think we would have any problem with someone else taking her/his place.
I guess you don't pay taxes, because if you did you would know that you are already paying for stuff you may not want. Again I repeat " If you pay taxes and born in the U.S. Health Care should be a right. America suppose to be the best and can't find away to offer her people affordable Health Care..geezzzzzz:wall:
The same way that people who don't want so much spent on the military still have to pay for it? I assume the poster was implying that having all citizens get health care should be given as high a priority as military spending gets.
defending its citizens and keeping the peace, preventing others from infringing on your basic rights, is one of government's primary responsibilities, seeing to your health is not. caring for yourself is your own responsibility, as are feeding yourself and housing yourself. expecting the general population to see to your welfare would seem to indicate a rather obvious lack of personal responsibility.
Yeah, I actually have mixed feelings on the whole health care thing. On the one hand, our gov. seems so incompetent in so many ways. Do we want to trust them to handle it? On the other hand, the rest of the civilized world makes sure that their citizens can all receive health care, and don't have their lives totally ruined financially by some drastic disease/injury - and many of them do it successfully. It does seem like an important thing, and it's hard to understand why we are not able to do it too.

defending its citizens and keeping the peace, preventing others from infringing on your basic rights, is one of government's primary responsibilities, seeing to your health is not. caring for yourself is your own responsibility, as are feeding yourself and housing yourself. expecting the general population to see to your welfare would seem to indicate a rather obvious lack of personal responsibility.
The OP should have added that he is unspeakably self-absorbed to think the rest of us care.

You couldn't even get past the title?

"who the fuck YOU are and what the fuck YOU stand for"

Take it slow and try again... baby steps.

The national anthem.

Purposefully vague...got it. This thread doesn't allow your vague bullshit. State who the FUCK YOU ARE and what the FUCK YOUR ABOUT, otherwise, piss off.

I am, among many other things, a person who is no longer shocked but never the less saddened by the notion that we have become a Nation filled with people who can sum up all of their beliefs about life in a few paragraphs. They sum up life within a bumper sticker and then have absolute confidence in their opinions, dismissing as unenlightened, evil and mean spirited those who properly perceive life as being as complex and nuanced as it is.

I suspect only the brave ones will do it because whoever does, from this point on is subject to be held accountable for the shit they say. I'll be quoting people and referencing this thread in the future.

Just like I said. :hump:

Come on Padawan, don't rip on Illegal Smile because he hasn't had a chance to check what Fox News has said on the topic.
I guess you can put me down as liberal by choice and conservative by income. I believe in choice on abortion as I have no uterous and really don't know how I'd deal with an unwanted pregnancy, mine that is. I believe health care should be a right in a first world country, especially in this, the richest on earth. I believe that wealth should not be soley claimed by the wealthy, ( something like 85% of the wealth is owned by 15% of the people). I believe we should cut and run from all wars that have no real menace to our society, big egos are too expensive in blood and treasure. I believe that empire is too expensive to the citizens and too beneficial to the wealthy. I belive in the right to own and carry guns, (I have a carry permit). I believe people should have a right to their expressions as long as they don't mess with others rights. I believe that freedom comes with responsibilities. Religion has a beneficial effect on some people, the zealots of course are what's wrong with religion, pressing their beliefs on other people and espousing violence in the name of their lord. There are many more sub-sections to my beliefs, but this will suffice and get the name calling started.