marijuana laws in texas,north carolina,pennsylvania?


i wasnt sure where to look or even if i would understand it so im gunna ask yall the smart ones!

i am ether gunna live in texas, north carolina, or pennsylvania!

i wanna grow just 2 plants in my attic and have it very stealth where u cant smell shit and not tell anyone and just have it for me and me alone to smoke no selling no giving to friends nothing

so lets say i get caught somehow but not likely in these 3 states what would happen to me? just a ticket and probation? or what? jail time? any advice on info yall know would be greatly appriciated thx yall!


Active Member
Texas and NC is definateley jail time. It doesn't matter if you grow 1 or 100. The police will tell you they are looking for the guy that grows 20 or 50 plants, but alas, that is not how they will treat you as they knock on your door, say they smell pot, and proceed to treat you like a criminal as they kill your two plants and take your 2 ounces of bud. You should like, move out west. Get a medical card and live happily. Why the fuck would you want to move to Texas anyways?


haha well for 1 i am from texas lol and u havent been to austin im guessing everyone smokes in austin and everyone from texas will tell u that everyone smokes weed in texas lol unless u are a hardcore christian lol north carolina has a beach town i wanna live in called carolina beach and i dont like cali that much lol and how do u know if its jail time? i like portland where your from it just gets to fuckin cold lol


Active Member
It doesn't matter if "everyone" smokes in Austin. I was raised between Little Rock, Arkansas and Houston, Texas. You are not everyone. If you grow and the police use their dirty tactics (because in the south, police use dirty tactics, such as infrared FLIR cameras that show exactly where you are venting the air from your grow lights) to get you, believe me you will be got.

Also: It's about as warm/cool over here as it is in Texas. There is no mugginess from the humidity and a lot less storms. It's only "cold" in the cascades, and that is only at high elevation.


Well-Known Member
i wanna grow just 2 plants in my attic and have it very stealth where u cant smell shit and not tell anyone and just have it for me and me alone to smoke no selling no giving to friends nothing
Stick to that, and it won't matter what the law is.


Well-Known Member

I'm no lawyer but I am from PA and I would think if caught with a "plant or 2" in your attic would probably warrant the 30g or less misdemeanor. If you have no prior record it would probably come with some probation and a fine. I'm not sure how it works with growing though. I guess if they want to be pricks they can use the entire weight of the plants and charge you with having lets say a pound when in actually the plant might only contain and ounce of actual bud.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt sure where to look or even if i would understand it so im gunna ask yall the smart ones!

i am ether gunna live in texas, north carolina, or pennsylvania!

i wanna grow just 2 plants in my attic and have it very stealth where u cant smell shit and not tell anyone and just have it for me and me alone to smoke no selling no giving to friends nothing

so lets say i get caught somehow but not likely in these 3 states what would happen to me? just a ticket and probation? or what? jail time? any advice on info yall know would be greatly appriciated thx yall!
An attic grow in Texas wont work unless you got a/c in the attic.


Well-Known Member
n.c. 59 yrs now---20 yrs ago it cost me 12000.00 for 1 pot plant plus 3000.00 lawyer --who was buddies to the DA .i got no jail,no probation,nothing but court cost and ofcourse the came and took 12000.00 woth of my money and property for tax purposes.a few thousand in cash---my motorcycle---all my camping stuff---fishing stuff---my old mazda work truck---cam corder and a big screen tv.then they gave me the opertunity to buy it back at auction.<dirty>-----judge did order them to give me my work truck lawyer was a good one and i work for myself and had 10 or so letters from higher people around town to say i was hard working,honest etc --it helped.look out in n.c. also alot to do with county some are good some are out for blood.