To Hell with the Baby Boomers!

What was the U.S. like when they took over? Look at the shitwhole we have now!

You ain't seen nothin yet.

I agree. They screwed things up in more ways than we even know. Forcing women into the workforce contrary to their nature and best interest was one of their more brilliant ideas. They were so drunk off the notion of equality that they failed to think about the ramifications. And nobody likes to talk about this either - it's one of those taboo subjects.

So, what happens when you cause a sudden massive spike in the work force without increasing jobs while simultaneously pairing wage earners into two income homes based largely on income? You wind up with an exploding crevasse between the rich and poor, high rates of unemployment and a bunch of poorly raised crappy citizens and miserable people.

Yep, they had some great ideas alright.
...Forcing women into the workforce contrary to their nature and best interest...

Uh, your misogyny is showing. Who forced women into the workforce? How is it contrary to their nature? How is it contrary to their best interest?

I have seen so much drivel out of you these last few days it is sickening. Rather than spend hours composing detailed arguments like you so demand, I am going to turn the table on you and ask you to justify just this one statement. Once you attempt a justiication, I will tell you why you are wrong.

Hint: One thing you may want to adress is why in the fuck you would be so retarded as to believe that it is in womens' best interests to remain dependent/subservient to a male breadwinner. That might be a good start.

With every post like this, your idiocy shows more and more and more. Quite revealing.
...Forcing women into the workforce contrary to their nature and best interest...

Uh, your misogyny is showing. Who forced women into the workforce? How is it contrary to their nature? How is it contrary to their best interest?

I have seen so much drivel out of you these last few days it is sickening. Rather than spend hours composing detailed arguments like you so demand, I am going to turn the table on you and ask you to justify just this one statement. Once you attempt a justiication, I will tell you why you are wrong.

Hint: One thing you may want to adress is why in the fuck you would be so retarded as to believe that it is in womens' best interests to remain dependent/subservient to a male breadwinner. That might be a good start.

With every post like this, your idiocy shows more and more and more. Quite revealing.

Them's fightin' words.
Duke: Do you really think we and they are better of today then we were 30 years ago? Idon't like the women living under the bootheals of men. I do see alot of women that would prefer that working be an option. Our family structure has fallen apart because it takes one person working 60 hours a week and another working at least 40 hours a week to have a life that use to be provided by one person.
I hate all of these old fucks who are saying public option and healthcare reform is some how some step to turning America into some Nazi State. Have they never heard of medicare? I love how now they complain medicare is bankrupt and corrupt. Although they enjoyed it's benifits for how long now?
I hate all of these old fucks who are saying public option and healthcare reform is some how some step to turning America into some Nazi State. Have they never heard of medicare? I love how now they complain medicare is bankrupt and corrupt. Although they enjoyed it's benifits for how long now?

Did you hear the one about the protester holding up a sign reading "Keep your government hands off my medicare!"

True story.
Say it ain't were one of em? :lol:
Not to turn this into the GW thread, but I'm kind of agnostic when it comes to CC, but I don't think accepting it could hurt if you're the green type. Kind of like an agnostic theist that doesn't want to get raped up the ass in the afterlife, if such a thing existed. End of story. Sorry for vulgarity.
Wow, a snowman. Well, certainly that disproves the vast amounts of data showing the ice caps receding, plankton levels dropping, and ocean levels rising during a 30 year period where they should have been doing the exact opposite.
Some people still do believe in manmade climate change. They are called 90% of the scientific community.

Actually, the uneducated masses, mostly the gullible, used to believe in man made global warming. Then science showed them it wasn't. Learn the facts.
Wow, a snowman. Well, certainly that disproves the vast amounts of data showing the ice caps receding, plankton levels dropping, and ocean levels rising during a 30 year period where they should have been doing the exact opposite.
Should have? So you believe in God?