Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
im 22 and doing it for a career but as a hobby if that makes sence lol , im only doing a cert 3 atm but its all pretty much common sence, i should of just jumped into a dimploma if i could have ... the only hard part is remembering the different types of native weeds/plants

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
so u make shematics and build bridges and stuff ? you sound smart lol i was suprised how many smart ppl were studying horticulture u think its going to be all dumb stoners but it turns out theres alot of really smart smokers.
lol. Yeah Dope doesn't equal dumb.

Been smoking since about 17years old.
Growing since 18 years old. hehe. Got kazillions of assorted seeds going back over the last 15years.

I just don't enjoy drinking m8. I don't smoke pure hydro; it really trashes me.

Don't do drawings; thats for the draftsman. Or Bridges (thats seperate field in itself).

I mainly do remedial repair for structural failures. lol Like worksafe inspections and shearwall failures. I'm the stoned dude that peeps ask "Will the building collapse?".

Prior to that I made up mix designs and tested road making materials for freeways etc. Worked abit O/S consulting.

Being stonned hasn't really dulled the mind at all. :-P


Well-Known Member
what are u talking about lol , did i spell something wrong i have no idea what your saying ... maybe im just to shit faced.
Yes you are. So am i. Sence is also spelt sense. I was just playing though. Your spelling sucks but your growing rocks and that's what matters around here.


Well-Known Member
i have decided to postpone the cooking until tomorrow. i believe i am too stoned to be stuffing around on the kitchen. i will make my mull muffins in the morning. good night all.


Well-Known Member
lol. Yeah Dope doesn't equal dumb.

Been smoking since about 17years old.
Growing since 18 years old. hehe. Got kazillions of assorted seeds going back over the last 15years.

I just don't enjoy drinking m8. I don't smoke pure hydro; it really trashes me.

Don't do drawings; thats for the draftsman. Or Bridges (thats seperate field in itself).

I mainly do remedial repair for structural failures. lol Like worksafe inspections and shearwall failures. I'm the stoned dude that peeps ask "Will the building collapse?".

Prior to that I made up mix designs and tested road making materials for freeways etc. Worked abit O/S consulting.

Being stonned has really dulled the mind at all. :-P
rofl .. u mean it hasnt dulled ? what state are u from ?


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's a dyslexic love-in in here tonight, lubricated with a slab of liquid confusion.

Dammit I need more pot.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's a dyslexic love-in in here tonight, lubricated with a slab of liquid confusion.

Dammit I need more pot.
knickers Monday the Mrs goes away with her mum for 5 days and the gunge comes out. Not since NY. You will get some real gibberish then. Tune in for some rubbish from the Rock if he can still type.


Well-Known Member
Yep top 44 or if you belive the hype any thing from bcseeds
I'm going to order a 100 strain from them to find out if they are bs or not then if it works get one of the better strains
I know I'm going to lose 100 smackers but what if it's for real huh huh