Super Silver Haze CFL Hydro Closet Grow.


Well-Known Member
ok, so this is a clone that i brought home from my buddys house were we have other several other plants growing, (ill keep you posted on that its in another thread), i took her because she was the only sativa and was taller than all the other babies, iv had her for about a week now in my closet under 3 42 watt cfl's and in these last few days iv noticed rapid growth its almost like you can literally watch it grow lol. well heres a few pics let me know how you guy's think she looks and what not.


Well-Known Member
Will do Fred! here's a quick small update, I know its only been 2 days, but shes going strong! starting to show her pre-flowers, with my magnifying glass I can barley see a small pistil sticking out, ill post some new pics in a week.


Well-Known Member
Heres a few new pics I took just now off the SSH, I tryed super cropping but failed:wall: so had to take the branch off and turn it into a clone, I know im an idiot, anyways here take a look.


Well-Known Member
Hello, thought I would drop in and comment. Super Silver Haze is a fine choice. I have grown several SSH crops, and strains with tied lineage alike. A wonderful sativa with various phenos to delight. I am sure you will enjoy the GH gear. GL


Well-Known Member
Hello, and Happy Friday to everyone. Just a small update on my SSH, Shes still going strong, looking very healthy, no signs of any deficiencies, I have been watering her about 2-3 times a day with mid-size vegetation solution pH stays at 5.8, I'm gonna start feeding her the open sesame nutes on Monday. If any of you saw my post yesterday than you saw that I attempted to put her under that milk crate in the picture in hope of starting a SCROG, but it just wasn't working out for me, I didn't have easy access to the lower portion of the plant nor any of the plant for that matter, it was like she was kinda trapped in that crate and it was just to hard for me to feed that way, so I just said eff it and decided to take it out and just let her be. I will def try SCROG again in the future, but if I'm going to do it I would rather it be done the right way or not at all, anyways Here's a couple pics I just took. Comments/Advice welcome.


Well-Known Member
Sure, it is a Super Silver Haze clone about a week into flowering, under 5 42 watt CFL's atm, the clone itself is in a rockwool cube that I put into this pot and I am using Hydroton as my medium, temp stays at 72-80. anything else?
I am confused about your set up. Explain it please.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is Hydro. No it does not have an air stone there is no need for an air stone, if I had it in a netpot and the roots were dangaling in the water than I would need an airstone, but the plants roots are getting plenty of oxygen in the medium I have which is Hydroton, since the small clay pebbeles are loose the drainage/aeriation is very good and it is almost impossible to over water.
Is it a hydro set-up? With the airstone and all that good stuff?


Well-Known Member
I have the same thing going on here, these are 10 other frm my buddies, 4 OG PURP 4 Headband and 2 L.A Confidential. The only difference here is there on drippers.


Well-Known Member
If I'm doing something wrong please don't hesitate to tell me, cause this is my first time doing hydro, Ive grown organic for years, but this hydro is all new for me.


Well-Known Member
Small update on the SSH. Lights have been 12/12 for a little over a week now. I sprinkled some soil on the top of the pebbles because I could see a few roots through the loose pebbles and I didn't want any of the roots seeing any light. I stopped feeding her the vegetative solution and now I'm feeding her Open Sesame. Starting to notice more and more hairs each day. I'd say she will be out of her pre-flowering and considered into 'flowering' in about another week maybe two. comments/advice words of wisdom always appreciated.

