**Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

How much will my yield be from BOTH plants?

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Strain: White Widow
Day: 31 - Day 10 of Flowering











Strain: Mystery
Day: 10 of Flowering




Strain: White Widow *Clone*
Day: 1 (cut off the stem and starting over)




I told ya she would take off just like mine did. Yea Baby :lol:

Beautiful chb bushy as hell I love it! :bigjoint:

Great job chb!!!:clap::clap::clap:

You should try a smart pot man. only 4 bucks or so, have all sizes, They work awesome and you can reuse.:hump:

I bet MaryJ would love it. I have 2 gal. The root ball on that LACxS was perfect.
No root spinout. I could hardly tear it apart. Very fiborous, thats what you want, they take up nutes better.
No dirt fell off the sides or bottom, the roots were eveywhere but you can barely see them. Looked like a big ball of OF.
Its always cool to the touch. I can tell the diff...but I also have my nutes down better to...

Hey CHB-

just read your journal- great grow and info. I am a little bit confused on the Mystery plant though- did you say that you are flowering it, as in it's on a 12/12 light schedule? It's so young and I didn't know you could induce flowering on a young plant and produce bud.

Your WW is da bomb tho. Lookin great!!
I told ya she would take off just like mine did. Yea Baby :lol:

Beautiful chb bushy as hell I love it! :bigjoint:

Great job chb!!!:clap::clap::clap:

You should try a smart pot man. only 4 bucks or so, have all sizes, They work awesome and you can reuse.:hump:

I bet MaryJ would love it. I have 2 gal. The root ball on that LACxS was perfect.
No root spinout. I could hardly tear it apart. Very fiborous, thats what you want, they take up nutes better.
No dirt fell off the sides or bottom, the roots were eveywhere but you can barely see them. Looked like a big ball of OF.
Its always cool to the touch. I can tell the diff...but I also have my nutes down better to...


they sure do look nice. I was just talking today to someone about smart pots. They are bad ass. Great for mom's 5 gal smart pot is only 5 bucks! http://www.smartpots.com/

Hey guys. Thanks!! I've actually never heard of Smart Pots before.. never.. I was just lookin at the site.. kinda interesting. but I dont think I fully understand what they do.. and why they are different. I'm a lil driunk.. soo that might be why I'm havin troublw understanding it.. lol. But that is pretty cheap.. I would like to get Mary-J a bigger pot adn maybe transplant her one last time.. since her roots are alrady comin through the bottom.. her roots are lotting nice tho.. VERY white and healthy.. and nice and thick too.. and I feel like she would grow a little bit better/bigger in a bigger pot..

And yes.. she is VERY bushy!! Almsot TOO bush! lol. idk what to do.. shes growin soo wide.. shes running out of room in the closet.. lol. idk if youi guys saw my last plants.. they kinda sucked.. but they were like 3 ft tall... but less than a foot wide.. they were not bushy at all! sooo I did not even consider width when planting Mary-J.. I always thought WW were tall plants.. not short and fat! lol

But idk.. I'll figure somethin out.. if I have to.. I'll just gret some twisty ties.. and try to force the side branches upward..... unless anyone else has a better suggestion?? lol
Hey CHB-

just read your journal- great grow and info. I am a little bit confused on the Mystery plant though- did you say that you are flowering it, as in it's on a 12/12 light schedule? It's so young and I didn't know you could induce flowering on a young plant and produce bud.

Your WW is da bomb tho. Lookin great!!

lol. Thanks for the compliment man.. and yes, I am flowering the Mystery plant.. it is a little early.. I think she was only like 4 or 5 days old.. I forget. =/ I wish I had it written somewhere.. I probably do.. but anywayz.. lol. yea you can flower them this early on... some people do grows and flower them from seed.. like they germinate the seed.. stick it in some soil.. and start the 12-12 cycle right away.. no veggin at all.. Dont get me wrong.. I wont get as much bud as I would have if I vegged it for a couple week.. but you can flower it from seed and get some bud..

I'm not expecting much at all.. maybe like an 8th.. or 1/4.. lol who knows.. I just basicall wanna see if the bud is any good.. and worth growing it out for a few weeks and then flowering.. It should be a good experiment to find out if the bud is good.. AND to see how the plant will grow since I flowered it soo early.

If you do a search on here.. you can find A LOT of journals that say 12-12 from seed.. and they get descent little plants.. A lot of people will do 12-12 from seed.. but grow like 10-20 plants.. since they stay small..

Thanks for subscribing.. this is turning out to be a pretty fun grow with the "Mystery" strain and the Bushy WW.. and the Mutant leaf now with double the leafs.. and HOPEFULLY double the buds!! :bigjoint: Glad to have ya along!
lol. Thanks for the compliment man.. and yes, I am flowering the Mystery plant.. it is a little early.. I think she was only like 4 or 5 days old.. I forget. =/ I wish I had it written somewhere.. I probably do.. but anywayz.. lol. yea you can flower them this early on... some people do grows and flower them from seed.. like they germinate the seed.. stick it in some soil.. and start the 12-12 cycle right away.. no veggin at all.. Dont get me wrong.. I wont get as much bud as I would have if I vegged it for a couple week.. but you can flower it from seed and get some bud..

I'm not expecting much at all.. maybe like an 8th.. or 1/4.. lol who knows.. I just basicall wanna see if the bud is any good.. and worth growing it out for a few weeks and then flowering.. It should be a good experiment to find out if the bud is good.. AND to see how the plant will grow since I flowered it soo early.

If you do a search on here.. you can find A LOT of journals that say 12-12 from seed.. and they get descent little plants.. A lot of people will do 12-12 from seed.. but grow like 10-20 plants.. since they stay small..

Thanks for subscribing.. this is turning out to be a pretty fun grow with the "Mystery" strain and the Bushy WW.. and the Mutant leaf now with double the leafs.. and HOPEFULLY double the buds!! :bigjoint: Glad to have ya along!

This has been a fun grow to read about. the Polydiploid or Biploid or whatever it was called is pretty awesome.
So, if you started flowering so early, is sex determined in the same timeframe as a normal grow? I know the WW is showing bud sites and pistils but I can't tell if the Mystery plant is yet.
I'm askin' all these questions because now that I know it is possible to do this, I might induce flowering early in one of my current Bagseed babies since I am almost out of bud!
The Bagseed sprouts look all fuckin deformed anyways- I guess due to poor genetics. The seeds I actually bought (The Pure from Flying Dutchmen) look so much better and are nice and symmetrical. The Bagseed has one little leaf and one big leaf when they should be identical. ANyways, my point is- they will probably be low yield anyways, so I might as well induce early! :bigjoint:
This has been a fun grow to read about. the Polydiploid or Biploid or whatever it was called is pretty awesome.
So, if you started flowering so early, is sex determined in the same timeframe as a normal grow? I know the WW is showing bud sites and pistils but I can't tell if the Mystery plant is yet.
I'm askin' all these questions because now that I know it is possible to do this, I might induce flowering early in one of my current Bagseed babies since I am almost out of bud!
The Bagseed sprouts look all fuckin deformed anyways- I guess due to poor genetics. The seeds I actually bought (The Pure from Flying Dutchmen) look so much better and are nice and symmetrical. The Bagseed has one little leaf and one big leaf when they should be identical. ANyways, my point is- they will probably be low yield anyways, so I might as well induce early! :bigjoint:

Thanks.. yea the Polyploid this is pretty interesting.. I had never heard of it until someone said that thats what it was.. and gave me a link yo wikipedia. and then WolfScott gave me a link to a thread about it.

And its ok man.. Ask away.. this is a grow journal, but I also want it to be an informative journal as well..

As far as I know determining sex takes the same amoun t of time when you induce flowering at such a young age.. it "may" take a few extra days, since the plant is nowhere near maturity.. but I would say deff. within 3 weeks. I have seen people have their plants show sex within 2 weeks when doing a 12-12- from seed.. But soo far. Mystery has now shown sex yet. Its been 11 days so far... soo she still might make it in the 2 week brachet. =)

Yea if I was you.. and you are really low on bud, like you said, then go ahead and floewr away.. how long have u been vegging for.. cuz if you have vegged for like a week.. then you will still have a decent size plant.. My WW only vegged for 3 weeks.. but for w.e. reason, she is growing abnormally fast. lol. not that I mind. :bigjoint:

And I know what you mean about bagseed grows... lol. This is my first "real" grow with GOOD genetics.. My other grows were all bagseed, from some Mids too. =/ I can never seem to find bagseed from "Good" weed.. only shitty weed. lol.

But heyy. are you makin a journal? if u are u should deff post ur link up here so i can check it out.. if not. make sure to keep me updated as they grow and show sex. =)
Thanks.. yea the Polyploid this is pretty interesting.. I had never heard of it until someone said that thats what it was.. and gave me a link yo wikipedia. and then WolfScott gave me a link to a thread about it.

And its ok man.. Ask away.. this is a grow journal, but I also want it to be an informative journal as well..

As far as I know determining sex takes the same amoun t of time when you induce flowering at such a young age.. it "may" take a few extra days, since the plant is nowhere near maturity.. but I would say deff. within 3 weeks. I have seen people have their plants show sex within 2 weeks when doing a 12-12- from seed.. But soo far. Mystery has now shown sex yet. Its been 11 days so far... soo she still might make it in the 2 week brachet. =)

Yea if I was you.. and you are really low on bud, like you said, then go ahead and floewr away.. how long have u been vegging for.. cuz if you have vegged for like a week.. then you will still have a decent size plant.. My WW only vegged for 3 weeks.. but for w.e. reason, she is growing abnormally fast. lol. not that I mind. :bigjoint:

And I know what you mean about bagseed grows... lol. This is my first "real" grow with GOOD genetics.. My other grows were all bagseed, from some Mids too. =/ I can never seem to find bagseed from "Good" weed.. only shitty weed. lol.

But heyy. are you makin a journal? if u are u should deff post ur link up here so i can check it out.. if not. make sure to keep me updated as they grow and show sex. =)

lol im so excited about that poli and you begin able to clone her off indefinitely that i am almost willing to call you and walk you through the cloning process just so you can keep her around ...that is gonna be one killer producer if you can get her to go... :bigjoint:
Yeaaa the Poly is gonna be interesting. I will deff be taking a few more clones once she gets a little bigger. I'm just hoping that te clone inherits the poly as well! It should right? O well. Even if for some reason the poly genetic doesn't happen with the clone. At least I know the clone will be a short bushy lady. :) I'll be happy with those genetics. The chance that it will have a poly just makes it 10 times better!! Lol

I can't wait for buds to start forming! There are giant bright white roots poking out all over the bottom. I wish I could find a bigger pot. I dot wanna transplant her again.... Cuz I know it's not good for her.. But.. I feel like she wants more room to grow.

What do you guys think I should do.....? Try to find a bigger pot. And transplant her one last time? Or do you think that she will be fine in the pot she's in? She's almost 2 weeks into flowering now. And I know the roots will slow down growing soon. So it might now be worth transplanting it. And stressing her out. And chance turning her hermie... :/
what do you guys think?? :/
whats up. She's looking good as a mother. If I were you ide transplant her before you stunt the bitch you wouldent want a herme but I thought if she pollenated herself you would get femed seeds.
yeaaaa. The only downfall is my last grow went hermie.. and I was thinking like ooo well.. I'll get some female seeds.. but I got wayyyyy more seeds than I wanted. lol. Like 200+.. It would be ncie to get some feminized seeds.. but I dont want that many. lol. and then the potency of the weed will drop alot too.. cuz the plant will put all its energy into making seeds, instead of making THC.. =/ Theres good and bad in both ideas... =/ Ughhhh.. lol. idk what to do.

I was thinkin maybe I will let her grow out.. and if I notice any growth stunt.. then I will take her out immedietly.. and make a few cuts into the roots.. and transplant her into a bigger pot.. adn that way she will be able to flower for a while.. long enough so that she wont be able to go hermie on me... I'm just nervous about the plant going hermie.. almost all of my other plants either went hermie.. or were FULL of seeds...... and I'm so scared that it might happen to Mary-J....
I would do it sooner rather than later but I understand the heastation. I always stick to at least a 3 gallon pot but a 5 will do grate from start to finnish I do it an haven't had aney problems yet. But I'm outside. I wouldent cut aney of the roots just loosen them gentletly there real.... Important. And have you started aney of the femed seeds you maid? If so what did you thank. And were they trueley femed I have just always wanted to ask someone who has done that
chb, dude, I understand your concern, but you have got to get that shit out of your head man. My firat grow was fckd by a hermie so I know.

I took both the WWs, in flower, out of their pot, cut the root spinout with a razor blade (UB did a whole thread on it and my mom did the same thing with her house plants), added some OF, gave them a good water and they never missed a lick. In fact I think it helped my leaves to hang on longer from me fckn them up.

I would do it now. She will reward you...

That seed aint gonna hermie from a repot imo, sometimes though thats just the luck of the draw with fem seeds. All 8 of mine are fem seed and I have my fingures crossed. The only reg seed I planted was a male so I hope I have all the nuts out of the way! lol

Thanks.. yea the Polyploid this is pretty interesting.. I had never heard of it until someone said that thats what it was.. and gave me a link yo wikipedia. and then WolfScott gave me a link to a thread about it.

And its ok man.. Ask away.. this is a grow journal, but I also want it to be an informative journal as well..

As far as I know determining sex takes the same amoun t of time when you induce flowering at such a young age.. it "may" take a few extra days, since the plant is nowhere near maturity.. but I would say deff. within 3 weeks. I have seen people have their plants show sex within 2 weeks when doing a 12-12- from seed.. But soo far. Mystery has now shown sex yet. Its been 11 days so far... soo she still might make it in the 2 week brachet. =)

Yea if I was you.. and you are really low on bud, like you said, then go ahead and floewr away.. how long have u been vegging for.. cuz if you have vegged for like a week.. then you will still have a decent size plant.. My WW only vegged for 3 weeks.. but for w.e. reason, she is growing abnormally fast. lol. not that I mind. :bigjoint:

And I know what you mean about bagseed grows... lol. This is my first "real" grow with GOOD genetics.. My other grows were all bagseed, from some Mids too. =/ I can never seem to find bagseed from "Good" weed.. only shitty weed. lol.

But heyy. are you makin a journal? if u are u should deff post ur link up here so i can check it out.. if not. make sure to keep me updated as they grow and show sex. =)

I do have a Grow Journal. It's fairly new and my seedling is only about 1 week old right now. Only 2 leaves right now. Here is the link to my JOURNAL. Thanks for your advice, I am pretty sure I am going to flower one of the bagseeds early then. :eyesmoke:
Yeaaa the Poly is gonna be interesting. I will deff be taking a few more clones once she gets a little bigger. I'm just hoping that te clone inherits the poly as well! It should right? O well. Even if for some reason the poly genetic doesn't happen with the clone. At least I know the clone will be a short bushy lady. :) I'll be happy with those genetics. The chance that it will have a poly just makes it 10 times better!! Lol

I can't wait for buds to start forming! There are giant bright white roots poking out all over the bottom. I wish I could find a bigger pot. I dot wanna transplant her again.... Cuz I know it's not good for her.. But.. I feel like she wants more room to grow.

What do you guys think I should do.....? Try to find a bigger pot. And transplant her one last time? Or do you think that she will be fine in the pot she's in? She's almost 2 weeks into flowering now. And I know the roots will slow down growing soon. So it might now be worth transplanting it. And stressing her out. And chance turning her hermie... :/
what do you guys think?? :/

if you dotn want to repot her but want to extend her so she can grow more...cut the bottom out of the pot then set her on top of another pot full of dirt...next grow tho use 5 gallon buckets...is way easier and you have room for whole grow :)...im gonna use 5 gallon airpots for my next one :)
Hey guys.. Thanks for all your input.. I think I might take "I am Nornal's" advice.. and cut the bottom of the pot out.. and just fill another 3 gallon pot up 1/2 way with soil.. and stick it in there. I always thought transplanting plants stressed out yout plant tho.. causing it to go hermie?? Isn't that true? Idk, I have already transplanted her a few times.. which is more than I had intended to do.. I just wanted to transplant her once.. I know for a fact.. I will be ordering some 5 gallon Grow bags.. or Smart Pot things for my next grow... 3 gallon just isnt big enough for me. =/