9 Day old plant starting to warp???


Well-Known Member
they seem fine to me u should not worry so much this early in the plants life. and just water them once the dirt gets dry, enough water to saturate the soil a decent amount.


Well-Known Member
and if u are worried about them falling over then just put dirt up to the first set of leaves


Active Member
and if u are worried about them falling over then just put dirt up to the first set of leaves
Don't pile dirt to the first set of leaves!
Let em be, It seem that they are overwatered. Water untill the soil is soaked, then wait....untill the soil is dusty to about 2 inches below the surface, then soak again.


Well-Known Member
put them in seperate pots. ASAP. water when the pot feels light when you pick it up compared to after watering and after a day or 2 after watering.


Well-Known Member
and get horribley rootbound/tangled. not to mention the fact that if any of them are male or hermi your soil is gonna have dying and decomposing roots all around the other plants roots and cause root rot most likely. .


Well-Known Member
Agreed! Don't worry so much this early.. whatever you are watering right now... cut it down just a little bit... they look a tad overwatered.

And separate those ladies right NOW!