Fox Farm and Nutes


Im currently using FF Light Warrior and I have a feeling the grow is too slow. It's almost a week from the time I planted it in the soil and I just wanted to know when do I start adding nutes? When transplanting into a 1 gallon do I mix Light Warrior and Ocean Forest or just Ocean Forest? Will an entire bag of Light Warrior and a 38.6 quart bag of Ocean Forest last me for 3 plants? O and can I use the same soil from veg into the flower?

Need responses please


Well-Known Member
Have grown using Fox Farms Ocean Forest before. I sprouted my beans in peat cubes. Once roots showed, I planted the cubes in 3 gallon pots. I did not do any transplanting for the entire life cycle (same Fox Farms OF for the entire grow).

No additive was needed for the entire veg (30 days) period. About 10 days into flowering the plants started to show some deficiency. From that point forward I followed the directions on the FF line of soil nutes (Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom). For the first week of nutrients, I cut the dose in half. Second week of nutes at 3/4 strength and then full strength for the rest of the grow.

Yield, potency and taste were all fine using this combo and a 10 day flush at the end. Just a note, the FF nutes seem to be a bit on the hot side by my experience. You could cut the concentrations down by a quarter and probably still have a wonderful grow + save a little cash.
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I use fox farm nutes but not the soil. I start feeding when the seedlings are about 3 weeks old with about 1/8 strength nutes . I mix the nutes a little stronger each week until almost full strength, but never full strength. You can and should use the same soil from start to Finnish, but you do need to change the nutes. I use Black Gold Organic potting mix, and 1 large size bag dose about three plants (in 3gal. pots). Hope this helps, if you need anything else hit me up! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Have grown using Fox Farms Ocean Forest before. I sprouted my beans in peat cubes. Once roots showed, I planted the cubes in 3 gallon pots. I did not do any transplanting for the entire life cycle (same Fox Farms OF for the entire grow).

No additive was needed for the entire veg (30 days) period. About 10 days into flowering the plants started to show some deficiency. From that point forward I followed the directions on the FF line of soil nutes (Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom). For the first week of nutrients, I cut the dose in half. Second week of nutes at 3/4 strength and then full strength for the rest of the grow.

Yield, potency and taste were all fine using this combo and a 10 day flush at the end. Just a note, the FF nutes seem to be a bit on the hot side by my experience. You could cut the concentrations down by a quarter and probably still have a wonderful grow + save a little cash.
This is solid advice.

I no longer use the nutes just cuz I am organic (Big Bloom is very nice though) The light warrior has nothing in it nute wise, and is used like any other seed starter...could use weak nutes by the time the first true leaves.

Fox Farm is Hot. The directions on the bottle are not the same as the "chart" get it on-line and be careful. If you care about pH watch out for Tiger bloom as it will knock your pH VERY low...I have a full bottle, anyone want it?:lol:

Different strains have different needs/tolerances for nutes...yours may be a heavy feeder and take, eventually, strong nutes.

My strains are a little bitchy, and I have gone the opposite spectrum and have been starving the poor girls...learning the happy medium very slowly:-(.
With that said, for some strains I think even the Ocean Forest is a little hot...I have cut with coco, which I really like, and I add a good helping of perlite. You could cut it with light warrior and perlite and would have a nice mix.

Depending on how big the pots are and how heavy they feed...fresh OF is good with no nutes for 2-4 weeks...cutting with coco or LW would shorten this time.

I also add some Dolomite is supposed to help keep soil pH neutral and is a good source of Calcium and Magnesium...FFOF has some in it already, but maybe not enough...I always see a little need for Mg without adding it in some form...I now add 1 gal of hard ass city water to 5 gal RO and knock the pH down to 6.3-6.5

Good luck!

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New Member
yo hayduke i'll take that FF Tb off your hands. I also am using the FF GB TB and BB. What do you do about the mag def?


Well-Known Member
yo hayduke i'll take that FF Tb off your hands. I also am using the FF GB TB and BB. What do you do about the mag def?
Lime and the gallon of city water...I have used cal-mag plus before, but I did not feel it qualified as organic...I am hesitant to use epsom salts...cures the Mg...but the salt part scares me. I use Age Old Kelp now also...I believe kelp has some Mg.


Just saw "IGNORE ME" left as's only 2 points so it was a newbee...I do not ignore...sign your rep folks!