Were women forced into the workforce against their nature and best interests?

I think most people would agree that women did not hold 'half the cards' before, and I do not even think they hold half the cards now. Have you even considered all the cases where women are subject to domestic abuse and feel trapped because they never worked and can't leave without becoming one of these welfare folk you so vehemently rail against? For fucks sake, women were not even allowed to even vote 100 years ago, did they hold 'half the cards' then?

Your theory is fine and all, but do not use it as basis for discrimination. Equal rights for women do not even truly exist nowadays except in theory. We still have a long ways to go as a society
I think most people would agree that women did not hold 'half the cards' before, and I do not even think they hold half the cards now. Have you even considered all the cases where women are subject to domestic abuse and feel trapped because they never worked and can't leave without becoming one of these welfare folk you so vehemently rail against? For fucks sake, women were not even allowed to even vote 100 years ago, did they hold 'half the cards' then?

Your theory is fine and all, but do not use it as basis for discrimination. Equal rights for women do not even truly exist nowadays except in theory. We still have a long ways to go as a society

Why are you fixated on spousal abuse? That is a crime committed by low lifes. The answer to that is legal action - it has nothing to do with the subject. It is mere hyperbole and appeal to emotion.

Ever hear the saying "the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world"? The notion of the oppressed woman is nothing but a fictional stereotype perpetuated by Feminist nonsense and real women know it.

Feminism never was about escaping spousal abuse, it was about women wanting to "have it all." What they got were a bunch of emasculated lap dogs that can't get them off because they don't know how dominate a woman like a real man and make a woman feel like a real woman.
Wow. Just wow. I don't need to be "dominated" to "feel like a real woman." I want a partner, not a boss,and not a lackey.
I know you fancy yourself an expert on absolutely everything, but TRUST ME- you know diddly squat about women and relationships. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- you seem awfully bitter. You seem to be speaking from a very personal level on the subjects of divorce, family,and feminism.Perhaps you don't mean to sound this way,but you come across as damaged.Perhaps, instead of touting the value of the nuclear family while simultaneously lashing out against feminism,gays,liberals,and anyone who doesn't agree with you,you should take a long hard look at yourself and examine why so many people choose to disagree with your views so passionately. If you are speaking from a personal level, then maybe you need to also evaluate how much blame rests on you for how things turned out.
I could be wrong,but you just keep making threads about this stuff and responding with the same answers.You seem a little emotionally constipated.You also seem to be unable to consider that not everyone can follow the same path. You seem to be fixed in a cycle of rigid thinking-and that doesn't allow for much personal growth. Just sayin'.:peace:
What they got were a bunch of emasculated lap dogs that can't get them off because they don't know how dominate a woman like a real man and make a woman feel like a real woman.
I am an agnostic/atheist progressive who believes in feminism and I give it to my lady regular and I give it to her good. You can "dominate a woman like a real man and make a woman feel like a real woman" even with this horrible disease of progressivism of which you speak.

I also remember reading Rick write in another thread something along the lines of 'those who control the language control the debate', I can't remember exactly where and I don't care to rile myself by looking through so many posts of his. But he is right, which is why there are so many more derogatory terms for women than there are for men. And why are the ones for women used more acceptable and used more openly?

It just illustrates the systemic imbalances that lead to discrimination, and certain people seem blind to this. Makes me wonder if sociology should be a required course to get a high school degree.
Wow. Just wow. I don't need to be "dominated" to "feel like a real woman." I want a partner, not a boss,and not a lackey.
I know you fancy yourself an expert on absolutely everything, but TRUST ME- you know diddly squat about women and relationships. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- you seem awfully bitter. You seem to be speaking from a very personal level on the subjects of divorce, family,and feminism.Perhaps you don't mean to sound this way,but you come across as damaged.Perhaps, instead of touting the value of the nuclear family while simultaneously lashing out against feminism,gays,liberals,and anyone who doesn't agree with you,you should take a long hard look at yourself and examine why so many people choose to disagree with your views so passionately. If you are speaking from a personal level, then maybe you need to also evaluate how much blame rests on you for how things turned out.
I could be wrong,but you just keep making threads about this stuff and responding with the same answers.You seem a little emotionally constipated.You also seem to be unable to consider that not everyone can follow the same path. You seem to be fixed in a cycle of rigid thinking-and that doesn't allow for much personal growth. Just sayin'.:peace:

You seem like a brainless, vapid, Left wing drone who thinks what she is supposed to and who hasn't had an original thought in her life. Talk about being another brick in the wall...
What's-a matter Rick? Did I strike a nerve? Is your manly man masculine pride hurt by so simple a thing as the truth? I was attempting to speak to you as a human being. My bad. What a sad life you must have, really. In your little box, with your brainwashing such a complete success you think any disagreement is an attack. What really burns you up when people disagree? It's not the fact that they disagree, but that their disagreement forces you to examine your own standpoint. You live in fear of finding these things you rail against within yourself to any degree. Perpetually clenched, unable to relax. You say you're not religious,Rick. Maybe not in the traditional sense. But the way you cling desperately to your views,and strike out swiftly at any dissent-that seems like a religion to me. The private religion of RickWhite. Well,the louder you scream, the less anyone believes.:joint::peace:
You seem like a brainless, vapid, Left wing drone who thinks what she is supposed to and who hasn't had an original thought in her life. Talk about being another brick in the wall...