I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ...
What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.
How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>
I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ...
What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.
How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>
I bet you do not even know a "homo" who you have had a conversation with. Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that neither women, nor "homos" are just not that into you?![]()
I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ...
What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.
How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>
That is the standard MO of the left. Do not address the person's point, just label them a bigot, sexist, racist, homophobe, etc.
To be fair, AIDS is more prevalent among gay males due in large part to the route of transmission - it is a simple biological phenomenon.
That being said, it stands to reason that gay men are going to have a high rate of promiscuity because there is no chick to put the breaks on it. Most guys would screw all the women they could given the option - here their options are without limit. So, they are not doing anything a straight guy wouldn't do.
And yet, the question still remains of whether or not the mitigating influence of the female is a good thing with respect to human sexuality. I think it is - though I do wish I could be Brad Pitt for a while.
Anyway, the stats I read were that nearly 90% of homosexual men have over 100 partners in their life and the remaining 10% have over 1000. I would imagine very few have as few as a couple dozen.
And there are many examples of anonymous gay activity at rest stops, public parks, bars, etc. I don't think there are too many straight equivalents of a "glory hole."
Anyway, I think that is enough material for people to ignore in favor of calling me a bigot for now.
Dude, you are a bigot because you believe all this shit is true without any evidence, so that forms your opinions, which are undoubtedly bigoted. Clearly.
I'm a straight guy, I wouldn't fuck every chick I could, even if every chick was ready and willing, I've got more self control than that, just like a TON of other guys. You lead off with misconceptions that fail, just like that one.
It is you who is the bigot - you are a bigot because you hate religious people and you hate anyone with opinions that differ from your own. You are the bigot, not me.
Actually my figures were a bit off - let me correct the record.
It is you who is the bigot - you are a bigot because you hate religious people and you hate anyone with opinions that differ from your own. You are the bigot, not me.
Actually my figures were a bit off - let me correct the record.
Prior to the AIDS epidemic, a 1978 study found that 75 percent of white, gay males claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500- 999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners. Levels of promiscuity subsequently declined, but some observers are concerned that promiscuity is again approaching the levels of the 1970s. The medical consequence of this promiscuity is that gays have a greatly increased likelihood of contracting HIV/AIDS, syphilis and other STDs.
Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. Any degree of sexual promiscuity carries the risk of contracting STDs.
Damn that is a lot of fudge packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol. Upnorth u have it in for me don't you. Ever since I turned you down for that date...
I've gotten hit on at fast food drivethrus by gay cashiers, I definitely get "eyed" by obviously gay men. Not all. I'm not saying that. I guess you could say it makes me feel like a woman feels when guys gaulk and stare and hit on them. you know? And it has been hard to be comfortable with gay guys. Now gay girls...I'm very, very comfortable with...![]()