What do gays really want?

I find it Hilarius that people regularly launch personal attacks and then criticize people for responding in kind.

It is becoming clear that there are a few people here who are only here to troll the forum looking for opportunities to make snide comments and lay down feeble smart ass challenges to every thing a person says as if they have zero ability to glean knowledge from the world around them.

What person other than a little smart ass weasel needs "proof" that there is more debauchery in gay bars than in straight ones. The demand is ridiculous. What next, a demand for proof that the Earth revolves around the Sun?

I suppose if I said that more debauchery goes on in a strip joint than in a regular bar that would be challenged as well. This kind of stuff is childish at best.

Grow some balls guys. Put together a cohesive, well thought argument and ditch the snide come-backs if you can.


Much better to come home to a dirty house, sink full of dishes and a bitch who has been sitting around in sweats all day waiting to bust your balls when you get home from a hard days work.

Yep, things are much better now. Bitches ought to be thankful they aren't out working the rice paddies like they are in Asia.
I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ... :lol:

What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.

How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>
I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ... :lol:

What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.

How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>

I think the point was the hypocrisy behind it. Humans may discriminate based on sexual orientation, but STD's most certainly do not.
I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ... :lol:

What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.

How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>

"I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ... :lol:"

Well, I might be suspicious is the cookie jars were of Judy Garland, Cher , and Joan Crawford! :lol:

Seriously though, there really is not a "gay lifestyle" per se. The gay bar scene, for the most part, is just that: Younger gay guys partying and having loose sex. How original. :sleep:

Despite what people may think here, there is no "secret" agenda. I (we) want nothing more than to blend in and be part of society.

Yes, we want to marry. Yes, we want to end DADT. Yes we want to have kids. And yes, we are more than ready to accept the responsibilities, the obligations, and expectations that come with this. Yes, we want to be treated equally. When I say &#8220;we&#8221; that is almost everyone in the community I have ever spoken too.

I just want a fair shake: Nothing more. What made me gay? Fuck if I know. I knew something weird was goin&#8217; on when I was 7 or 8. You just know you are different. I felt isolated and scared.

But this is not how things happen for all gay guys (or girls). Maybe half (this is just personal observation) look, act, and appear 100% str8. Me, I look and talk str8, but I like art, interior design, culinary cooking, and just not having to act 100% "macho" all the time. I have friends who are very masculine, and I know folks who make Liberace look like a macho stud.

I know mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, aunts, and uncles; I am part of this. I know love, disappointment, achievement, happiness, commitment, companionship, and profound sadness. Does any of this sound special? It shouldn&#8217;t, just what most people experience.

Now that I have pretty much &#8220;blown my cover&#8221; if that&#8217;s what you want to call it, a bit more about me: I have been gay for well, I guess my whole life. I have been in 2 relationships. One which lasted 19 years (he passed away, and no not from AIDS) and my current relationship of 11 years.

The story I made up (the poll), which just about anybody reading this is familiar with, was a fabrication. Why? I guess I was looking for acceptance. To come out as gay, but not really be gay. Really stupid of me. Sorry I did this, and if you think I am a jerk, I will understand. My politics and everything is what it is. I am not even sure why I am saying all of this. Well, truth be told, I like having fun, I like the personalities, I like to argue, make my point, talk about weed (though it has been mostly politics), and hang out in a community that is &#8220;on the fringe&#8221;. I have smoked weed since I have been 14. Shit, that is 40 years. Always loved it, and always will.
I bet you do not even know a "homo" who you have had a conversation with. Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that neither women, nor "homos" are just not that into you? :eyesmoke::peace::twisted:

Lol. Upnorth u have it in for me don't you. Ever since I turned you down for that date...

I've gotten hit on at fast food drivethrus by gay cashiers, I definitely get "eyed" by obviously gay men. Not all. I'm not saying that. I guess you could say it makes me feel like a woman feels when guys gaulk and stare and hit on them. you know? And it has been hard to be comfortable with gay guys. Now gay girls...I'm very, very comfortable with...:fire:
I really don't a rats about what gender people are attracted to and I don't have any objection to people being treated the same way regardless of their sexual orientation either. I'm pretty sure most gay people just want to be treated the same as everyone else. Fine... Next issue, please.
I have a cookie jar collection. Does that mean that I'm ... :lol:

What I find interesting is that all I did was post pictures of people who are sick because of the unintended consequences of the Gay lifestyle ... and all hell breaks loose. I'm tagged as a hater because I've posted reality? This reminds me of the time that Stoney made the comment that an abortion only entailed tissue mass. To counter her point, I posted some pictures of partial birth abortions ... then had to put up with a multitude of personal attacks.

How come liberals have such a hard time facing the truth? <Sheesh!>

That is the standard MO of the left. Do not address the person's point, just label them a bigot, sexist, racist, homophobe, etc.

To be fair, AIDS is more prevalent among gay males due in large part to the route of transmission - it is a simple biological phenomenon.

That being said, it stands to reason that gay men are going to have a high rate of promiscuity because there is no chick to put the breaks on it. Most guys would screw all the women they could given the option - here their options are without limit. So, they are not doing anything a straight guy wouldn't do.

And yet, the question still remains of whether or not the mitigating influence of the female is a good thing with respect to human sexuality. I think it is - though I do wish I could be Brad Pitt for a while.

Anyway, the stats I read were that nearly 90% of homosexual men have over 100 partners in their life and the remaining 10% have over 1000. I would imagine very few have as few as a couple dozen.

And there are many examples of anonymous gay activity at rest stops, public parks, bars, etc. I don't think there are too many straight equivalents of a "glory hole."

Anyway, I think that is enough material for people to ignore in favor of calling me a bigot for now.
i google imaged "glory hole". i see A LOT of women get dick slapped. A LOT. the first pic of a man appears at pic # 31 on the search list. and then it's just his mouth. not even an x-rated picture.

gay glory holes are lower on the list than this, ....


"honest, factual reply with NO insults"

That is the standard MO of the left. Do not address the person's point, just label them a bigot, sexist, racist, homophobe, etc.

To be fair, AIDS is more prevalent among gay males due in large part to the route of transmission - it is a simple biological phenomenon.

That being said, it stands to reason that gay men are going to have a high rate of promiscuity because there is no chick to put the breaks on it. Most guys would screw all the women they could given the option - here their options are without limit. So, they are not doing anything a straight guy wouldn't do.

And yet, the question still remains of whether or not the mitigating influence of the female is a good thing with respect to human sexuality. I think it is - though I do wish I could be Brad Pitt for a while.

Anyway, the stats I read were that nearly 90% of homosexual men have over 100 partners in their life and the remaining 10% have over 1000. I would imagine very few have as few as a couple dozen.

And there are many examples of anonymous gay activity at rest stops, public parks, bars, etc. I don't think there are too many straight equivalents of a "glory hole."

Anyway, I think that is enough material for people to ignore in favor of calling me a bigot for now.

Dude, you are a bigot because you believe all this shit is true without any evidence, so that forms your opinions, which are undoubtedly bigoted. Clearly.

I'm a straight guy, I wouldn't fuck every chick I could, even if every chick was ready and willing, I've got more self control than that, just like a TON of other guys. You lead off with misconceptions that fail, just like that one.
Dude, you are a bigot because you believe all this shit is true without any evidence, so that forms your opinions, which are undoubtedly bigoted. Clearly.

I'm a straight guy, I wouldn't fuck every chick I could, even if every chick was ready and willing, I've got more self control than that, just like a TON of other guys. You lead off with misconceptions that fail, just like that one.

It is you who is the bigot - you are a bigot because you hate religious people and you hate anyone with opinions that differ from your own. You are the bigot, not me.

Actually my figures were a bit off - let me correct the record.

Prior to the AIDS epidemic, a 1978 study found that 75 percent of white, gay males claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500- 999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners. Levels of promiscuity subsequently declined, but some observers are concerned that promiscuity is again approaching the levels of the 1970s. The medical consequence of this promiscuity is that gays have a greatly increased likelihood of contracting HIV/AIDS, syphilis and other STDs.

Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. Any degree of sexual promiscuity carries the risk of contracting STDs.

Damn that is a lot of fudge packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And of course places like this don't really exists; I'm just making it all up.

BEDFORD, N.Y. (CBS) &#8213;

Almost two dozen men were arrested as a result of a gay sex sting operation in an unsuspecting location off Interstate 684 in Bedford.

Police say the suspects in the operation were getting more than just rest at the highway rest area where the sting took place.

"It was all outside in a public area," said New York State Police Capt. Robert Myers.

The "it" was gay sex between men in a stretch of woods behind the Bedford rest stop.

State police were tipped off about a month ago when a father and son visiting the rest area saw two men in the woods engaged in sexual activity. That kicked off an undercover sting operation.

"Our undercover trooper was here about five minutes when he was first propositioned," Myers said.

Investigators say the men would pick each other up at the picnic tables and then head off into the woods.

Among the 20 suspects nabbed was Katonah Rotary Club president John Canzio.

"It's kind of surprising to hear that. I hope for his sake it's not a false accusation," said resident Valerie Smith. "There were people leading seemingly legitimate lives during the day and it's disturbing they'd be here at night propositioning our undercover officers."

Also caught was Father Gary Meade, who oversees Saint Gregory Barbarigo Rectory and Chapel.

"He's not a very good role model when it comes out like that. But he's human. We all are," said parishioner Cara Rogers.

Some motorists who droves through the stop told CBS 2 they weren't surprised that the rest stop seconded as a gay sex outlet. "I've seen it in a lot of other places," said Tom Dininio.

Added Ken Jewell, another motorist: "That's a lot of people. Usually those things are ones and twos."

Police will now keep a steady presence and see if better lighting and more fencing can be put up so that rest, a bathroom break, and maybe a snack are all that's available there.

Of the twenty men arrested, all were married except for the priest. They've been charged with crimes ranging from loitering and public lewdness to trespassing. All are scheduled to be in court on Thursday.

(© MMX, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
no one said they don't exist. :roll:

i can find a news article about any and everything imaginable. and then some beyond that.
It is you who is the bigot - you are a bigot because you hate religious people and you hate anyone with opinions that differ from your own. You are the bigot, not me.

Actually my figures were a bit off - let me correct the record.

The thing you FAIL to realize, each and every time, which FDD pointed out already, is that this behavior DOES NOT make up the majority of homosexual people. Fuck man, you're a smart guy, why the hell can't you understand that? Gay sex happens! Holy shit! Have you ever seen that show To Catch a Predator? - is it then OK for me to say that all heterosexual people are out there trying to seduce kids on the internet? Of course not, that's exactly the type of shit you pull here. It's so simple a 10 year old kid could understand it...

The VAST MAJORITY of homosexual people are JUST LIKE YOU RICK! They want to live their lives without OTHER PEOPLE forcing what they believe is best upon them. They want to make a living and support their families. I know you think they're all out there fucking each other nonstop in the truck stops and glory holes and other public places, but that simply is not the case. I GUARANTEE there is MUCH MORE heterosexual public sexual activity than homosexual public sexual activity, based on the ratio of homosexual/heterosexual people alone. Yet I don't hear you bitching about all the straight public sex that goes on...

I don't hate anyone. Religious or not. I hate ignorance - and that goes for anyone spouting it, atheist alike, so get bent, you fail again.
It is you who is the bigot - you are a bigot because you hate religious people and you hate anyone with opinions that differ from your own. You are the bigot, not me.

Actually my figures were a bit off - let me correct the record.

Prior to the AIDS epidemic, a 1978 study found that 75 percent of white, gay males claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500- 999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners. Levels of promiscuity subsequently declined, but some observers are concerned that promiscuity is again approaching the levels of the 1970s. The medical consequence of this promiscuity is that gays have a greatly increased likelihood of contracting HIV/AIDS, syphilis and other STDs.

Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. Any degree of sexual promiscuity carries the risk of contracting STDs.

Damn that is a lot of fudge packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick, you have to be one of the meanest homophobes on this site.

"Damn that is a lot of fudge packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You know that statement is meant to be inflammatory which is precisely why you used it. Of course, your post is loaded with factual errors no matter where you got your "so-called" statistics and stories from. :evil:

Regarding anal sex, less than 40% of gay men consider it a regular part of their sex life. Rubbing, kissing, jacking (one of the most popular), and of course the BJ (the most popular) all rate higher. :twisted:

Even if anal was more popular, so what? What the fuck does it matter?

I would also seriously question the sample used in the study. How did they obtain their sample? If it was not completely random, it has no validity at all. For example, if they handed out questionnaires at a male STD clinic in San Francisco, this would not even begin to approach a true random sample. Also, I am a bit confused because the percentages add up to 150%. Check the figures, something is wrong. :?

But measures of gay promiscuity are always going to be higher when compared to hetero promiscuity.

First, since gay marriage is not allowed, and since the social sanctions are so high for appearing to be gay, many gay men are reluctant to form lasting and permanent relationships lest they lose jobs, friends, family, and even more. :cry:

Plus, gay men are no less horny then straight men. Men tend to have fewer inhibitions when it comes to sex. Shit, look at Tiger Woods, and he is str8. By the way, I am not necessarily advocating this type of behavior.

In fact, society should do what it reasonably can to promote stable, long-term gay relationships. This benefits everyone.

But gays are never going to be just like straight guys. . . If we were, well, I guess we wouldn't be gay. :roll:

Besides, straight guys will never be as adept at hairstyling and interior decorating as us gay guys! Even when that str8 guy has a cookie jar collection! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


So Rick, just to briefly address the issue of rest area and other public sex.

As mentioned by others, this is not exclusively a homosexual activity.

What is unusually about this though, is the large percentage (50-70%) of these MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) encounters is that the participants self identify as heterosexual.

There are quite a few theories on this, but the most common one is that these guys really are str8. They are sexually frustrated guys who engage in this behavior because it is pretty much a sure thing, and some list the "excitement and danger" of it as a motivating factor.

I am not making any value judgments here, and I honestly do not really care that much. My only point is that things are not necessarily as they seem on the surface.
Lol. Upnorth u have it in for me don't you. Ever since I turned you down for that date...

I've gotten hit on at fast food drivethrus by gay cashiers, I definitely get "eyed" by obviously gay men. Not all. I'm not saying that. I guess you could say it makes me feel like a woman feels when guys gaulk and stare and hit on them. you know? And it has been hard to be comfortable with gay guys. Now gay girls...I'm very, very comfortable with...:fire:

So, One11, I am rejected again!!!

You are so very cruel.

You have an incredibly narcissist thought process. Gosh, everyone, gay, str8, male, female, TS, whatever just can't resist you! Have you ever modeled?

Please, pleeeeeaaaase! Send me a picture of your totally hot bod with your massive 2" erection! :twisted: :twisted: