TH Seeds.. are they good?


Well-Known Member
title of the thread says it all

wondering if TH seeds are actually good genetics, good plants, potent plants

anything and everything on them im basically trying to find out

espeically SAGE, burmese kush and Kushage all fem, they look fuckin bomb like to try pg 13 and mk ultra..the genetics look solid and the guy who owns the company has some you tube videos. he knows what hes doing and is using the best genetics .
also a pile of championships. if i order again ill be buying hog and mk ultra
paradise is a solid company, so is dna. i am alos curious with th seeds, i heard negative things about there fems though, want to do there sage or sage and sour
You won't have any problems with SAGE it is a good plant, TH seeds does have good genetics, spend the money and get stoned.
2 words! Bubble Gum. They had the original clone, from the Indiana. Then got robbed for it. They still have the best genetics for it tho. Wreckage os growin great for me right now. I have nothin but positive things to say. Imo
Sagensour, sage, mk ultra are all TOP shelf genetics. THSeeds is a great seed co. Ive worked with the seeds and clones quite abit, I just wish they had more fiminized. You gotta try one of the three.
Got TH seeds PG-13 11 days in 12/12, looks great and vigorous. This is a cross between their g-13 and the infamous clone-only hp-13. I've never seen a grow report on this one, strange... Will be growing their S.A.G.E., MK-ULTRA and Hog. Tried Wreckage during the last cannabis cup, very nice. Lost of excellent genes, that's my impression.
I've grown Hog and my friend has grown out many many generations of Early Girl X Big Bud from TH Seeds. Hog was AWESOME! The taste, the potency, the high, smooth delicious smoke, the Early Girl X Big Bud though is very fast (6 weeks) but the potency is not that great or the taste. So they have some mediocre stuff and some awesome stuff. Choose wisely because if you go for fast finish and big producers then you'll trade quality and taste.
the strains themselves are great, i did have a problem a couple of times with there fem seeds though.........there were several hermaphrodite out of 10 fem seeds of bermese kush last year, i complained to the place i bought them from and the guy told me its a reguler issue with th seeds and he gets complaints all the time about hermaphrodites in there fem packs. the couple of females i did get however were very good.
no one?

also cursious about, reserva privada, paradise and DNA, they all appear to have the best fem seeds available
I have the fem OG Kush from Reserva Privada....planted 2 seeds, got 2 plants. Tasty and just what i expected. I have an order in for their Kandy Kush, too.