Help. My light fell on my plant


Aaaaaah. Just came back this afternoon to find my light had slipped from its fixing (not sure how) and had fallen on top of my plant crushing and burning it. Its about 16-18 days old, indoor grow using a single 125watt bulb(bastard thing). Its only my first grow.
More than half of it is untouched, but the top of the stalk and all the new growth and leaves are gone. Iv carefully pruned the burned bits off (not sure if this was the right thing to do, but it seemed like unhealthy dead weight) and whats left is still looking alright at the moment, but what are the chances of it surviving? Is the shock likely to kill it?
Also is there anything i can do to increase its chances? ill try to upload some pictures, but its not working at the moment.
Any help appreciated


Well-Known Member
Unusual topping technique. The lower nodes (if you still have any) will take up the slack and become your main plant after a week or two of recovery.


Unusual topping technique. The lower nodes (if you still have any) will take up the slack and become your main plant after a week or two of recovery.
Will this recovery time add to my overall grow time? Im using autoflowers (lowryder 2) as its my first grow. Theres still three nodes left, but the top one was very close to the burn area.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of such a thing happening. LOL As long as it has a few good nodes to grow from, it should be fine.


New Member
Unusual topping technique. The lower nodes (if you still have any) will take up the slack and become your main plant after a week or two of recovery.

sorry about your accident but that was some funny shit right there, made me crack right up. +rep

well guess I already repp'd ya sorry man."unusual topping technique" classic


Glad you guys are getting a laugh out of it :). I can't believe of all the things that could happen it was this. Its been going really well so far. my mates are all having a go too and even after the 'topping' mines by far the biggest and healthiest. Hopefully it'll man it through.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of such a thing happening. LOL As long as it has a few good nodes to grow from, it should be fine.
Stick around RIU for a couple of years, you'll hear just about everything.
Lights falling on plants? I've heard it at least 5 times.LOL


oooh ouch bro sounds shity:( my advice is too keep constant watch on its health and if it is leaning over jus add a little soil to the bottom of the stalk to strengthen its overall gravity.


New Member
yes, this will greatly add to your grow time. 1 week to recover, 1 more week to get a new node or 2, prolly another week till u get real vegitation