What does errone play when they're high(video games)


Im rather embarrassed to admit this, perhaps its because im a newish smoker, but I absolutly CANNOT concentrate on games while high. Its like my ADD goes into over drive and I cant concentate on the game for more than a couple of minutes before I get distracted by something else or I just forget what I was doing in the game to begin with. Its accually quite frustrating. :?

Any of you more experienced gamer tokers got any tips or advice for playing games while baked? :bigjoint:

dragon age origins, finished that twice over
finished resi evil 5
batman arkham asylum was pretty good, liked the hand to hand walk around combat.
need for speed shift, although i'm pretty bored of that.
just waiting on bioshock 2 to download and then i'm sure i'll be into that for a while too.
I absolutly love Dragon Age: Origins. My female elf mage kicks so much ass, shes unstoppable! I cant wait for Awakenings to come out.

Batman Arkam Asylum is next on my list of games to play (along with Ghostbusters) after I finish with InFamous, which is a pretty kick ass game itself.

gta, silent hill, fight night, bio shock, assassins creed, fabel, tony hawk, guitar hero, steet fighter, katamari, hot shots golf are some good ones
most time ript playing gta and tony hawk the first tony hawk1 ps1 no codes million points was the shit
wasted alot of time playing ffxi but i quit 7 months ago once i started getting ript again
Silent Hill is possibly my all time favorate series of games. The games are just so tripy by themselves I couldnt imagine what it must be like when baked!

Akira Yamaokas score in the games are outstanding. I love his music.

I have Silent Hill Shattared Memories, but I havent cracked it open yet. Im planning on playing the whole thing while stoned, assuming I can concentrate on it enough to finish it


Well-Known Member
Im rather embarrassed to admit this, perhaps its because im a newish smoker, but I absolutly CANNOT concentrate on games while high. Its like my ADD goes into over drive and I cant concentate on the game for more than a couple of minutes before I get distracted by something else or I just forget what I was doing in the game to begin with. Its accually quite frustrating. :?

Any of you more experienced gamer tokers got any tips or advice for playing games while baked? :bigjoint:

I absolutly love Dragon Age: Origins. My female elf mage kicks so much ass, shes unstoppable! I cant wait for Awakenings to come out.

Batman Arkam Asylum is next on my list of games to play (along with Ghostbusters) after I finish with InFamous, which is a pretty kick ass game itself.

Silent Hill is possibly my all time favorate series of games. The games are just so tripy by themselves I couldnt imagine what it must be like when baked!

Akira Yamaokas score in the games are outstanding. I love his music.

I have Silent Hill Shattared Memories, but I havent cracked it open yet. Im planning on playing the whole thing while stoned, assuming I can concentrate on it enough to finish it
I finished it first time as a rogue human, then played it a second time as an elf mage. I powered him up for the most powerful spells and I just had to do 3 spells and took out most of the enemies in a fight.

Silent hill games, arghhh, i loved silent hill 1, silent hill 2 drove me crazy, i was wondering around a hospital for far too long before figuring out a ring had to go on a finger of some dodgy paint on the wall. After that I completely lost interest.


Well-Known Member
gta 4 sucked I beat it and its not even worth touching again.San Andreas and Vice City had lots of replay value.


I finished it first time as a rogue human, then played it a second time as an elf mage. I powered him up for the most powerful spells and I just had to do 3 spells and took out most of the enemies in a fight.

Silent hill games, arghhh, i loved silent hill 1, silent hill 2 drove me crazy, i was wondering around a hospital for far too long before figuring out a ring had to go on a finger of some dodgy paint on the wall. After that I completely lost interest.
For my second playthrough im planning on rolling a Dwarf rogue, I just dont know if im going to do the noble or commoner origins. Right now im about half way though the game with my mage.

Yeah figuring out some of those damn obscure puzzles can be hair pulling (thank god for gamefaqs.com :lol:) If you ever have the time and motivation, id strongly recommend playing Silent Hill 3, its my second favorate and is the last Silent Hill before the series started to go downward. It has awesome atmosphere, the hellish world is very engrossing, disturbing and unsettling. The story is basically a rehash of the first game, and the high point is a shocker plot twist mid-way through the game. Plus, even by todays standards the game looks great, the character models were way ahead of thier time (hell, they looked better than the "next gen" Silent Hill: Homecomming character models)

Oh yeah, and the music rocks as always :cool:


Well-Known Member
For my second playthrough im planning on rolling a Dwarf rogue, I just dont know if im going to do the noble or commoner origins. Right now im about half way though the game with my mage.

Yeah figuring out some of those damn obscure puzzles can be hair pulling (thank god for gamefaqs.com :lol:) If you ever have the time and motivation, id strongly recommend playing Silent Hill 3, its my second favorate and is the last Silent Hill before the series started to go downward. It has awesome atmosphere, the hellish world is very engrossing, disturbing and unsettling. The story is basically a rehash of the first game, and the high point is a shocker plot twist mid-way through the game. Plus, even by todays standards the game looks great, the character models were way ahead of thier time (hell, they looked better than the "next gen" Silent Hill: Homecomming character models)

Oh yeah, and the music rocks as always :cool:
Make sure you upgrade your rogues ability to pick locks early on, will help you loads. I don't actually own a console anymore, I can't hack downgrading on graphics playing on a 360 or ps3.


Make sure you upgrade your rogues ability to pick locks early on, will help you loads. I don't actually own a console anymore, I can't hack downgrading on graphics playing on a 360 or ps3.
I plan on, Lelieanha (however you spell it :P ) is doing all my picking for me now.

Silent Hill 3 was also released for the PC, so the higher resolution and textures should make it much easier on the eyes, and I dont think it would require a powerhouse PC to play it.


Well-Known Member
I plan on, Lelieanha (however you spell it :P ) is doing all my picking for me now.

Silent Hill 3 was also released for the PC, so the higher resolution and textures should make it much easier on the eyes, and I dont think it would require a powerhouse PC to play it.
i found when I was elf i missed out on somet things at the beginning, after playing through the first time I also learnt not to buy any weapons as you normally pick them up on the area after you would have bought them.

I did get quite bored at the circle of magi though.


i found when I was elf i missed out on somet things at the beginning, after playing through the first time I also learnt not to buy any weapons as you normally pick them up on the area after you would have bought them.

I did get quite bored at the circle of magi though.

Yeah, the game had quite a bit of a learning curve for me. One mistake I made, like you, I was spending all my gold as soon as I got it thinking id be able to grind for more later in the game. Then I found out that gold is rather rare and hard to comeby and therefore something that should be saved and rationed for those special items.

Im going to have my rogue pick-pocket everyone he sees when I play him, and unless its nailed down ill be looting absolutly everything :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the game had quite a bit of a learning curve for me. One mistake I made, like you, I was spending all my gold as soon as I got it thinking id be able to grind for more later in the game. Then I found out that gold is rather rare and hard to comeby and therefore something that should be saved and rationed for those special items.

Im going to have my rogue pick-pocket everyone he sees when I play him, and unless its nailed down ill be looting absolutly everything :mrgreen:

theres a guy in denerim market that helps you make quite a bit of cash doing thief jobs. you have to pay him increasing amounts of gold for the info, but keep going back when he's there and paying for the info. You can make a lot.


Well-Known Member
I am really into prototype right now. I finally just started playing it. It's awesome.

oh on the 360


Active Member
mass effect 2... I just grab a bunch of weed, my bowl, some snacks, water and setup shop on my couch. Can play it for hours