I thought it'd never happen to me, the girl of my dreams turned out to be a man!


Active Member
thanx for ur speedy replies ppl. i hv 2 more growing, hopefully i have noticed this in time. the other two havnt really showed much signs yet.

i will upload photos of the execution.

thanx again

ps. always check downstairs first guys! lol



Active Member
I am a newbie too, so if I am wrong... Feel free to correct me.

I recently harvested my first plant. I am so proud. :)

I remember waiting patiently for the "gender show". My heart would pound every time I went to check.

I had 2 plants. They stayed identical for a long while... then one started growing more rapidly than the other. Soon, on that one plant they appeared... BALLS.

From my reading, it seems the male plants will show Gender sooner than Female plants. In my case, my female was almost 2 weeks behind my male.

So if there are no signs of BALLS on the other plants... This is good for you.

I cussed when I saw Balls on my plant. LOL

I am currently trying to re-veg my girl. Her name is "Eve". I wish I would have just cloned her, but at the time... I wasn't sure how.

Best of Luck!!



Active Member
hi again. a part of me went up in flames along with the plant. damn, after all the care and attension, tht really hurt. bt hey ive two to go.

i think one of thems a male and ones a female. ive noticed similar balls on one, but lovely hairs in a v-shape coming off the other. il show u the pics, ive taken two of each, the first two are of the one i think is a man. i reacon i can judge for myself on this one tho. but any responses apreciated ppl.

soon there will be only one.

il let u know how i get on



Active Member
picture are blurr but from what i can see youre right ..the first one is a man and the sencond a female. good luck with that grow


Active Member
yeah sorry bout the pics, not a good cam. im gonna burn the other bugger tomorrow i reakon. but il let you know how the budds look.

Soon b time to reap the fruits of my labour.

cant wait