North Carolinian growers opinions...


Active Member I'm poppin some seeds, and bustin out some clones for the springtime. I'm seeing when other north carolina growers plant theirs. Its hard to tell since we have crazy ass weather, but I'm wanting opinions from experienced people living in my area. I was planning on April 15th to be the earliest I would transplant outdoors. What about you guys?


Active Member
Apr 15 should be fine, maybe Apr 30 to be safe, since it's been colder than normal this year. My girls got attacked by spider mites last year, so I stocked up on Neem oil. Good Luck!


Active Member
thanks folks... between april 15 and 30th it is then.

p.s. is neem oil good for all buggers? im worried about june bugs and japanese beetles. they swarm everything where im at in june/july.


Active Member
Yea,its good maybe get some powerful stuff and spread it out away from ur plants and neem oil,
yeah i've got some insane bug killer shit that could easily kill small rodents haha. and i definitely don't wanna but that on my plants. i'll try putting it around them though, thanks. now i will need to research for some rodent/animal repellent.


Active Member
Mt. Lion,coyote, wolf,ect ect piss....
Yea on second thought don't use that, high power stuff might kill plants,
Maybe put some mice traps and some rabbit traps out but the piss will get rid of all that,
Lady bugs are insect eaters so id go with that cause a lady bug army will devistate any insect! !!


Active Member
Mt. Lion,coyote, wolf,ect ect piss....
Yea on second thought don't use that, high power stuff might kill plants,
Maybe put some mice traps and some rabbit traps out but the piss will get rid of all that,
Lady bugs are insect eaters so id go with that cause a lady bug army will devistate any insect! !!

where the hell do i buy lady bugs?


Active Member
Lady bugs

What strain r u grown?

Make sure u don't cut down to many trees one maybe two, I didn't cut any for my friend at all,
Good soil,but if that's not an opinion just dig a hole fill it back in with that soil leafs and sticks and just fer ur plants they b fine,wat u think the Hispanics use out in cali?


Active Member
Lady bugs

What strain r u grown?

Make sure u don't cut down to many trees one maybe two, I didn't cut any for my friend at all,
Good soil,but if that's not an opinion just dig a hole fill it back in with that soil leafs and sticks and just fer ur plants they b fine,wat u think the Hispanics use out in cali?

i'll have to order them when it gets warmer, or they'll surely die.

Im growing Northern lights x Big Bud, White Widow x Big Bud, LA Woman, and The Church. 2 of each. Yeah I found a great spot near a pond that got a good amount of direct sunlight. I had to cut through a whole patch of vines with only my dull machete. I'm looking for good soil, but cheap too. I've got plenty of time tho.


Active Member
U think so, I'm helping my friend out this year for money,20plants
4 plots,
Each area is about 50*50ft
Took around 1-2months of buying the soil, then preping,carrying in real real late at night then digging holes,moving soil,
And then every thing else,
If u think ur going to be getting any kinda yeild u better get up and start working every day till ur done,all the work is the hard part if ur lazy tthen u needa forget growing, cause after u plant them that's the start,then u gotta carry water, fix problems,

If u cleared a path I hope its not wide, aNd throw a lot of cheap. Ferts around every were


Active Member
U think so, I'm helping my friend out this year for money,20plants
4 plots,
Each area is about 50*50ft
Took around 1-2months of buying the soil, then preping,carrying in real real late at night then digging holes,moving soil,
And then every thing else,
If u think ur going to be getting any kinda yeild u better get up and start working every day till ur done,all the work is the hard part if ur lazy tthen u needa forget growing, cause after u plant them that's the start,then u gotta carry water, fix problems,

If u cleared a path I hope its not wide, aNd throw a lot of cheap. Ferts around every were

oh trust me, this is my full time job. i just finished building a shed out of scratch, including electrical, insulation, etc, to start my crop off in.

and you guys are doing what i'm trying to do. a few small patches. i just finished clearing one yesterday. 4-6 plants will be planted there. and its extremely hard to get into, and even see. its surrounded by vines and thorns and foliage. i've been scavenging around for other areas throughout the land that's around me with good sunlight, but their hard to find.

are u guys planting in the woods or what? mine will be close to the edge of a pond. that's the only place i could find that got the most sunlight.


Active Member
Im targeting April 10th or the 17th depending on weather to put my seedlings outside. Im doing R.K.S., Sweet Afgani Delicious, Apple Jack, and mabye Pineapple express.


Active Member
Im targeting April 10th or the 17th depending on weather to put my seedlings outside. Im doing R.K.S., Sweet Afgani Delicious, Apple Jack, and mabye Pineapple express.

wow you have quite a juicy stock of strains there.

are you really just putting the seedlings out or letting them veg a lil bit inside?


Well-Known Member
i am in nc and plan to set out in two weeks if all goes well. where are you in nc? that could make a big difference.


Active Member
im recently new to growing but I do live in the NC mountains and I have been experimenting for a couple weeks. I have had quite a few plants outside since it has been so warm and have kept them outside all but one night and they are doing amazing. I also have a few on a 150 watt HPS and i'm 12/12 with them just trying to get some buds and experimenting around learning I guess you could say!


Active Member
im recently new to growing but I do live in the NC mountains and I have been experimenting for a couple weeks. I have had quite a few plants outside since it has been so warm and have kept them outside all but one night and they are doing amazing. I also have a few on a 150 watt HPS and i'm 12/12 with them just trying to get some buds and experimenting around learning I guess you could say!
Keep a close watch on the temp Friday night, heard there might be a chance of frost or even freezing conditions! Im planning on setting my seedlings out in a couple weeks! Cant wait!!


Active Member
yea I keep up with the temps religiously, it's supposed to be real cold friday and saturday night I will be moving them all indoors for the night both nights I do believe.