The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
makes sense mate i've never had it before i am planning on trying a joint with it though just to see or unless it's really bade?
dragon ive smoked spray/soap/wet all kinda shit in the past and nar m8 it aint that bad really.

i just find it extra harsh cause i only smoke buckets when im at home i get paranoid bout stinking this little flat out with joints when i got a grow on, with buckets i can hold it in then blow it outa the window lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
dragon ive smoked spray/soap/wet all kinda shit in the past and nar m8 it aint that bad really.

i just find it extra harsh cause i only smoke buckets when im at home i get paranoid bout stinking this little flat out with joints when i got a grow on, with buckets i can hold it in then blow it outa the window lol
i'd be doing the same aswell mate security first, i had a bucket the other day actually used a bucket i did it in the living room coz the misses wanted to see i nearly lost a lung i coughed down the bottle and blew water every where eye's watering the lot my misses nearly pissed she thought it was brilliant lol


Active Member
dragon ive smoked spray/soap/wet all kinda shit in the past and nar m8 it aint that bad really.

i just find it extra harsh cause i only smoke buckets when im at home i get paranoid bout stinking this little flat out with joints when i got a grow on, with buckets i can hold it in then blow it outa the window lol
Im a joint smoker only, back in the day when i smoked rocky i used to do the hot knives, but since i grew up n started smokin propper i settle on a nice joint, but i do get a bit parra when i smoke through the day, as people just fuckin turn up unanounced, n with a grow on the go aswell it gets a bit ontop.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if you're still looking at what soiil/medium to use, take a look at coco! it is REALLLLY easy to use and offeres reallly good results and such. a lot the UK guys use it and rave about it as the next best thing from sliced bread in comparisson to soil, and i've also had great experience with it, and much prefer it to soil.

when i did soil i used john innes no.2 potting mix, perlite and agricultural sand (5mm sand/gravel)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
if you're still looking at what soiil/medium to use, take a look at coco! it is REALLLLY easy to use and offeres reallly good results and such. a lot the UK guys use it and rave about it as the next best thing from sliced bread in comparisson to soil, and i've also had great experience with it, and much prefer it to soil.

when i did soil i used john innes no.2 potting mix, perlite and agricultural sand (5mm sand/gravel)
that's what i'm using mate john innes no.2 7parts soil 1.5 perlite and 1.5 sand


Active Member
Im using Canna Pro, I like soil, kinda know where i stand with it lol

Been given my marchin orders... chinese for tea, so Dragon, Sambo n TTT, enjoy the rest of ur evening and i'll catch u later.

**Growin 2 Big Bang from GreenHouseSeeds**


Day to Daze

Active Member
I was gonna get the normal ballast n a 400w for £80, but then i saw the digital ballast n 600w for £20 more i figured fuck it, cant complain for that price.

n i was thinkin bout an air con unit, maybe a smaller one though, seen one in argos for about £40, but its all cash i dont really have atm lol
You got a 600 and ballast for 100quid ..

nice .. i always figured it would be a lot more...
whats the floor space in the room your using it in again?

are you planning on using any of the MH along wiht the 600hps?. im thinking of that.. not sure if it would benefit... (my tents around 5' by 5' floor space. but only 4 - 6 plants)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Im using Canna Pro, I like soil, kinda know where i stand with it lol

Been given my marchin orders... chinese for tea, so Dragon, Sambo n TTT, enjoy the rest of ur evening and i'll catch u later.

**Growin 2 Big Bang from GreenHouseSeeds**

enjoy, kfc in my house

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
enjoy your chinese amte, all about the pek n muchrooooms.

i'm busy ignoring my phone, that's the lady trying to organise a management meeting, she can buggggggger awf, i couldn't care less so long as they don't agree to making it a communal building :P

i got soor plooms and lemonade crystals though! :)


Well-Known Member
i love to smoke joints but they just dont get me stoned enough, if i got the green i can easily smoke up to a 1/4 in a day if i only smoke joints sounds like a lot but if you like ya joints nice n packed its only 10 0.7 joints very easily done.

when i smoke it pure i can half that amount. Wana stop the buckets tho i feel like a fucking school kid doing them lol want to get an ice-bong the bongs with a twist in the middle then you fill the top half the tube with ice, the smoke flows over the ice n its fucking lovely!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i can equally smoke a quater in a day before i realise what i've done. a quater (i'm talking 2 dealers 8ths so maybe 5-5.2g total) will do me 8 joints no more no less. this current batch my guy has (he's now asking me to talk him through setting up a grow :P) will do me 3 fat joints per teenth. something i've neevr seen in my life! my rule of thumb is £5 a joint :)


Well-Known Member
haha, i can equally smoke a quater in a day before i realise what i've done. a quater (i'm talking 2 dealers 8ths so maybe 5-5.2g total) will do me 8 joints no more no less. this current batch my guy has (he's now asking me to talk him through setting up a grow :P) will do me 3 fat joints per teenth. something i've neevr seen in my life! my rule of thumb is £5 a joint :)
im the same m8 but alot of people aint. .5 is a small joint for me that will do some of my friends 2 or 3 joints.

but each to the own and personally i wish i was a lightweight wouldnt cost me so much fucking money then lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i like being a medium weight (i don't think i'm heavy weight any more, in the past i'd roll up at 3g a joint) just so i can smoke my brother and my frineds into the ground :lol: althoug it does abckfire, come the evening of my 21st, 90% of my geusts were rather catatomic on the kitchen floor and carpets etc :lol:

but yeah, i see no point in prison joints, as you'll just want another half an hour later. do it like you mean it!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
think i got a little burn guys it's only on a couple of leaves they look dry and like they got a really fine layer of rust on them, any1 know if this nute burn?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sounds like it. just loweryour feed next watering and keep pluggin away. i am frequently burning my plants with haphazard measurements, but if you change what you wre doing, it's never any lasting damage other than a little rust as you say