Aerogarden, Round 2

yeo tek was this an easy process to figure out? cause im lookin for something easy? and did u get any bud yet?
Yes he has....if you look at his profile you can see some of the finished bud....Here are some pics of my grow so far in the aerogarden....
I really need to talk to you about your garden. When did you add the neuts? I have seeds still rooting, how do I add neuts with seeds in there?

i've only read the first page of this, but i wanted to tell how fucking awesome this is. i just saw one of those exact same aerogardens at Target for $150. i am so going to get one as soon as i can make it to the store. where did you get yours at? how much? this is so sweet. i've been thinking about doing an aero grow for a while, but haven't had the money/products to buy/build one. i'm sorry that i keep rambling on, but i have never seen one of these at the store before. anyone know how long they have been carrying them? thank you so much for your inspiration. i saw it yesterday and said to my fiancee, "That is fuckin cool, I wonder if I can grow pot in that?"
Chatted today with an Aerogrow service rep (probably in India). She informed me that the new Aerogrow Deluxe model has 3 26 watt CFL grow lights at 1560 lumens each. Now that sounds like bordering on potential. Shipments are expected mid December. If and when they finally do this right, the market could be, well, sky's the limit.
i've only read the first page of this, but i wanted to tell how fucking awesome this is. i just saw one of those exact same aerogardens at Target for $150. i am so going to get one as soon as i can make it to the store. where did you get yours at? how much? this is so sweet. i've been thinking about doing an aero grow for a while, but haven't had the money/products to buy/build one. i'm sorry that i keep rambling on, but i have never seen one of these at the store before. anyone know how long they have been carrying them? thank you so much for your inspiration. i saw it yesterday and said to my fiancee, "That is fuckin cool, I wonder if I can grow pot in that?"

yeah they are badass but wait they got a new one that you are gonna want if you are gonna get one.
got one of the originals it works great but need the bigger light for flowering
people will try to disrespect this product but look at the pics on here and judge for yourself> Lots of great information on here to read before buying one. New one is the deluxe or the Pro 200 they got a new lite
recommend growing the basil first to get to know the product and perfect your skills.(most wont see it this way but oh well).
Pics coming soon I promise. but no funds for camera...:-(
does anyone have trouble with thier steams getting really weak at the very bottom? all my plants' steams get white at the bottom and look weak and skinny...
You keeping the little cardoboard rings in place to keep the light off the roots and using a fan to make em wave in the breeze to toughen em up now aintcha? Reseat em a little deeper. Put that spindly stem in the sponges and it will turn to roots. Just leave the leaves sticking out of the hole in the cardboard.

Big Wheel
Hey guys i just got the aeroponics garden and i have a few questions.
I planted 7 seeds and im waiting for them to sproud i just put in the 2 tablets for the nutrients but i dont think my motor thing is working and when i look in the water its like not moving, i also dont know what mode to set it up on right now its on salad greens but I dont know if thats the best one could someone please give me some help? I have a bubble thing for fish tanks should i put that in for the water to move?
TEK!!! I did not see until now you started another thread. In my opinion, you are one of the pioneers in the world AG growers!! On behalf of the AG growers, I must thank you for your hard work and research :hug:

I use the FF trio and it IS available on line, just google Fox Farm. Also, lots of people use the AG nutes with great success. It seems most start out using 1/4 to 1/2 of a dissolved tab and then up it from there. It's just my personal choice to stay organic.

As for those asking about a manual, read Tek's first thread. Also there is an ongoing Guide to Aerogardening too. It may be lengthy, but it answers many questions and has many different success/fail notes on different nutes and techniques. :peace: