Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Here are a couple shots of the variation on this method that I spoke of earlier without the ez clone nozzles or any tubes inside the 4x4's at all 1/2" pvc feed line and 1.5" pvc drains, water in one end and out the other. works fantastic those girls are 21 days into flower.
So your input is on the top of the fence post?
Your on the right track thinking about using exhaust gas as a supplement for the garden but not with ANY furnace,even with a modern 95 percent efficient furnace the ppm of toxic gasses is way too high to chance in an occupied dwelling.

My line of work affords me the use of air monotoring gear where ive found out for myself that even the cleanest burning furnace or boiler is too dangerous to use.

What you can use is a gas or propane fired water heater & run the exhaust vent into your room,just be damm sure that the exhaust pipe going from the heater has enough rise to allow the exhaust to flow & not become vapor locked within the pipe.

Ive ran both my main room using the exhaust from my natural gas fired water for over 3 years straight with excellent results in bud production vs straight non supplemented air,i estimate an easy 10 % increase in overall bud production which in a room your size will add up into lb's.

Ive been chastized by the nay sayers & the doomsday police on this site for giving this advice in the past, not to mention being threatened with an infraction from fdd for giving dangerous advice but it is what it is ,the system works great & poses very little danger to life.

It works great for me.

Thanks PAN for the advice.. I decided that its not worth the trouble, and am going with the hydro water cooled co2 gen.. It seemed like a good idea at the time but the worries just outweighed the peace of mind.

happy growin!!!
Your on the right track thinking about using exhaust gas as a supplement for the garden but not with ANY furnace,even with a modern 95 percent efficient furnace the ppm of toxic gasses is way too high to chance in an occupied dwelling.

My line of work affords me the use of air monotoring gear where ive found out for myself that even the cleanest burning furnace or boiler is too dangerous to use.

What you can use is a gas or propane fired water heater & run the exhaust vent into your room,just be damm sure that the exhaust pipe going from the heater has enough rise to allow the exhaust to flow & not become vapor locked within the pipe.

Ive ran both my main room using the exhaust from my natural gas fired water for over 3 years straight with excellent results in bud production vs straight non supplemented air,i estimate an easy 10 % increase in overall bud production which in a room your size will add up into lb's.

Ive been chastized by the nay sayers & the doomsday police on this site for giving this advice in the past, not to mention being threatened with an infraction from fdd for giving dangerous advice but it is what it is ,the system works great & poses very little danger to life.

It works great for me.

I want to do it and do it right. I need some keywords to help begin to educate myself for this project. Can you help me out? I have a water heater in my garage, the vent is on the roof. I will need to run it to a bedroom on the far side of the house.

I am thinking I will have a redundancy system anyway, I will vent the air before entering my room. What do I care the hot water heater wastes so much C02 anyway, I will just eject the current room air before entering.
Thank you so much for taking your time share with us this very valuable information, I learned so much from that post on page 75, your my hero man.
any one have a link for how to setup a co2 regulator. got a cap one off fleabay for a buddys grow show im helping setup and Ive never used co2 and he knows even less than me. I just dont know how to figure out how to set it up on a timer till I get him a controler (ppm)

So untill he can afford one of them nice ones Im going to have to set him up with a timer. I got a used cap co2 reg (.5-15 scfh) type. please any help
thanks yall
I would ask on stinkbuddys but it seems my account is no good anymore. says my username doesnt exist??? weird since I sighned up as soon as stink started it. I dont want to re start an account there till I know for sure It wont be deleted/removed or what ever happend!!
STINKBUD whats up with your site? Do I need to restart an account?? Is it done with what ever updates or revamping that was getting done??
andy, I just registered again with my old id and everthing has been fine. Might just need to go in and try to start over. I think everything got blanked when he did the new forum.
Hi, I have been using this cloning system for about a year now. And with the exception of some heat issues last summer, I have been getting great results. Until now. For the past few weeks, I have not been getting any cuttings to root. Some stems are rotting, some are getting hard and brittle. I cleaned it good, no help. I bought a new rubbermaid tub and for about 10 minutes ran bleach water through the pump and sprayers using a lid with no holes. And temps are staying between 65 and 70 or so. STILL, every day I get the PH to 5.8 and within 12 hours it has gone back up to about 8. What am I missing? I sure could use some advice.
1 clean sprayers
2 clean out pvc pipes
3 check pump for roots and shit

Thanks, but I already did that twice. I remember Stink talking about hydrozine or something like that for algea. I dont see any crap growing and the plastic doesnt feel slimy, but I am willing to try anything reasonable. I may just start over from scratch. Another new tub, pump and sprayer setup. If new dont get it done, what could? I can convert the old cloner into another veg unit to give my babies more room to breathe.
Thanks, but I already did that twice. I remember Stink talking about hydrozine or something like that for algea. I dont see any crap growing and the plastic doesnt feel slimy, but I am willing to try anything reasonable. I may just start over from scratch. Another new tub, pump and sprayer setup. If new dont get it done, what could? I can convert the old cloner into another veg unit to give my babies more room to breathe.

Hygrozyme, comes from Canada, uses secret enzymes. My Hydro store had it for $36.99,/ ltr, but it seems to work.