So I just found out I have Crohn's Disease...



So what is it exactly... I saw that commercial and figured it was a pharmeceutical ad to get healthy people to buy drugs. I never heard of this shit.

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
So what is it exactly... I saw that commercial and figured it was a pharmeceutical ad to get healthy people to buy drugs. I never heard of this shit.
Pretty much my body thinks that part of my intestine is bad so it tries to get rid of it. The pain is excruciating,the only thing that helps is bud. It causes my intestines to get inflamed and causes diarrea and vomiting.I have to go for a colonoscopy tommorow...


Well-Known Member
Shitty news to get but on the flip side, you get to smoke like a mofo as its a recognized condition.

A friend I grew up with was diagnosed several years ago and he has used cannabis for a long time to deal with it.

Good luck & Good vibes.



Active Member
I know what Crohn's is and when I saw your thead my first thought was " Oh that poor bastard, he's going to be shitting his guts out" For the most part is can controlled with meds but your miserable just the same. Too bad friend. Good luck and fight the good fight.


Well-Known Member
My neighboor back in the dorm had Crohn's. He was usually A ok with his meds but on more than one occasion he was unable to stray too far away from the bathrooms. David Garrard was struck by the opponent he didnt see coming... Crohn's Disease. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes man, enjoy your green.


Staff member
my mom has it , once it got so bad she was 85lbs. but shes way better now she smokes bud too so id say thats prob your best bet for pain related help


Well-Known Member
my mom has it , once it got so bad she was 85lbs. but shes way better now she smokes bud too so id say thats prob your best bet for pain related help
while your waiting to go through all the process, stay away from nuts. peas sweet corn or anything else thats usually hard to digest and comes out in your stool.

those things are pretty painful to process.

just be prepared for lots of docs to stick their finger up your ass.


New Member
You have my sympathy....

Colon inflamed.... in serious pain???

Hey, I know, let's slip something up there! :lol: Ow....


New Member
I had my appendix out when I was 20. I saw three doctors that day and each one poked me in the abdomen.... :lol:

Does that hurt? Uhhh, wow, I can see those eight years of med school really paid off!


Well-Known Member
I had my appendix out when I was 20. I saw three doctors that day and each one poked me in the abdomen.... :lol:

Does that hurt? Uhhh, wow, I can see those eight years of med school really paid off!

when my wife was pregnant, she had to keep going in regularly for checkups and whatever, they'd always tell her to lie down, then some doctor that could barely grow facial hair would push down on her stomach, sometimes to the point where he was trying to lift his feet off the ground to get some back into it.

man she hated that,


Active Member
Get some Aloe Vera juice from George's try the if you can't find it in local health food store. Don't try the regular stuff that isn't distilled, the bitter part of the leaf is irritating to the gut. Cook with your bud eating it can help with cramping. Get tested for food allergies (usually causes IBS but can contribute to Chrohn's), not all labs are equal get a good one. Wheat is the most common along with eggs and dairy. Try restricting your diet to something simple like chicken and rice. See how it goes and add in foods one at a time every couple of days to see whats affecting you.