The Church


WOW! Looking nice :hump:

I do know that GHS had a problem with the church recently and they were off the shelf for several months.

They just re introduced the strain about a month ago. Obviously you have one of the previous strains and it is doing well.....You are gonna love this strain :)

Are their still issues with the church?


Well-Known Member
MAn these are some old posts but had too say somethign 3 out of 10 germn thats the indian not the arrow.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
MAn these are some old posts but had too say somethign 3 out of 10 germn thats the indian not the arrow.
The fuck it is.....Ive popped many beans before, during and since. Ive been growing for around 20 years now. I have 90% germ rates w/ other breeders and strains. I havent gotten below 90 from ANY beans other than those Church. If its "the indian, not the arrow" why do I have acceptable rates from DNA Genetics, Reserva Privada, G13 Labs, Dinafem, Barneys Farm and Female Seeds just over the last year?

Better yet, just actually do some research before you run your mouth. GHS has publicly ADMITTED to the problem and pulled the strain from the market for a while. I might have gotten a pack from the older stock that had problems. I have no idea. This is straight from the breeder admitting to the problem:
"Hi everyone,

We have had some complaints about our church seeds not germinating, as they should. We decided to re-test all batches of church that we have produced in the past couple of months, including the packets customers sent back to us. It was interesting to find that some seeds customers could not germinate, did germinate in our lab, but others did not, so we understand their frustrations.

The test results just came in and unfortunately from 3 very large batches of church there was 1 batch that had poor germination ratio of around 50% to 70% germination. This is unacceptable for us and for our customers, so we are taking immediate action.

This does not mean that the church seeds you bought will not germinate, but there is a chance (1/3) if you recently purchased your seeds, that they came from the batch we had problems with.

We do test all seed batches before we place them in packets and ship them out. However if we package 50,000 seeds, we cannot test them all, we test a percentage of the batch and at that time everything was ok.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and we encourage customers that have had problems with their church seeds to contact the vendor they bought them from to work out a replacement procedure. If you have a shop, please contact us to work something out.

If you want your church seeds replaced with another strain, this can be done directly, through the right channels, but if you wish to replace the church seeds with the same seeds, you will need to wait until we have completed all of our tests and the germination ratio is around 100% again.

We will keep everyone posted, including all of our official dealers.
Any questions? Feel free to post them on this page or email us through our website.

Don't let this discourage you from growing the church because it is a excellent strain and a great smoke!!!

take care

on behalf of the green house crew


Hows that arrow for ya?:finger:


Well-Known Member
Most cases when you hear 3/10 germ you kinda lean towards maybe its the grower but chill out dude must of struck a nerve. How would I know they pulled seeds and put out that letter from GHS.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Most cases when you hear 3/10 germ you kinda lean towards maybe its the grower but chill out dude must of struck a nerve. How would I know they pulled seeds and put out that letter from GHS.
LOL yeah it struck a nerve, Ive been growing for enough time that I feel like I at least know how to germinate seeds. I took your comment as an insult. All good man


Well-Known Member
All good. Had a few beers christmas night and was too toasted 2 see your signature duh. I would have been pissed too. Sorry.

piney bob

Active Member
Just had the first of 5 not germ when a seed of a different strain popped right next to it. trying all the others at the same time right now. Hopefully i get one.

piney bob

Active Member
2 out of 5 so far. Is it worth my time writing a nasty letter? They were cheap because they had problems that to my knowledge were in the past. I guess not. Even at a low price you should not produce unsound genetics and try to sell it. I was never a Hater but Boo to GHS! they are just screwing people over until they sell every last crappy seed. Buy a couple single seeds instead. I'm sure my Mandala seeds will not disappoint.

piney bob

Active Member
Boo to the distributors too, they should know better because it ruins their reps also, being a part of such shotty business practices.

piney bob

Active Member
So one survived and it even needed to be rescued from growing downward...what a retarded strain this is. I think its time has come but hopefully come summer i will have some picture-worthy plants to show ya'll.


Active Member
Contacted greenhouse today by e-mail even though i got their gear from the attitude. I noticed that they have The Church out-of stock , but the Attitude is still selling them at the discouted price proablley the same inferior beans. I don't what a replacement of the same beans from the Attitude, would rather have maybe one of GH's kush strain. Will keep u's posted on how they handle it.

piney bob

Active Member
i got mine from herbie's and i was happy with their performance but i'm still pissed haha. I think i might shoot em an e-mail because i feel i have a valid point. The kings kush was pretty good. It stood out way more than the Bubba and the Cheese. Smelled like peanut-butter through growth till it was cured into some grapefruit goodness.

piney bob

Active Member
They told me that they will give me a couple extra freebies on my next order...which will be NEVER. They also informed me that GH has them off the shelf because they are waiting for a new batch which i am guessing will be faulty as well but will still be sold just the same. I am going to stick with local seeds from my buds (friends and literally my buds) from now on.


Active Member
I'm still waiting for a reply from GH, have yet to contact attitude. Want to see what GH has to say before I contact them, since the problem stem for them to begin with.:wall:


Active Member
I think I have take back what I mentioned about the church bean purchased from the attitude place 5 church seed in tap water with a couple drops of bleach day two four out five showing white tails, will place in paper towel until tail reach 3/4" to 1" then place in 3" peat pots.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i had a church freebie the tude gave me. i grew it last year and i liked it. maybe ill buy some someday. its worth growing again.