Plant Problems Whats Up ?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I've been having a few plant issues latley. I recently just transplanted my plants into bigger pots with a new soil mix that I mixed myself. I also fed them a little bit of fish emulsion in their water (5-1-1). The plants are showing a little bit of improvement, but I think there still may be a problem. What do you guys think ?



Active Member
you are right about the rooot bound jazz, they would start to to look rough after that, hopefully you have them in some nice big pots now! they should grow wonderful now, keep me up to date on how things are going and ill try and help along the way!!


Active Member
hey just watched your video on your ladies, they are fine let them grow, as you can see from your top leaves they are looking nice, i would say it was smart of you to get them in bigger pots and make a new mix. let it go for a week and let me know how they turn out!!


Active Member
Thanks man ill keep you up to date, if you have a grow let me know so I can subscribe. Rep is on the way my friend.