White freckles on leaves?


There seems to be some tiny white freckles on the tops of a few of my leaves, any ideas what this could be from?


Probably in the genetics. Have had those on several plants with no problems. The plant should grow out of it in time.
If your plant looks a little sick along with these white spots check on the underside the leaves very carefully and check for Spidermites. They are about half the size of a poppy seed so you need to look close or use an aid.


Well-Known Member
Get you some neem oil, and soon.

Basically, the mites live on the bottom of the leaves, and they eat the chlorophyl from the inside out. You will probably want to treat all your plants twice, and bleach your grow area. These bastards are the cockroaches of a grower's life.


F*******************KKKKKK I just looked and yep there's a buch of little white buggers down there...does anyone know how Fox Farm's "Dont bug me" spray works?


Well-Known Member
I've never tried it, but I'll offer this advice: whatever you do, do it every few days, and keep doing it longer than you think you need to.


Well-Known Member
Give the plant a real good going over it may have the dreaded spider mites.Mites will show a speckled effect on the top of the leaves if not it may be powdery mild............tyke...................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
spray with neem oil every three days for 15 days, should be fine. mix 2 tbs concentrate to one gal for spray, mix one tbs per gallon of water to treat soil and to inoculate plant........
it works, it just takes time and patience


Well-Known Member
spray with neem oil every three days for 15 days, should be fine. mix 2 tbs concentrate to one gal for spray, mix one tbs per gallon of water to treat soil and to inoculate plant........
it works, it just takes time and patience
Yes, what he said. I had the same occurance, did the same treatment, and have been mite free since.

Have you taken the plants outside at all?


Yes, what he said. I had the same occurance, did the same treatment, and have been mite free since.

Have you taken the plants outside at all?
Nope, they've been inside the whole cycle. I've had my window open very often and sometimes I would have the door of my box open as well. I have friends who have all of their girls out in the open in their house and they haven't gotten any mites so I'm very confused on how they got in there.

So can anyone tell me how they got in there so I can prevent it in the future?
Also, how will I know when they're all gone?


Well-Known Member
You probly picked em up from the grow store or any house plant at you or a friends house.


Active Member
F*******************KKKKKK I just looked and yep there's a buch of little white buggers down there...does anyone know how Fox Farm's "Dont bug me" spray works?
Eh, I used it, it works okay, if you have it use it but there are better products to buy.


Eh, I used it, it works okay, if you have it use it but there are better products to buy.
I ended up buying Einstein Oil, which is made with 100% organic, first-extraction, cold pressed neem oil. I've applied it twice now and there seems to be much fewer mites if any at all.


Well-Known Member
Keep doing it. It won't get the eggs. When you think you've got them all... spray some more.


New Member
you can battle with them for months as i did.. or just a week , by using the ONLY solution ive found to WORK.

and its the easiest...

go to lowes and get HOTSHOT pest strips... they look like white air freshner things that plug into a wall, and they come in a blue pacakge... put 1 or 2 in your grow room.

they are sentless, and they kill ALL BUGS and DONT HURT PLANTS.

I used a spray also, but the spray was not working... and these HOTSHOTS did, and still do.

i leave 1 in my grow room for safe keeping... and NO BUGS EVER COME BACK.

Please listen to me... its so easy, everything else is hard, hurts plants, and doenst work.

Please listen to me.