First timer, how do these look so far?


Active Member

Im new to the site, and new to growing.

I have a white widow, a wonder woman, and an aurora indica. All three are about 5 weeks so far from the time the seed sprang up. Used hybrid feminized seeds. Got them in a tent with a 400 w light.

Any tips are welcome, and thanks!




Well-Known Member
For Indica they look nice and stout, great job your right on track. I have been wanting to grow the aurora to get a pure indica, should be nice and sticky at the end. I would wait until you get another 12 inches before flowering. I would wait another week and take some clones.


Active Member
Thanks for taking a look. I too think they are a lil small. I am afraid to over nut, and if I put the light any closer they get too hot I think.

Is it normal that they seem to need more water last few days? I gave them all a good watering with fox farms grow big and big bloom mixed yesterday, and this morning the leaves are looking a bit droopy already. I think they need water again.

I took one clone from the indica aurora, and its in the lil grow dome. So far it looks ok. I will try to get a clone off the other two started this weekend.

thanks again.



Well-Known Member
get some foliar spray going , u can use ordinary hydro nutes on 1/8 dosage you should notice them grow considerably more , start with just a quick mist when the lights are off and then every night soak em alittle more


Active Member

I will try adding some of the grow big to the morning mist I have been doing with just water.
