Grafting possibilities? advice needed :D


Hey all, i was just wondering if you can graft weed plants to other kinds of trees..?

thinking like guerilla grow in the canopy of a forest with the plants at the top of a tree. Obviously i can see faults haha, but hell yad get good at climbing trees..

is this possible or are the nutrients absorbed by the initial plant not compatible or detremental to the weeds growth/taste? or will they just not "take" at all?

You can graft other cannabis plants together, you may even be able to graft other plants in the cannabis family, but grafting cannabis to a softwood or semi-hardwood tree, is biologically impossible.
It would be easier to just haul a planter and secure that to the top of a tree.

You dont want to grow in a tree anyway. It has more leaves than your plant ever will and your plant wont stand a chance.
there is another thread on here about real novel uses of grafting, such as having one mother with multiple strains.
why? if you dont mind me asking haha.

genetic rejection basically...

the tree will see the cannabis as a foreign contaminant and will seal it off instead of growing together

that's just a generic answer though... i'm no botanist
there is another thread on here about real novel uses of grafting, such as having one mother with multiple strains.
:confused:can anyone verify if this is possible sounds like a dam good idea.

Just lable the branch with whatever strain you have grafted and clone away!!:mrgreen:
:confused:can anyone verify if this is possible sounds like a dam good idea.

Just lable the branch with whatever strain you have grafted and clone away!!:mrgreen:

not just possible.... it's been done... you can graft a branch from one mother onto a mother from another strain and have a multi strain mother... or graft male onto female to seed or vice versa
grab a book on grafting its damn easy,but it needs to be pretty humid in area ,youu can cut stalk into a point you are grafting ,then on the plant a slit on a 70 degree anglemaking sure to leave cambium attached put the point in the slit but you want it to fit tight with lots of contact between the too thentie it up making sure seal is airtight mist daily unitl starts growing,you should find instructions on the net
grab a book on grafting its damn easy,but it needs to be pretty humid in area ,youu can cut stalk into a point you are grafting ,then on the plant a slit on a 70 degree anglemaking sure to leave cambium attached put the point in the slit but you want it to fit tight with lots of contact between the too thentie it up making sure seal is airtight mist daily unitl starts growing,you should find instructions on the net

I read up on grafting, its easy to understand and hard to make work. I will be grafting.
I read up on grafting, its easy to understand and hard to make work. I will be grafting.
Yup iam going to giver a try aswell i just built a new room that i can segerate off a portion to home a mother plant but only one . Now if i graft i should be able to hang onto a few strains that i like . One problem i have thought of is the mother becomming root bound so i may have to regraft every year or so to start a new mother. A bubble bucket would probly be best ?????? input:bigjoint:
Yup iam going to giver a try aswell i just built a new room that i can segerate off a portion to home a mother plant but only one . Now if i graft i should be able to hang onto a few strains that i like . One problem i have thought of is the mother becomming root bound so i may have to regraft every year or so to start a new mother. A bubble bucket would probly be best ?????? input:bigjoint:

when it gets root bound take it out of the pot and beat the roots or cut them or whatever and put them back in fresh soil. Just my two cents, I do this sometimes when I go from veg to flower it keeps the leaves from falling off during flowering.
Yup iam going to giver a try aswell i just built a new room that i can segerate off a portion to home a mother plant but only one . Now if i graft i should be able to hang onto a few strains that i like . One problem i have thought of is the mother becomming root bound so i may have to regraft every year or so to start a new mother. A bubble bucket would probly be best ?????? input:bigjoint:

I repotted this one two weeks in to flower. My idiot friend almost tore all the roots off when I was in the other room. It recovered fast!
okay i remember propagation class now,a simple effective graft is cut the branch you want tograft on a 70 degree angle then on the plant your grafting to try and cut a identicle slit same angle then attach brach to plant and use an elastic wrap around until graft joint is tightly sealed put in high humidity area mist daily unti new growth on branch appears
okay i remember propagation class now,a simple effective graft is cut the branch you want tograft on a 70 degree angle then on the plant your grafting to try and cut a identicle slit same angle then attach brach to plant and use an elastic wrap around until graft joint is tightly sealed put in high humidity area mist daily unti new growth on branch appears

you can also make matching V cuts in both the graft host and branch... tape it with graft tape or electrical tape... put a clear bag over the fragile branch (to act as humidity dome) for the first few days-week just like you would a clone...

any standard grafting technique should work... cannabis heals well IMO... think about when you break a branch and tie it back up... it'll be back to holding itself on within a day or two sometimes...
not to get off topic but years ago I read that it is possible to graft a hops plant onto a mj plant. I can't verify that but wouldn't that make some killer brew!
:peace:yeah u totally can. hops is in the same family as cannabis. you can graft marijuana to hops.. the only problem is it doesn't produce thc after that haha.
actually i know someone who told me once him and his buddy did that in the woods before.. could of just been 1 or 2 maybe more.. but i know for fact it was 1 that got too big to where you could see it from FAR away.. i dont remember exact distance (maybe even a mile) but he said it was huge but never went back to it cuz it got too big and just avoided it if he was going in woods to hunt/camp/whatever but true story.. never tried it though
In my experience grafting cannabis has been more successful if you graft during the cotyledon (aka seedling) stage.If your grafting this early it would be best to plant in the same container staggering your germination to allow the stock to sprout first, then after the scion pops up let it grow for a day or two, with careful surgeon like precision you will need to slice an oh so thin layer of tissue from the stems of both plants, combine the two cuts and tie of with a rubber band or other suitable grafting material. After the graft takes cut the stem below the scion. Prune to encourage an open structure and voila you now have two strains on one mother, just remeber to label the branches.Its also possible to do this durring the early vegging stage. This gives the graft a good amount of time to callus. Its best to grow your stock and scion closesly together, give the stock about 3 days head start then germinate the scion, they need to be pretty close in thickness. Next you would need to take your stock and cut a thin sliver out of the side vertically, only enough to expose the cambium(inner tissue behind bark) repeat for the scion, now heres where it gets tricky. You might have to ghetto rig something to keep the two plant pots together after you tie off your grafts. Other than this I know of no other way to really graft cannabis. You could sustain your new multi-mum by bonsai techniques and keeping it in permanant veg. Ive read about people keepin bonsai moms for over 5-10 years! Good Luck and remember BE CLEAN ABOUT IT!:bigjoint:

*NOTE if you dont know what a stock and scion is read this example:

Say I wanted to use a blueberry as my main mere. But on that blueberry I also wanted a bubblegum. The blueberry would serve as the stock and the bubblegum would be a scion. If its still muddy ask a question