:!:picture of droppy leaves in flower


Well-Known Member
:!: after putting my plant back into my tote last night b4 the spraypaint was finished fuming about an hour i woke up this morning and her leaves were alittle curled down and stems alittle pinkish/red/purple.soil was dry so watered her with a light teaspoon of mollasses in a gallon of 7.0 distilled water. whats going on. even left her with the sun on her all day out of the tote



Well-Known Member
looks overwatered to me.. There is no reason to be using mollasses while the plant is so young.. Just let it be and Im sure itll be fine.. btw its hard to see whats going on from the pic u provided..


Well-Known Member
well it was that way when i woke up thinking it was thirsty and pot was dry and light. so it stayed the same. and its a 12/12 from seed. this picture is from a week ago. the picture i took was from the top left today



Well-Known Member
that an week old picture, the droop is whats goin on. usually it looks like the last picture all nice and peppy and leaves out trying to catch sunlight....doesnt look that way.im not trying to cause arguement but it just looks like a problem


Well-Known Member
guess i gotta wait and see. funny how it responds from dry to wet and still droopy, also said it could be potasium or something. i dunno ill just hope for the best and post back on a later date. thank you


Active Member
yea, i tell you what man, I think its just you might pay to close of attention to the plant. its a plant, its gunna do wierd shit, just make sure you dont over water...its way better to error on the not quite enough side. let that sucker dry out nice before watering, and douse to about 10% run off, this has been working quite well for me....

guess i gotta wait and see. funny how it responds from dry to wet and still droopy, also said it could be potasium or something. i dunno ill just hope for the best and post back on a later date. thank you


Well-Known Member
i water every 4-5 days, gallon pot and always have a fan running in my tote to keep constant airflow.today i watered about half a gallon. constant 79-82 degrees during day and 70-73 at night. run off last at 6.0 and when added anyfood it was measured at 6.4-6.5. i have to wait until it dries out to figure anything else


Active Member
well i like my runoff a little higher than 6.0 however i have my nutes:ph ratio down to a science...my solution is about 7.3 my run off turns out to 6.8 they seem to love it....maybe your ph is just a tad to low, it really is fascinating how finicky these whores can be lmao!!!!!!

i water every 4-5 days, gallon pot and always have a fan running in my tote to keep constant airflow.today i watered about half a gallon. constant 79-82 degrees during day and 70-73 at night. run off last at 6.0 and when added anyfood it was measured at 6.4-6.5. i have to wait until it dries out to figure anything else


Active Member
ohh yea meant to also say, some old hippie dude taught me that its better to have ph in the mid 7's when watering with solutions, his theory was it ups your chances of a much more desirable ph run off level for the girls. like i said this has worked well me me, its most likely just beginners luck.

well i like my runoff a little higher than 6.0 however i have my nutes:ph ratio down to a science...my solution is about 7.3 my run off turns out to 6.8 they seem to love it....maybe your ph is just a tad to low, it really is fascinating how finicky these whores can be lmao!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wokeu p this morning and everything was fine! back to her own peppy self! so now my only worry is about the yellow up from the bottom old leaves that dont get much light. turning yellow and kind wilting from the left/alittle brown as well just 1 or 2