Well-Known Member
if its soo easy how come your on here asking for help???? the knolidge you possess about cannabis production, and breeding, isnt worth a foodstamp
if its soo easy how come your on here asking for help???? the knolidge you possess about cannabis production, and breeding, isnt worth a foodstamp
i remember when you were a noob, before my last incarnation died. as long as the intention is to help it's all good but mostly i remember advise like "it is what it is" ....still some peeps probably think that is wisdom.yeah but im also the best at helping noobs like yourself who w/o someone like me you guys would prollynever even get out of the germination phase.
i remember when you were a noob, before my last incarnation died. as long as the intention is to help it's all good
WOW,what ever you need to tell yourself that's why your talking shit on my post about people talking shit. sit down take a bong load and think about that.see you are always getting under peoples skin...and thats alright. the problem is you dont bring any good knolidge to the table.
plant 101all the help in the world will not help you grow a good killer plant out of shitty seeds then the noobs don't understand why and ask over and over why there plants dont look like the ones some of us grow.
WOW,what ever you need to tell yourself that's why your talking shit on my post about people talking shit. sit down take a bong load and think about that.
I like you wanna add me so we can make out?check it out.... in a year from now ill still be on here doing my thing. helping people out and getting gratification on that. i will still be breeding and growing and prolly will introduce a new strain after my already glorious sourkush. you WONT BE HERE. YOU WILL BE BANNED BY THEN, OR REALIZE YOU CANT GROW FOR SHIT....either way you wont last.
and for some reason you are still here and do some reading and get your weight up your gonna then realize....DAMN CHITOWN WAS RIGHT.
but like i said id bet money you wont last.
I like you wanna add me so we can make out?
kiss-assi like it rawhahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... man you are something else.
why do all the experienced growers pick on the experienced growers.... lol
This thread caught my eye so I thought i'd look at what people were saying about the noobs, considering I am one. I think I've had quite a good etiquette when it came to growing for the first time, I didnt ask how to do the basic stuff, but i Found people in similar situations and who are perhaps ahead f me and asked a bit of advice on what they did for a certain part of their grow...
Ive found this site extremely helpful and not once has my noobish self felt outcast for being a new grower, Im gonna have many successful nights sat in front of RIU with my plants growing behind me and a doob in my mouth....
peace guys...
let me share a little thing with you chitown
the word is knowledge; K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E
it really burns my doobies to see someone lecturing someone about what they dont know when they cant even spell the word knowledge....
let me share a little thing with you chitown
the word is knowledge; K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E
it really burns my doobies to see someone lecturing someone about what they dont know when they cant even spell the word knowledge....
let me share a little thing with you chitown
the word is knowledge; K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E
it really burns my doobies to see someone lecturing someone about what they dont know when they cant even spell the word knowledge....