bat guano,pureblend bloom feedings


Well-Known Member
feeding durring flowering any recommended amount a food for a nice tea to soil drench i usually feed at 1000 ppm with the pureblend alone/usually hard to measure organic material but thats what i get. and i feed distilled water every other feeding. i also have cal mag+. let me know and medium is roots organics


Well-Known Member
i have 2 diff lines of food, would it work? i was thinking about going half strenght with the pureblend and a few pinches of guano


Well-Known Member
i have 2 diff lines of food, would it work? i was thinking about going half strenght with the pureblend and a few pinches of guano
Why wouldnt it? Aslong as you use organic with organic it will work. Pro blend is very top quality and is 100%organic. Problend also contains humic acids and raw sugar cane.
DO NOT mix chemicals with organics. All the microbes will die. Make sure mix to the solution and keep it well aerated. Let it sit for 24 hours with an airstone in it. Stir it up good and take your ppm readings.
DOnt add Ph up or Down. Add differnt organics to get the correct ph. But it shouldnt matter as long as your water is correct the next watering and you limed your soil.
whats your soil like? Is it organic or soilless? limed? Do you make a tea or just mix it in the resorvior?


Well-Known Member
Soil grow. Roots organic soil for medium. Peat pellet to start her in a seed. Water with 7.0 distilled. Usually get a run off of 6.0. I actually added benificial microbes from a company that my local hydro store supports. Food I feed at 6.5 but need to up more. Haven't looked into lime as I don't know how to make a lime tea to naturally raise ph naturally.


Well-Known Member
Soil grow. Roots organic soil for medium. Peat pellet to start her in a seed. Water with 7.0 distilled. Usually get a run off of 6.0. I actually added benificial microbes from a company that my local hydro store supports. Food I feed at 6.5 but need to up more. Haven't looked into lime as I don't know how to make a lime tea to naturally raise ph naturally.
I dont much about a lime tea. Maybe add a tablespoon of dolomite per gallon of soil next time. Potassium raises alkaline levels.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I've used the Fox Farm line of products for my organic grows, and I've also made my own teas. I got better results with my own tea,and it goes alot further..... IMO, the freasher the better. I'll copy and paste my method, you can view my journal to see results if you'd like.

What you'll need:
Seabird guano, bat guano, earth worm castings, kelp meal (or liquid seaweed), molessas, a bubble stone and bubble pump, a paint strainer. 5 gallon bucket.
What to do:
Get a couple of gallons of water from tap....let set on bubbles over night to dechlorinize it, then pH balance the water to 6.5....take a couple tablespoons of each (worm castings, seabird, bat, kelp, molessas) and put inside paint strainer and tie shut...hang the mix over the bubble stone to make movement/activity in the water....let set for 24-48 hours....put 2 cups of this per gallon to new dechlorinized pH balanced water, then water in once weekly.'ll want to back up off of the earthworm castings and the seabird guano in mid flower to eliminate nitrogen avalibility.
...the molessas and liquid seaweed are liquid , however, still use table spoon measurements.
...stop giving tea @ weeks 5 for an 8 week strain, or allow a couple weeks to flush (not so important organically but, I prefer to save the $)



Well-Known Member
When i do soil beds, i mix my own mixture. Its wormcastings,high P bat guano,rare earth silicate,OxyCal. I mix it like this for a 4'x8'x10" wood bed. 2 1000 hps over one bed with bat wings.
I buy 3 3.8cubic ft bales of Promix hp. 1 large bag of wormcasting, 1 large rare earth, 2 empty rare earthcontainers full of bat guano, two cups of oxycal and mix it really good. I also add alot of perlite. Perlite is good for drainage and very usefull for thick organic soils. The promix contains dolomite and calitic limestones and microse. It is 75 percent peat in weight and enough perlite just for its self. Make sure you amend soil very well.
For the beds you can also mix in subculter m or b.
I feed with Problend pro bloom, AN bloom,micro,grow. karboboost, hydroboost, diamond nectar, kushie kush and rhinoskin. Also koolbloom 3 weeks before harvest. i have a 12 day flush with flora clean.
i dont exceed 1500 ppm. Feed once a week. water next.
Its fairly expensive but worth its weight in quality.