i need a MMJ expert for this one

I would go with the Hobbes recommended strains such as the KMist or Godzilla. I would harvest them as soon as the trichomes just started to show a tiny bit of milkyness(this will give you more of the indica medication without the heavy couch lock). Really what you should be looking for is any great indica and just harvesting about a week sooner than recommended.(7weeks would be about perfect for most indi in your case). Check out the Hobbes threads and send him a PM. He's always very knowledgeable and unbiased in his research and tests. Best of luck with your situation and I hope you find what your looking for.
if you are going for potency go with satori. if you are a casual med user or smoker you should use a speed queen or mandala #1 as i find these fit well in my day time smoke medicines. Satori left all the for 50% amber almost will do the job for a night time med. But i usually go stronger to help with insomnia and active mind and restlessness you need the strongest possible mj for that. Something like deep purples make you so tired you really cant do anything but sleep... but i prefer white russian or sensi star. i find sensi star makes you beyond tired if you leave it a little longer. Deeeep sleep yes its nice. i missed my sleep so much. =)

thank you kind sir i am so excited to grow outside. i will definitely look into the satori. i have already decided to go with mandala seeds because they are so much cheaper than other seeds. i am always looking for the best potency as i prefer to be high 24/7.

so let me get this right, if i leave the plant in the dirt longer i will get a more tired, sleepy high and if i get it earlier it will be more cerebral high? so i guess i need something in between the two so i get really high but can stay awake throughout the day
thank you kind sir i am so excited to grow outside. i will definitely look into the satori. i have already decided to go with mandala seeds because they are so much cheaper than other seeds. i am always looking for the best potency as i prefer to be high 24/7.

so let me get this right, if i leave the plant in the dirt longer i will get a more tired, sleepy high and if i get it earlier it will be more cerebral high? so i guess i need something in between the two so i get really high but can stay awake throughout the day

I get headaches from pre-maturely harvested bud. It's definitely worth your time trying a premature inidica because if you dig it you can get some much faster harvests, but in my experience nothing beats a thoroughly grown sativa or sativa dominant with good genetics. :hump:

I think I'm gonna try Mandala first too, then when I have the money go for Kali Mist in a big batch some other time and select the best mother.
High quality sats and sat dom hybreds are great and a fav of mine as well but in your case will only make you sweat more. Stick with the pure indi's and harvest a little early. I have gotton headaces from poorly grown swag that had no proper flush---something to keep in mind. Grown the strain of your choice and harvest half of it a week early and the other half when shes ripe. You will have meds for both the daytime and nighttime. Again send Hobbes a pm. He can point you in the right direction...
High quality sats and sat dom hybreds are great and a fav of mine as well but in your case will only make you sweat more.

I have found this to be true of most sativa and sativa dominant strains, but I think Kali Mist may be an exception worth exploring in this case. Unlike many other Sativa dominant strains I find this one calms feelings of anxiety, plus it's the most functional anxiety reducing strain I've ever tried.