Smooth Vibrations


Well-Known Member
So I've heard all over the place that having sounds around plants will stimulate growth. I saw an experiment where 2 plants were placed under a 600w MH for 6 weeks of veg. One was played rap music, the other classical. The plant that listened to classical music grew more vigorously. Now I know that other elements are at work. We DID NOT check systemic nutrient levels of each plant or precise lighting conditions, etc. BUT, it was interesting.

has anyone else played with sounds?

I'm thinking of doing Classical VS "Forest Sounds"...
I make my plant watch reruns of desperate housewives. It works wonders. I had 50 pounds of dry weed from this 3 ft plant. Try it.
Yeh but seriously though, I've said this so many times and I guess I'll have 2 say it again...
music, sound, vibrations, whatever you wanna call it has no effect on plants, some people say that talking to your plants helps them and the reason why that could be true is not because the plant loves you and is interested to know how your day went (lol) but it's because when you talk you expel carbon dioxide which is what the plants take in.
i played classical music for my plants for 3 hours a day for about a month and a half, it didnt seem to make a difference in growth or health.
i played classical music for my plants for 3 hours a day for about a month and a half, it didnt seem to make a difference in growth or health.

Exactly, it has no positive or negative effect. It simply makes no difference and is a silly concept to have even been conceived.
i always have had some noise around the plants and never any kinda speeded growth, as for vibration, i heard that it is good to have a fan blowing on the plants, no just to cool the lights and room off but too stress the plant and promote healthly stems
Thats funny because I'm always bumpin music everyday and I just thought to myself the other day if in any way it could effect the plant, I thought I was just stoned tho and the only one to think of that lol. I don't think you could say that forsure it does not work, because you have no real hard proof on that, I mean yea it sounds out there but you don't know, and same thing for talking to the plant I bet you if you just had one plant and where sittin there talkin to it all faded for a while you would be puttin out enough co2 for the plant to take in, and if you did this all the time than you never know it could be possible
Yes ofcourse, thats why talking to your plant could make it a plausible idea... but as for music, there's no evidence.
It's like saying making your plants watch tv will help them.
Yes ofcourse, thats why talking to your plant could make it a plausible idea... but as for music, there's no evidence.
It's like saying making your plants watch tv will help them.

You're probably right. Not that it would be efficient, but perhaps concentrating certain sound waves and projecting them like LRAD? I could see them tearing cell walls to strengthen stems, leaves, etc.

Just curious, myself.
the only thing i can see any kind of vibrations help is to toughen the stems and maybe promote thicker grothw by making the plant think it is in a harsher enviroment, as for tv do you think the tv puts off any light that the plant could take in if so what could would it be?
I have always sworn by and always will swear by having a radio in my grow room. Not sure if it helps but why break the habit? My veg rooms always have music on 24/7. If I get radio reception I do soft rock stations like with John Mayer and Colby Callait and shit. Theres a room I do with no radio reception so I put a Haggard TAPE on that plays constantly. I have noticed no good nor any ill effects on my plants. However, it couldn't hurt to have some fuckin Haggard or Mayer all pre-gamed so you don't even have to press play when you enter your growroom!
I like running electrical current through my plants.

Also, peanut butter is even better than molasses. Just use organic extra-chunky with micronutrients.
There were a few University studies done in Asia (back in the 90's mostly) that seemed to indicate that plants respond to different types of music, but there don't seem to have been many follow up studies. In my opinion this is one of those things that falls into the "uproven, but not debunked" category.
I like running electrical current through my plants.

Also, peanut butter is even better than molasses. Just use organic extra-chunky with micronutrients.

yes very different!! how exactly is the PB applied? same goes for the electrical current?

or r u just pullin our chains!!!