Intro and ???


Hey all, been lurking and reading and am learning a ton!!!! have 1 question though. Sprouted a seed, growing extremly well, i am almost positive it is indica, and is a skunk strain or pure skunk. The question is, do strains smell like skunk? I am 3 weeks into the grow and am happy with the results, CFL has been very nice to me! But am noticing a VERY heavy skunk smell for such a small plant. BTW, this is out of some bull bag weed.

Thanks in advance! I can try and post a pic if needed.....


Yes a plant can reak of skunk, why folks use odor control

Welcome to RIU!
TY Riddleme, 1st for me, sprouted 6 then put into jiffy peat pellets. I only kept the only healthy one. She(hopefully) is doing well under the 2 100 watt cfls.... trying to figure out how to post pics. I was amazed at the results i had this morning, as I gave nutrients for the first time last night.... the question that still amazes me is the smell.... 1 plant in a 10 X 25 area......