Northern Lights KC Brains


Well-Known Member
Hello folks,
:weed: I just started a (feminized) bean a couple of days ago,and she's just poked ground. I will start posting pictures after first week of growth.

Her medium is a mix of Organic M.G.,perlite,and potting soil 5/10/8,on the bottom 1"1/2 I have a little tan bark and red gravel in a 3 gallon pot.

I'll be using first couple of waterings super thrive. Than in between I'll use Earth Juice. Until she gets her third node,than a regiment of M.G.all-purpose plant food.

:idea::idea::idea:Her lighting will be a combonation of warm and cool cfl's(2700K-3500K)

Peace out


Well-Known Member
Here I go!!!! :clap:sorry im late read ur email rolled up a joint argued with the baby mamma and forgot untill was checking my yahoo and riu sent me an email reminding me of ur prvt msg. But im here now and scribbed cant wait to see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Here I go!!!! :clap:sorry im late read ur email rolled up a joint argued with the baby mamma and forgot untill was checking my yahoo and riu sent me an email reminding me of ur prvt msg. But im here now and scribbed cant wait to see how it turns out.

:weed:Its great to have you here,I hope things are well with your kid. Delux, this time I strted with a feminized seed and gave up trying to grow bagseed with only one plant grown at a time. The seeds I bought are award winning and low smell,which is what I need where I'm living. Plus my last 4 grows have been males. Today I will get some pictures up for her seventh day since breaking ground.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:


Well-Known Member
ill check back in tonight after i get off work. man that sucks sorry to hear about the dudes


Well-Known Member
ill check back in tonight after i get off work. man that sucks sorry to hear about the dudes
:weed:Well here are some pictures of my mighty fine baby girl. No name yet, Let me know what you folks think . Questions and answers are desired with a boost in REPUTATION +++.:clap:
:idea:Here are also some pictures of my ghetto set up do you think I should enter her in Prebs contest?

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
scribed, good to see a cousin of Matilda growin:bigjoint:

if you have not already looked Matilda is re-veggin, got 1 inch of new growth last night


Well-Known Member
Houstan we have lift off!! As for a name you should think of the fattest bitch you ever meet then name her after her cuz you know when it comes to growing aint nothing better than a fat ass nuggy bitch!!

edit: hmm houston is spelled with a o huh lol


Well-Known Member
Houstan we have lift off!! As for a name you should think of the fattest bitch you ever meet then name her after her cuz you know when it comes to growing aint nothing better than a fat ass nuggy bitch!!

edit: hmm houston is spelled with a o huh lol
I got it though thats all that counts primo:blsmoke:You're right I'm naming her after the favorite cat (male though) Fat Tony.I'll improvise by calling her Antionette.Thats a royal name for hopefully some staggering nuggets.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I got it though thats all that counts primo:blsmoke:You're right I'm naming her after the favorite cat (male though) Fat Tony.I'll improvise by calling her Antionette.Thats a royal name for hopefully some staggering nuggets.:leaf:
:weed::hump:Antoinette has doubled in size in the last three days and she is looking MARVELOUS. Hope to have more pictures of her up on Saturday(Fourteenth day from germination). Keep posted on her progress my friends and I will bump your scales every chance I get.

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
saturday?!?! ugh im a very impatiant person, guess ill just roll a j and wait
I just started a regiment of lst due to my space security and low budget.Keep her small and Bushy.Just the way I like it there's a jungle out there.:weed:

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Hello my friends I'm now putting up new pictures because like my friend Delux I can't wait to show her off, I'm so proud of her.:eyesmoke:

I just started her on M.G.all-purpose plant food.1/4 tsp. in a pint of water.

:idea:I also added two 27 watt cfl's 6500K for now.

Thats all for now, tell me what you think My friends

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Hello my friends I'm now putting up new pictures because like my friend Delux I can't wait to show her off, I'm so proud of her.:eyesmoke:

I just started her on M.G.all-purpose plant food.1/4 tsp. in a pint of water.

:idea:I also added two 27 watt cfl's 6500K for now.

Thats all for now, tell me what you think My friends

Peace out,
Last two are week before:roll:


Well-Known Member
tell me what you think
Im not sure your brand of compost, but there is no need for feed yet. There should be plenty of feed in that soil. I also think the pots are too big for those plants, that size will likely lead to poor drainage from poorly developed roots,especially the last picture. They dont need an MG boost at this stage of growing either! That will come later in flower.
Start in a small pot, let it root out the soil & then pot up to bigger size, keep doing this until you reach the size you want to flower in & when you see roots at the drainage holes, you can flower, knowing that you have fully developed the root-ball. This will give you the best possible start to flowering & will give you the best yield as the roots will be able to support it 100%. You also dont need feed , untill into flower with this method & as the plant recieves all it can use from the fresh soil on potting up. ;)


Well-Known Member
Im not sure your brand of compost, but there is no need for feed yet. There should be plenty of feed in that soil. I also think the pots are too big for those plants, that size will likely lead to poor drainage from poorly developed roots,especially the last picture. They dont need an MG boost at this stage of growing either! That will come later in flower.
Start in a small pot, let it root out the soil & then pot up to bigger size, keep doing this until you reach the size you want to flower in & when you see roots at the drainage holes, you can flower, knowing that you have fully developed the root-ball. This will give you the best possible start to flowering & will give you the best yield as the roots will be able to support it 100%. You also dont need feed , untill into flower with this method & as the plant recieves all it can use from the fresh soil on potting up. ;)
Awesome advice I'll think about it bro. In the meantime scribe to my jibe where it is always live.:bigjoint:

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
i also think its benificial to the plant to let it develop its roots in a smaller container b4 putting it in its final home but theres nothing you can do about that now so no reason to fret. what size is the container you have her in now if you dont mind me asking? They grow so fast dont they? looking good bro looging good still waiting on my new beans and the weather to get warmer lol prob be a few months here but cant grow indoors in my current situation ='/ had my first lil custody hearing today though and didnt go to bad matter of fact prob went as good as it could go.


Well-Known Member
Just pay attention to not overwater em and you'll be fine in those pots

they look good so I'm not worried and if I was I'd tell ya