Can someone tell me whether my plants are doing alright?


Active Member
They're all sat a little low in their pots, so I might be repotting in the same pots (just with a little more soil underneathe)..

I also want to start topingp LSTing them soon. Do you think it's too early at the moment? Going to top at least one of them for 4 tops..

Apart from your opinions on the above, are they generally looking healthy? They're 10-13 days old, been watering when the soil is dry an inch or 2 under the surface, using miniscule amounts of nutes.. 85w cfl in a small grow space..maybe 1.5/1.5/1.5. Seems to be enough.

Thanks for any responses.

Peace :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
LST and TOPPING if a can remember shouldnt be used until after the 4th node. Both of these are done to train the plant to grow how you want it to.
i am in my first grow and have FIM'd one plant early and FIM'd one late. ie 1 done in the 2nd week of veg. the other i done just before changing to 12 12 both developed 2 main colas. both looking really good

make sure you do your research before you attempt any training so that you know how.

search this site for all the tips and tricks you will ever need..


Well-Known Member
Yea man, good show! Relax on the nutes tho, if your using good soil, you shouldn't even need any for the first 3 weeks to a month. Rule of Thumb! But your plants seem to be responding well. Good watering schedual.

As far as topping, After the 4th node (4th complete leaf set) is best. Before just does wierd things. I would also wait to lst also. give em another 2-3 weeks.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
LST and TOPPING if a can remember shouldnt be used until after the 4th node. Both of these are done to train the plant to grow how you want it to.
i am in my first grow and have FIM'd one plant early and FIM'd one late. ie 1 done in the 2nd week of veg. the other i done just before changing to 12 12 both developed 2 main colas. both looking really good

make sure you do your research before you attempt any training so that you know how.

search this site for all the tips and tricks you will ever need..

So you FIM'd your plants and only got 2 main cola's? If so, then you havn't FIM'd at all,just topped them.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I think I'll hold off on the training for awhile. Just glad to know that my babies are doing fine!

Peace :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
They look good just pit some more dirt in the pot to bury more of the stem as they continue to go up. Then when you transplant you should have a good root ball and strong stem. The adv ice above was on as far as the training to early. Patience IMO Good Luck have fun


Active Member
Yeah, so my babes are still vegging under a single 85W CFL at a month in, and I think they're looking pretty healthy!

Pics 1,2, and 3 are the 3 plants I ended up topping with uncle Bens 'special technique' (ftw). They really bushed out, so I trimmed away any less healthy looking lower leaves (generally the ones that weren't getting enough light), and tied them up into a few rather fragrant bouquets to make the most of the light and space I can give them..
Pic 4 is the only plant I didn't top, and is in a smaller pot. I've taken off the lowest branches and foliage, kind of a semi-lollipop. I just wanna leave this dude(ette) alone to grow one big ass cola.
The rest of the pics just speak for themselves really. My miniture jungle. :weed:

Going to move them to my mates house for a few weeks due to unforeseen circumstances... I WAS planning to do this move over 30 hours of darkness and begin flowering immediately, but I'm not sure I can trust him to sex the plants and remove the males.. 'nd I aint lookin' after no babies!

Then and again, I don't have much choice... if I let them keep vegging for near to another month, they're going to get too big..

I figure I'm just going to move them and veg them till I can get hold of either a HPS or another 2 85W CFLS (Flowering frequency)...
Do you think a 150W hps would be enough to bud these 4? Taking into consideration that they're grown from bagseed, and they could be either males of females at this stage, so I might not be growing all 4 plants for long. I just don't wanna set up a fire hazard in my mates house if I can avoid it, so the smaller the lights, the better. CFLS would be ideal, but the bulbs are pricey, and buying and putting together the parts for the fittings/cables is something that I am less than qualified for, and honestly don't have the time to do..

One last question... how long after beginning the flowering stage can I expect them to show their sex? and how long after the first signs of sex do I have before the males will release pollen? 'Cause I can check on the plants every few days, but not every day. Is it possible for them to show sex and pollenate in that space of time? (say 48-72 hours)

Thanks to everyone who read this. Even moreso to those who reply!

Thanks, and Peace :weed:



Well-Known Member
If you can check on them once a week you'll be fine any longer than that and you might have trouble, the males take awhile from first signs a preflowers before they swell up and release their pollen.