Green House Big Bang First time grower


Active Member
Updates pictures from today. The yellow on a few of the leaves isn't going away but it doesn't seem to be getting worse either.

Added 1 drop of Ph Down to last .5 Liter of water i gave it which I tried to spread around more especially the outer part of the pot. Also have been misting the leaves a few times a day and now have two wet towels having in my closet and the humidity is between 30-40%.



Active Member
New Problem anyone have any ideas?

I noticed one of the leaves has some light green spots on it. I don't see any new yellow but I dont know what is going on with this leaf.


Active Member
I tried giving it more water. I was giving it .5-.75 L and had been since day one and the problems looked like lack of Nutrients (specifically Nitrogen). Since my soil (fox farm ocean forest) should have plenty i figured id give it more water because i had been watering it with that amount since it was 4 leaves and now its much bigger so it should need more water to get more nutes from the soil.

I also tried moving the lights a little farther away because it was growing within an inch of them so now its 2-3 inches.

I am still getting a few yellow spots on some fan leaves and just got my first brown tips on some of the new leaves on the top.

Anyone have any ideas??? I want no more leaves to turn yellow/brown but its not working out.

The pics aren't great because I just sprayed it so the water is messing up the light, but the biggest leaf on top in the center has 2 yellowish/brown tips. Also A LOT of the new leaves have the very smallest brown tip at the end point of the leaf where as that big one is on the side, they are all on the end. Even some of the babies.



Active Member
4 Weeks Old Today (9 inches tall)

Will start flowering in 1 more week.

Here are updated pictures. Seem to be having a little more light green patches and brown tips but nothing too widespread or covering a whole leaf. I am currently trying to water it a lot less often from something like .5L every 2 days to 1-1.5L every 5 days as I was told my problem is likely from roots being constantly wet and not properly drying out. I last watered it on the 24th and was going to wait until Sunday or monday to water it again and use a little PH down (soil is 6.9). Still growing though so that good.


Active Member
Someone help!!!!

Light green patches are spreading everywhere from the bottom up. This was mostly overnight and it had slowed before this. Anyone please any ideas???


Active Member
Started new watering routine today.

Gave it about 1 liter after several days of drying and before I did i weighed the pot and it was 9.8 pounds. I'll wait to water when the plant gets down to that weight again.

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
Started new watering routine today.

Gave it about 1 liter after several days of drying and before I did i weighed the pot and it was 9.8 pounds. I'll wait to water when the plant gets down to that weight again.
sorry man i dont know what to tell ya all i can say is some one has put a great post up on how to tell your problem by looking at a chart heres a like hope this helps keep use posted .


Active Member
I think problem was nitrogen deficiency. I forgot I had the Jorge Cervantes guide in PDF. According to his guide I am pretty sure that is the problem.

It says N deficiency exhibits in order:

Older Leaves yellow between veins (Mine did)
Older bottom leaves turn entirely yellow (mine did)
More and more leaves yellow. Severely affected leaves drop (mine did)
Leaves may develop reddish purple stems and views on leaf underside (mine DID NOT)
Progressively younger leaves develop interveinal chrolosis (mine did)
All foliage yellows and lead drop is severe (mine looks like its heading that way)

I got a 20-14-13 orchid fertilized from home depot and put it in at 1/4 strength when i watered yesterday so hopefully this helps. Said it should take 4-5 days to show any signs of recovery. I will delay flowering a bit depending on how this goes.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
scottish i think that its the ph its a little to bring it down to around 6 or 6.5 at the most because as the soil drys and there less water ph goes up. so if your checking the soil ph when u water and its 6.9 then it was proably higher before it got water. what are u using to check ph?

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
personally i think u should lower the ph to 6.0 or 5.5 the colors on the leaves and the dropping is all due to ph im sure of it. try it i think u will be happier that way 6.9 is to close to not safe, to easy to rise.


Active Member
Problem was definitely Nitrogen Deficiency. No new yellow and its growing much faster now that I added some fertilizer to my water for its feedings. Using a 20-14-13 Orchid fertilizer from Home Depot. Only 5$ and working well.

Plant is up to 13-14 inches will start flowing probably Friday (6 weeks)

Here are some pics of this fine looking lady. All the yellow is old and no new yellow has shown up since I started fertilizing.


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
it does look much better now but i dont think nitrogen was the problem but hay you know your plant better than me. the leaves are just as green in the old pics as the new ones. i think the latest watering has flushed the salt build up out and thats why it has improved. whats the time between the two sets of pics?


Active Member
Was about ten days since my last pic here, all pics are taken and put up minutes after I take them. I really think it was the N because it went from like 9-9.5 inches in like a week and in this last week since I starter fertilizing its up to 12.5/13. The top leaves were always green but the bottom ones were yellowing and it was starting to get much worse and fast. Once I started the fertilizer no new light green patches that turned yellow appeared and she has been blossoming nicely. Hopefully start flowering on friday and see how she does.