CFL Cab - First Time Growing Anything ... Hope I Don't Mess Up


Well kind cats, I just initiated my first ever grow about 8 days ago. To be honest this is by far the first plant I have ever attempted to grow so I am the absolute definition of Green Horn.

I have also just finished getting my grow box pulled together today. Lets just say I have had one to many trips to Menards in the last couple days than I am comfortable with, haha. I am however VERY proud of the cabinet I scored in the As-Is section of IKEA today. By far my favorite purchase during this project.

CFL is the way I am going and I love it already. Plus reading through the countless threads here and the wonderful advice I have already gotten regarding the wattage choice, I have no doubts that I made the right choice.

I thought I might as well jump right in and start garnering any recommendations or changes.

Without further delay, here goes my first run.

The First couple of pics are of the single light germination i used during Day one and two after planting them.

The second pics are of my cabinet after the purchase and then after installation.

The cabinet has a double door set up. I refer to it as the Mr. Ed Barn Doors. The shelf is adjustable to by the inch inch, from top to bottom. I have installed my lighting directly to the bottom of the shelf so I can raise it as the grow moves along. i think this will be the most efficient method. I was so utterly lucky coming across this cabinet. Heck it even has the old file cab style key locks and slit ventilation on the doors. In the next 24-48 hours I am going to take a dremel to the sides and start mounting my PC fans and exhaust.

The next pictures you'll see is of the lower level where I have the lights mounted at the bottom of the upper shelf. Like I said the shelf is adjustable by the inch, so that is awesome.

The last pics are of my babies on Day 9. Not to bad so far. Things are going great and the third seedling hasnt rose from the soil much. She/he is still sporting its shell hat.

Crossing my fingers this goes better than I think it will.

Wish me luck. :-) I will update this thread as I go along. .. I have even been keeping a daily journal since germination began. I must admit, I am rather proud of how organized i've been on this. Must be the excitement of the new focus.



Ffor a little info on the grow.

So far I have 4 - 42w CFLs on the babies at about 2-3 inches away or so, watering roughly every two days. Misting very slightly every day or so to emulate humidity.

This is also bagseed so I am not sure as to what I will get. But theres nothing as great as bag seed to start with. One cool thing is out of the 6 seeds I paper toweled and tucked away for a couple days, three of them sprouted so I was definitely happy with the initial results.


Thanks for the luck Mr. Leafy, I will be needing it, haha

Yeah, I walked that place for half an hour (its huge). Finally stumbled upon the "as-is" section and thats were I discovered this beauty. It didn't have working locks and it had a slight ding at the base of the bottom door. But heck I am not complaining. It was less than $60 and I picked up brand new cab locks at Ace Hardware directly after.

[EDIT: Forgot to mention Cab Dimensions... The grow space is roughly 24"W x 32"H x 14"D. For the record.]

Yeah I am going to take the old dremel to it soon and add my pc fans. I can already tell the lights are putting out some heat, so I have it in the closet with the cab door open a bit and a fan blowing around it for circulation.


I am sure the following are rather dumb questions but I can't seem to wrap my mind around how the ventilation systems work that you cats have used.

The exhaust tubing, or rather, the silver duct work that I have noticed in many grow cabs... is this being directed out of the cab and to a different room/outside the house? Or is it simply a duct work that is directed from the inside of the cab out to the room in which the cab is in, using 3' or so tubing? Also is this where you generally install a carbon filter point? I ask this because my cab is in a centrally located solid closet and its also a brick building, so exhausting outside is not an option. Don't think the management would enjoy me going at the walls with a saw and drill.

Thanks guys/gals.


Well-Known Member
bump.. any tips as to the exhaust duct question?
yeah you should cut the exhaust high, like above the lights if you can, and add a carbon scrubber. Than cut in the intakes low as possible. Hot air rises, cold air falls.


Well-Known Member
yeah you should cut the exhaust high, like above the lights if you can and add a carbon scrubber. Than cut in the intakes low as possible. Hot air rises, cold air falls.
^^^^^ Exactly! Do it that way! And you don't NEED that 'duct' work. All you REALLY need is a strong fan for exhaust. Basically pulling the hot air out of the box. Intake fans would help on the bottom to pull cool air in. Pretty much whatever you can get away with is fine as long as your keeping the temps in check.


^^^^^ Exactly! Do it that way! And you don't NEED that 'duct' work. All you REALLY need is a strong fan for exhaust. Basically pulling the hot air out of the box. Intake fans would help on the bottom to pull cool air in. Pretty much whatever you can get away with is fine as long as your keeping the temps in check.
yeah you should cut the exhaust high, like above the lights if you can and add a carbon scrubber. Than cut in the intakes low as possible. Hot air rises, cold air falls.
Good deal, thanks guys.... I understand the jest of it now. I am going to mount a fan (one of those small portable types) in the upper corner and cut/install a couple computer fans in the cab this weekend in the upper corner.

As for the temps, I think my temps peaked a lil high in the last 24 hours or so and I'm a little worried about one of my plants. Unfortunately I have lost one already, it just didn't rise from the soil. Not sure what I did wrong there. It was up seed shell hat on just barely above the soil then disappeared.

Anyway, here below are some pics of the current setup and of the two plants I have left. The second pic is of the one I am worried about. The last one seems to be thriving pretty well.

Any thoughts as to what may have it curling up so bad/?. Could it be related to the loss of one of the three early on?



Well-Known Member
Good deal, thanks guys.... I understand the jest of it now. I am going to mount a fan (one of those small portable types) in the upper corner and cut/install a couple computer fans in the cab this weekend in the upper corner.

As for the temps, I think my temps peaked a lil high in the last 24 hours or so and I'm a little worried about one of my plants. Unfortunately I have lost one already, it just didn't rise from the soil. Not sure what I did wrong there. It was up seed shell hat on just barely above the soil then disappeared.

Anyway, here below are some pics of the current setup and of the two plants I have left. The second pic is of the one I am worried about. The last one seems to be thriving pretty well.

Any thoughts as to what may have it curling up so bad/?. Could it be related to the loss of one of the three early on?
yeah they look heat stressed. you really should have the ventilation setup before you add plants. what are the temps during the day? remember that metal box will heat up as the day goes on.


yeah they look heat stressed. you really should have the ventilation setup before you add plants. what are the temps during the day? remember that metal box will heat up as the day goes on.
Yeah thats what I was afraid of. I have picked up a personal fan and oscellating fan, one for blowing on the setup andthe larger oscilation fan fo circulation air out of the closet for the time being. I noticed the temp peaked at near 90. But now its around 78 give or take 5 degrees. Is it probably i have nipped my grow already or is there a chance my two wee ones will soldier through?

I will be properly installing my comp ventilation/exhaust soon. Unfortunately my dremel shipment has been delayed. :-(

Thanks again SS for the response.


Well-Known Member
I personlly will start to get stressed out if temps get close to 85, but my plants seem to be thriving at 80 and they have never presented a wilting problem at all. I would say they will be fine just keep a close eye on the temps and keep it at or below 80-83 and they should spring up in the next couple of days. Oh and temps at night can be in the mid 60's and they will be just fine.

remember this is a weed, it grows wild in 90 degree weather and 80% humidity in some areas.


Do not make the mistake i did and use two exact same fans for your intake and exhaust. Im using two 42 watt bulbs and temps are crazy high even with two 120mm comp fans. I ordered a 140mm fan and hope by replacing my exhaust fan i can bring down the temps. make sure your exhaust is the most powerful force in your box.



No need for intake fans IMO. I have 6 42 w cfls in a size similar to yours and 2 100 cfm fans w diy pencil cup carbon filters and passive intakes. My temp never exceeds 73. Adding carbon filters will def decrease air flow tho so be prepared


I'm confused, I have two bulbs and temps as high as 95 degrees with 30 % humidity. How many intakes do you have? because i have two 120mm fans one as an intake and one as an exhaust and no good.

Hmm so two exhausts fans might be the trick i need. I will try flipping one of my fans around making it an exhaust. think that would have an effect?




I have 2 big openings for passive intake on the bottom with dryer duct attached to act as a light trap. Both fans are exhausting on the top of the cab and it works perfectly.


Well-Known Member
I'm confused, I have two bulbs and temps as high as 95 degrees with 30 % humidity. How many intakes do you have? because i have two 120mm fans one as an intake and one as an exhaust and no good.

Hmm so two exhausts fans might be the trick i need. I will try flipping one of my fans around making it an exhaust. think that would have an effect?


yeah you really shouldnt add a fan on the intake, you need to put both fans as exhaust and just have holes low for intake.


Well my girls (well I am hoping they are gals) are making a strong come back. I have the temperature regulated at ~80 degrees during "lights on" with the new added fans. This will hold me over until the old Dremel gets in and I can add the holes and comp fans to the cab. Here below is some pics of my lil soldiers and the temporary setup. The personal fan I believe has made a HUGE difference already on the temp issue. The small on is blowing on the plants and the larger white oscillating fan is blowing the hot air Out.

Any comments are always welcome. On the soldiers or the setup.

[Sidenote: This is day Eleven (11) of the grow from germination]

