3 Strain Party Cup Grow



Just for the record... I am not tryna sell seeds on riu


Well-Known Member
Yeah that would be the shit, i was thinking of doing the LAC on the next grow, only got one left, so i might as well, i should of had two, but burnt the shit outa once before my last grow :(


[QUOTE="SICC";3882714]Yeah that would be the shit, i was thinking of doing the LAC on the next grow, only got one left, so i might as well, i should of had two, but burnt the shit outa once before my last grow :([/QUOTE]

ahh i see you forgot the sunblock... some californian you are lol:bigjoint:

no ive had similer shit happen to me due to a lazy grow partner....:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I wanted to do a lil comparison, of the LA Confidential i did last grow, and the MBS, both at 3 weeks

this is the LAC

and here is the is MBS

I think shes doing alot better :D



Well-Known Member
Yeah that one got pollinated as well, its also the tallest of the 4 main shoots, and was really close to the CFL's, i had to raise the lights up a lil


Well-Known Member
damnnnn.. looked like I came on the right page.. Nice lookin buds man!! I was lovin the LAC when it finished budding.. that plant was BEAUTIFUL! I was gonna ask them same thing.. if that bud was pollinated. cuz it does loo kalot different. but u can almost see the bananas in it. My WW is 3 weeks into floweing now and lookin great too.. Not as good as urs.. Mine showed sex at 5 days of 12-12. and has been takin off ever since! I only vegged her for 3 weeks.. but she is HUGE!! Short and Stalky.. which is kinda wierd for a WW plant?? Always thought they were more sativa??

Also.. I had something I wanted you to check out.. I'm about to post some more pics in a fwe.. the link is in my Sig.. but i have 2 bud that are like... Siamese twins!!?? lol. they have 2 buds growin in 1 bud site... and the branches below... instead of 2 budsites.. there are 4.. and yes, there are 4 leaves growin off it too... someone called it a poly-sumthin? jw if u eva heard of it or saw it before. might be something u wanna check out.

just wanted to thank ya too.. you were there through my 1st couple grows and helped me out alot.. and this plant is beautiful. soo i think u should see it...

Also.. i wanna try a party cup grow.. I was thinkin about puting a clone in a party cup and flowering it.. see how it turns out.. I dont get how yours stay soo thin? not in a bad way. lol. but like mine.. its wicked fuckin bushy!!! you will see wat i mean wen u see the pics.. but how do u get urs like that?? Me leaves always grow soo wide and big.. adn my branches always branch wayyyyyyyyy out??


Active Member
Wow!... sticks of buds :-) Shes looking great SICC, lovely health and colour too. Sometimes its hard to take in what we see going on here, how many hundreds of times have I read people on other threads saying "its rootbound, it wont grow, it wont bud" but like DrBudGreengenes you have proved (to quote that man with 30 years experience of growing MJ) "rootbound is just a state of mind" :-) So long as the roots are getting everything they need they are quite happy in that state.

Pleasure to follow your grows my friend :-)


Well-Known Member
Man, those are some dank looking nugs. I don't get why people use CFL's though cuz they cost about as much as a cheap HPS to get enough to do anything. I had some plants in flower under 6, 45 w CFL's and the buds never developed into much...just ended up with a bonzai pot bush...lol...so I finally bought 2, 400w HPS's and plan on grabbing another 600 too cuz the growth is way faster IME....great thread though...regardless of what they were grown under I would love to be smokin some of that now...I got another 7 weeks til harvest of my current grow...


New Member
dude those beauties are only half done..............I have to give it up to you Sicc, those are the dankest looking cfl nugs I've seen yet...........anywhere.
Truely nice work bro, can't wait to see the final outcome. Would have liked to see her not become a tranny though lol but gots ta get them seeds!!!


Well-Known Member
My WW is 3 weeks into floweing now and lookin great too.. Not as good as urs.. Mine showed sex at 5 days of 12-12. and has been takin off ever since! I only vegged her for 3 weeks.. but she is HUGE!! Short and Stalky.. which is kinda wierd for a WW plant?? Always thought they were more sativa??
I'm growing my 2nd WW now, also vegged 3 weeks and is now 3 weeks into flowering... seems we're in sync! :mrgreen: Definitely a sativa dominant smoke, but from my experience so far she grows more like an indica... short, bushy, and very fast flowering for a sativa dominant strain. (Harvested my first at about 9.5 weeks, and it was amazingly potent. But I've since read by WW lovers/growers that letting it flower to about 11 weeks is best, so I'm going to wait another week or two this time.)


Well-Known Member
dude those beauties are only half done..............I have to give it up to you Sicc, those are the dankest looking cfl nugs I've seen yet...........anywhere.
Truely nice work bro, can't wait to see the final outcome. Would have liked to see her not become a tranny though lol but gots ta get them seeds!!!
I kno its crazy, its hard to think I still got about 5-6 weeks to go :shock:

Hopefully the pollen takes, i've been checcing her like crazy, but its hard to tell, I guess i'll see one harvest come around

Man, those are some dank looking nugs. I don't get why people use CFL's though cuz they cost about as much as a cheap HPS to get enough to do anything. I had some plants in flower under 6, 45 w CFL's and the buds never developed into much...just ended up with a bonzai pot bush...lol...so I finally bought 2, 400w HPS's and plan on grabbing another 600 too cuz the growth is way faster IME....great thread though...regardless of what they were grown under I would love to be smokin some of that now...I got another 7 weeks til harvest of my current grow...
yeah man, HID lighting is obviously the better choice, but you can pump out quality buds with CFL's :weed:

Wow!... sticks of buds :-) Shes looking great SICC, lovely health and colour too. Sometimes its hard to take in what we see going on here, how many hundreds of times have I read people on other threads saying "its rootbound, it wont grow, it wont bud" but like DrBudGreengenes you have proved (to quote that man with 30 years experience of growing MJ) "rootbound is just a state of mind" :-) So long as the roots are getting everything they need they are quite happy in that state.

Pleasure to follow your grows my friend :-)
Yes, that just about sums it it up, "root bound is a state of mind" :-P
i no longer believe in root bound, as long as you give them all they need, they can grow anywhere, thanks for the kind words, i enjoy watching your lil cabinet of dreams lol :leaf:

damnnnn.. looked like I came on the right page.. Nice lookin buds man!! I was lovin the LAC when it finished budding.. that plant was BEAUTIFUL! I was gonna ask them same thing.. if that bud was pollinated. cuz it does loo kalot different. but u can almost see the bananas in it. My WW is 3 weeks into floweing now and lookin great too.. Not as good as urs.. Mine showed sex at 5 days of 12-12. and has been takin off ever since! I only vegged her for 3 weeks.. but she is HUGE!! Short and Stalky.. which is kinda wierd for a WW plant?? Always thought they were more sativa??

Also.. I had something I wanted you to check out.. I'm about to post some more pics in a fwe.. the link is in my Sig.. but i have 2 bud that are like... Siamese twins!!?? lol. they have 2 buds growin in 1 bud site... and the branches below... instead of 2 budsites.. there are 4.. and yes, there are 4 leaves growin off it too... someone called it a poly-sumthin? jw if u eva heard of it or saw it before. might be something u wanna check out.

just wanted to thank ya too.. you were there through my 1st couple grows and helped me out alot.. and this plant is beautiful. soo i think u should see it...

Also.. i wanna try a party cup grow.. I was thinkin about puting a clone in a party cup and flowering it.. see how it turns out.. I dont get how yours stay soo thin? not in a bad way. lol. but like mine.. its wicked fuckin bushy!!! you will see wat i mean wen u see the pics.. but how do u get urs like that?? Me leaves always grow soo wide and big.. adn my branches always branch wayyyyyyyyy out??
Yeah man i'll come by and checc them out,, i've been battling some yellowing, so i have had to clip alot of fan leaves, did the same thing on my last grow, but things seems to be under control for now

thanks for stoppin by

Gorgeous girls there, SICC... as always! :hump: :hug:

Thanks kat, its good to see :bigjoint:

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Hey Sicc

Just wanted to say that the Party Cup Grow with CFLs is a great idea that you followed and I am way glad I found your thread, even if I am this late. I just might have to enter your next competition thread. ;)

I have a few 125 watt CFLs from when I first started growing that have plenty of use left in them. This seems to be the perfect application.

I am sorry for asking, I didnt read through your whole thread, but how often did you have to water and did you have drainage hols on the cup at all?

Again, this is sweet, and I think I just might have to hop on your badass wagon buddy. :blsmoke: +rep


Well-Known Member
holey shamoley that is just plain yummmmmy...............
thanks jade, they do look yummy :hump:
Some times i have to stop my self from trying to take a bite out of the buds :lol: :peace:

Hey Sicc

Just wanted to say that the Party Cup Grow with CFLs is a great idea that you followed and I am way glad I found your thread, even if I am this late. I just might have to enter your next competition thread. ;)

I have a few 125 watt CFLs from when I first started growing that have plenty of use left in them. This seems to be the perfect application.

I am sorry for asking, I didnt read through your whole thread, but how often did you have to water and did you have drainage hols on the cup at all?

Again, this is sweet, and I think I just might have to hop on your badass wagon buddy. :blsmoke: +rep
During Vegg, i used a lil dropper i got with my pH test kit a while ago, i like to keep things nice and wet, so the roots wouldn't dig down as much. It wasnt too often that i had to water them at first, but i still did like 2 times a day, maybe 3, its kinda weird, i never had a set amount of times i would water, i just go with the flow you could day. i let them tell me what they need ;)

But now during flower, i water 3+ times a day, i could let her stay dry thru out, but since there isnt that much medium, them demand ALOT more from you.

And i do have drainage holes, 5 holes in the bottom like you sould see on some dice

Thanks for the REP :joint: