I need your help, are these balls?


Well-Known Member
Soo im into day 6 of flowering and one of my plants IS a female...
they were side by side and i seen these little things behind the stipules yesterday... is this plant a male?

If soo what can i doo with it..?

In Pic 1, you can see both sides of the stem and maybe two balls.... im not sure..

please if you can, let me know




Well-Known Member
very likely. You have plenty of time to decide one way or the other. Give them a few more days.


Well-Known Member
very likely. You have plenty of time to decide one way or the other. Give them a few more days.

If it is a male, when is he able to mess up my plans with the female lol?

i had a board inbetween them soo the leaves never touched, but i dunno...


Well if your other has shown and they are of the same strain could be nuts remove it from the chick n e way if its male well.. i use an old meat grinder an throw it in the mulch... good luck


Well-Known Member
i think they are the same strain.. there both from bagseed,

and the one that looks male is deffinatly outgrowin the otherone..is the means anything in plant life...


Well-Known Member
mazel tov it looks like a boy. but like they said give it a few day the flower take a few to open don't be sacred


Well-Known Member
i think they are the same strain.. there both from bagseed,

and the one that looks male is deffinatly outgrowin the otherone..is the means anything in plant life...
I always found the males grow faster the the females save your female for a mother plant bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If it is a male, when is he able to mess up my plans with the female lol?

i had a board inbetween them soo the leaves never touched, but i dunno...
A week at the earliest from where they are now. One ball will become a cluster of grapes. That's when you'll know for sure. The pollen doesn't come until the balls (they are flowers, just male flowers) bloom. They open up and the pollen comes out into the air. Plants touching has nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
their is no chance that that plant pollinated one of your other plants. its nowhere near that point yet. give it a few days and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
their is no chance that that plant pollinated one of your other plants. its nowhere near that point yet. give it a few days and see what happens.

lol thanks guys

too at least wait till i see 2 grapes?

i just took really bright flash light too it and the top ones may look like little V flower things soo i dunno..
ill put it back, its only been in the for actually 5 days...

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Yeah, they're totally useless for smoking and will make the female concentrate on seed production rather than making buds. Just put a bag over its head quietly while they're asleep so the girl plant doesn't freak out at you hacking at him with a large pair of scissors. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they're totally useless for smoking and will make the female concentrate on seed production rather than making buds. Just put a bag over its head quietly while they're asleep so the girl plant doesn't freak out at you hacking at him with a large pair of scissors. bongsmilie

lol i really hope i dont see the second ball..
but if i doo.. imm learn how to do clones quick lol


Well-Known Member
yeahh really....

lol sooo i am 98.96489% sure he gunna be a dick to my female....

can i clone early into flowering or whaaaa?


Well-Known Member
sure, you can take clones at harvest time if you wanted(not saying you should though). Its a myth that you cannot and/or should not clone during flowering. I actually like flowering clones alot more than veg clones. let me find u the link to the article that opened my eyes......