The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
Hell thats just supplying. I can go to the west side and deal commercial direct to consumer for and easy 45 a gram.


Well-Known Member
yea good idea i actually did that to get my new set of nutrients. Got some botanicare this time. Just may need to do it again
dude, I can tell you how to get all the free nutrients you can handle :) no need to spend money on them! I have so much nutes I dunno what to do with em..


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats just commercial dro. A skimp ass gram of ditch goes for $10 in my old hood. Cheapest I ever found dro was 40 a gram and I talked him down to 10 for a gram and it turned out to be widow.


Well-Known Member
heres one site thats doing a promo, i dunno if its still going on but I got it when I started my first grow..

edit: its still going on click on the rainbow colored banner in the right top corner..


Well-Known Member
but i got something that will work with a lot of companies, i got all botanicares line up too! hold up..


Well-Known Member
i acually had some guy buy a quarter off the plant i just cut down for 200. i think he was fucked up becuase i have never seen anyone like jn811 said buy a gram for over 25 bucks. he offered so i took. his loss


Well-Known Member
here ya go norma! you may wanna change it up a bit but send this to any nute company ur interested in:

Hi (company name here)
> I am a new grower and currently trying to find the brand of nutrients that is right for me. I am currently a big Fox Farms user and have been recommended to your line by several friends of mine after dicussing nutrient deficenies during the flowering period. Do you have a small sample of your line I could run to test on a plant or two to see if (company name) line is truly right for me? It would be very appreciated and let me assure you if all goes well you will have a new customer for life!
> Thank you for your consideration,


Well-Known Member
fox farm wont do it thats for sure botanicare should.. but there are TONS of companies out there so just play ur odds and email as many as possible. OH also its very important that you add ur address so they can just ship it straight to you without having to ask for it! Goodluck!!


Well-Known Member
hah awesome bro ima give it a go. I would love some botanicare and AN or Humbolt fuck i dunno ive only tried fox farm i guess i want them all.


Well-Known Member
I just found as many as i could and emailed them all, i mean wtf it takes 1 min for a whole set of nutes!! You really cant go wrong. I have so many I have some sitting at the post office waiting to be picked up..


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I think I might have to rewrite that a little bit. I think a few e-mails the exact same might raise some attention >.>