Running for President


Well-Known Member
lI would like to anounce that i am offically considering a run for the oval office. I agree with your views and plan on bringing your vision to the White house. I am here to ask for your support. I want to know what issues are important to you and how you think i will be able to help resolve these problems as president. I am not rich I am not educated but i plan to represent you to my fullest ability . Thank you for your support....


Well-Known Member
27 views and not one responce....should i withdraw my candidacy. Do You think you"ll be better off with who ever they give you for choices? Ha HA good luck

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How do you feel about giving pardons to victims of the "war on drugs" ?

You couldn't be any worse than the last couple of Presidents, I'll consider writing you in. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
How do you feel about giving pardons to victims of the "war on drugs" ?

You couldn't be any worse than the last couple of Presidents, I'll consider writing you in. :eyesmoke:
i think we should end drug prohibition and then yes possibly pardon the people who have been victims of extreme sentencing. we have two choces on the "drug war" we can start enforcing existing laws and step up our attempts to bust people for drugs or we can repeal prohibtion . i dont think the U.S. citizens want to be told what they can and can not use and i dont think we can take the economic strain these laws place on us but im open to disscusion. i think the people-every citizen should be encouraged to vote and i believe prison inmates should vote. im against life long apointment positions in politics and government and im against career politics. My personal views and opinions wont affect my decisions as President i plan on representing the views and intrests of the people i serve even if their contrary to my own. When i am elected i will extend an open invatation to every U.S. citizen to come see me and eat at the White House. You will be invited to come and talk to me at any time to discuss whats on your mind.


Well-Known Member
im looking for a president who will return the country to its constitutional roots and close the government down(the root of all evil) can you close the country down and FIRE most all federal employees?if so you have my vote mr president.


New Member
i think we should end drug prohibition and then yes possibly pardon the people who have been victims of extreme sentencing. we have two choces on the "drug war" we can start enforcing existing laws and step up our attempts to bust people for drugs or we can repeal prohibtion . i dont think the U.S. citizens want to be told what they can and can not use and i dont think we can take the economic strain these laws place on us but im open to disscusion. i think the people-every citizen should be encouraged to vote and i believe prison inmates should vote. im against life long apointment positions in politics and government and im against career politics. My personal views and opinions wont affect my decisions as President i plan on representing the views and intrests of the people i serve even if their contrary to my own. When i am elected i will extend an open invatation to every U.S. citizen to come see me and eat at the White House. You will be invited to come and talk to me at any time to discuss whats on your mind.
Geeze, You sound almost word for word like the Obama candidicy. If I thought you had a chance, and you were sincere, and would stand up to the opposition, I'd vote for you, with the caveat, you make me your running mate with Veto power over your choices, at least conference on all choices, with real power, on choice and suggestions. Btw, you are going to have some long lines for the meals as the country is in dire straights.


Well-Known Member
i believe in down sizing government and eliminating many positions. i also believe in returning to the constitution and bill of rights for guidlines on how to govern our great nation. I have no running mate and would be open to anyone who is intrested i would want to be associated with someone who wants to improve this country for their friends family neighbors and fellow americans. my running mate also must not lie i will tolerate any flaw except dishonesty. i will welcome all who want to come to visit chat and eat...i realize with the situation we have free meals will attract crowds but i welcome the challenge and believe it would be the right thing to do the White House belongs to us and its in our capital you will be welcome at anytime and i feel i could feed anyone who comes and still save money by refusing my salary...only using Airforce 1 in extreme situations and cutting thousands of government jobs...we could hire some people to grow prepare and serve food. i feel our money would be better spent on helping people with healthy food for free if they need it. i also think our healthcare focus should be on promoting healthy people and preventing illness. lets not focus on helping sick people but on preventing illness through healthy living habbits. i also want research and development in treating disease but belive prevention is really lacking atention. a 99 cent double cheese burger or a 5$ grilled chicken on a salad....which do you think a poor person will you believe this saves us money? i feel like prices and money is all relitive and controlled lets make it profitable and affordable to be healthy instead of getting drug companies richer through insurance programs. and on jobs for people so that they can earn a living wage. As president i would also request to elimanate or reduce my secret service protection if i am to serve the people i cant be protected from those people. Again these are only my thoughts and i am open to your ideas and suggestions.


Well-Known Member
so far i have around a 10 % response rate i had 6 posts and 60 views...50% of posts were mine so i think im at 25% im happy with that and i feel it is a nice start i do hope to gain more support and i feel it is fair to ask for your support because i support you.. i know politicans allways use polls and statistics so i thought i would try if the numbers are wrong i apoligise and welcome you to take over the statistical part of the campaign..THANK YOU


Well-Known Member
President that smokes weed you got my vote
Thank you and i hope to have many more votes by the time elections begin. As for baskets- I am pro labor and would like to see more basket weaving in the U.S. although i don"t know the specifics of underwater basket weaving.


Well-Known Member
+1. I agree that I cant stand being told what we can and cannot do. We should be able to do just about anything we please but with regulations of course. You should be able to get "high" or change your state of mind in your own home however whenever you please, but to be disorderly in public would just not be cool. But then again that would lead to a lot of addictions and negativity. I dont know its a tough one.. I admit I have made some minor mistakes but never hurt or put anyones life in danger what so ever. Guess thats why (hate to admit) I am/was a nonviolent drug offender. Although I disagree with hundreds of dollars in fines and countless number of classes I have to attend, I am greatful to be in California and be offered Proposition 36, which virtually keeps my record 100% clean.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
+1. I agree that I cant stand being told what we can and cannot do. We should be able to do just about anything we please but with regulations of course. You should be able to get "high" or change your state of mind in your own home however whenever you please, but to be disorderly in public would just not be cool. But then again that would lead to a lot of addictions and negativity. I dont know its a tough one.. I admit I have made some minor mistakes but never hurt or put anyones life in danger what so ever. Guess thats why (hate to admit) I am/was a nonviolent drug offender. Although I disagree with hundreds of dollars in fines and countless number of classes I have to attend, I am greatful to be in California and be offered Proposition 36, which virtually keeps my record 100% clean.
If you were prosecuted for a "victimless crime" you were the victim and "they" were the criminals. When Beardo is President, he's gonna fix their ass and pardon you !


Well-Known Member
im wondering if we should change drinking in public laws. i understand you dont want obnoxious drunks bothering people but i think if your of age and want to have a beer at the public park or on your front porch you should be able to...this is the land of the free.


New Member
im wondering if we should change drinking in public laws. i understand you dont want obnoxious drunks bothering people but i think if your of age and want to have a beer at the public park or on your front porch you should be able to...this is the land of the free.
Yeah dude!! Where were you when Dubya was in office? You should have run then!


Well-Known Member
im so glad im a libertarian .i dont have these crazy ideas about trying to control anyone else or taxing or regulating anyone's business or property.
regulation is how the government camel gets its greedy nose under the tent. once the camel gets his nose under the tent he will instantly be in the tent.
there is absolutely no example you can give me where the government does not fuck logic being if they fuck up everything they touch wouldnt you want them touching as little as possible?


Well-Known Member
their were protests today...against the war in any of my constituents have an opinion? what do you want to do with our military?