Green House Big Bang First time grower

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
I was just going to let it grow. My first grow I want to minimize risk some and not cut off the wrong thing.

if you want to try topping , pinnchin , lst there is some great training vids on youtube have a look really easy to do and can maximize you plant to its full

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
check out uncle bens topping technique its a thread on this site great information. its really handy if your only doing 1-2 plants to help maxmize your yeild.


Active Member
check out uncle bens topping technique its a thread on this site great information. its really handy if your only doing 1-2 plants to help maxmize your yeild.
I looked at the uncle ben thing but it was for early on when you get 6 nodes. My plant is old and going to flowering in a few days. Is it too late? I am not even 100% sure what topping is/does.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
its really about how much maerial you can handle cutting off and that can always be cloned. not to be smart ass but uncle bens thread exsplaing what topping does. it increases bud sites which will give u more yeild but takes longer in veg. this is a good way to go with just one or two plants.


Active Member
Day 4 of Flowering:

Started flowering on Friday and its doing well so far. Had a little problem with over fertilizing I think a few tips yellowed and a lot of the higher up tips curled inward (tips only) so I am just using water for the next 3 feedings (did 2 already) and will use half the fert I was using before and plan to switch to a flowering fert after a few weeks.

My girl is up to 16 inches and looking big, bushy, and dare I say a little sexy.



Active Member
I was having what I believe was a slight N deficiency so I got fertilized and then that went away (yellow spots appearing on leaves, old leavers dying first and moving upwards).

After that went away I got a little bit of I think over fert with a few higher up tips turning yellow/brown and most of the higher up leaves curling inward slightly so I just used water for 3 straight waterings and used 1/2 as much fert (1/2 what i was giving it before which was 1/4 what it recommended so it would be 1/8 as I did before on the 4th watering and then left for a trip for 3 days.

I got back today and most of the leaves looked the same with maybe a tiny bit more brown/yellow in a few areas but the plant is still probably over 90% healthy green. The problem was I see that now 2 of the sets of non fan leaves have a little brown on the tip and its multiple leaves in the set. Also some of the fan leaves have reddish/purple on their big vein underneath. I would say its two groups out of maybe 10-20 non fan leaves have 3 of their leaves browning. Is this a Potassium or Phosphorus deficiency? The picture there looks a little extra droopy because it needed water which I gave it today with a normal dose of fertilizer (1/4 recommended).

Also it is 1.5 weeks into flowering. I am still using a 20-14-13 fert, should I switch to a flowering one now for the next watering in 2-3 days?


Active Member
New pics from the very top of the plant where the new damage is. Anyone have any idea?

Also its 1.5 weeks into flowering, when should i start seeing buds forming? I don't see any.


Active Member
20 Days into flowering

She is doing much better and looking big and lush. Lots of little flowers are appearing and its starting to stink.

She is using Orchid Bloom fertilizer from Home depot at 11-35-15 at 1/4 recommended dose and is 26 inches tall.



Active Member
Day 30 flowering:

Problems I am having are my newer leaves seem to be curling inward from the sides causing them to look very thin. I also have had a few problems in the past with browning and yellowing of leaves but that seems mostly under control despite a few new troublesome leaves. Seems to be less than like 3% of the leaves have any problem other than a dozen or so dead ones at the very bottom under the plant which I assume has a lot to do with no light getting there. Also some of the hairs on my flowers are turning brown.


Well-Known Member
I think you are doing a good job, and look slike you are going to get a nice yield. I like how you have the CFL on the side as well. That way your plant wont just stretch outwards it also allows the side colas to get light an grow.
I dont think the problem with the leaves is a deficiency cause you have them in a lot of soil and you have been feeding them, if anything maybe its overfeeding, but a flush will cure that. Not sure though... by the circular pattern on your lower yellow leaves, I thought that maybe they got too close to the light at some point and might have gotten burned.


Active Member
I think you are doing a good job, and look slike you are going to get a nice yield. I like how you have the CFL on the side as well. That way your plant wont just stretch outwards it also allows the side colas to get light an grow.
I dont think the problem with the leaves is a deficiency cause you have them in a lot of soil and you have been feeding them, if anything maybe its overfeeding, but a flush will cure that. Not sure though... by the circular pattern on your lower yellow leaves, I thought that maybe they got too close to the light at some point and might have gotten burned.
Thanks, I backed off the lights a little, mainly the HPS because I was worried about that. The 3 CFLs are pretty close to the plant but they give off no heat really. I tried to keep the 50 WATT hps about a foot away by raising it more often because before I am sure it was too close to the plant. I also cut down the feedings to every other watering so hopefully that will help. Its looking good now and ill probably try and get some new pictures next week. Main bud seems to be forming nicely.


Well-Known Member
I use cfls as well.. and i keep them between 1 and 2 inches from the plants, like you said they dont get that warm...


Well-Known Member
Looking great mate nice grow. I also have a BB on the go had the same prob as you to in regards to the Feeding burn, and Grow4Joe is right 5.5PH for big bangs all the way through and that came from GHS themselfs. What hight do you thik they will finish at and what yeild you hopeing for?

Best of luck bro keep us informed.bongsmilie


Active Member
Looking great mate nice grow. I also have a BB on the go had the same prob as you to in regards to the Feeding burn, and Grow4Joe is right 5.5PH for big bangs all the way through and that came from GHS themselfs. What hight do you thik they will finish at and what yeild you hopeing for?

Best of luck bro keep us informed.bongsmilie
Thanks. I am not sure height wise, she is like 28 inches now and doesn't seem to be getting much taller just a little wider and the buds are starting to form. Yield wise this is my first grow ever so I really have no idea. A few ounces would be great, at least one ounce or I would be somewhat dissapointed. This took quite a bit of work and money to get it this far, and I want a nice payoff.


Active Member
Day 38 of flowering:

Had no new problems and have been using the daily cycle of water, off, water with nutes, off, water, off, water with nutes etc and she looks good with no new spots or anything. Buds appear to be forming well, but as this is my first grow I really have no idea. I mean they are starting to look like buds so that can't be all bad.

Setup remains the same except as can be seen in the first picture I raised one of the CFLs. That is the 6500K one. Since it is the only one and plant was getting bigger i moved it up so it could get all over the plant.

Now my setup is 1 2700K 42 WATT CFL near the bottom facing slightly upward, 1 2700K 42 CFL high up on opposite side of other 2700K facing downward, 1 6500K 42 WATT CFL higher up and farther out than others trying to cover the whole plant, and my 50 watt HPS (with ghetto fabulous painted poster board reflector box) lined up high above the center shooting downward at the middle of the plant. I rotate the plant 1/4 per day to make sure everyone gets their fair share of light. The first pic that shows setup appears a little distorted. The rightmost 2700K CFL is much closer than it appears (like a few inches from the plant) and all the other lights are a little closer as well. I lined up the lights so they are all hitting the plant well despite how that distorted pictures looks.

Here are the pics. A few overhead shots, lots of pictures of the main bud forming in the middle and some shots of the side flowers.



Well-Known Member
Looking very nice my friend you should get at least a oz of thoes girls easy, and its medical weed so should be nice and strong lol. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah that plant is looking nice...that big cola is going to get huge, id say prolly more than an ounce


Well-Known Member
Stunning girls man, and very good for a CFL grow if i say so muself and also its your first grow +rep for that. Yeild wise i think you might hit 1.5oz dry, Yeilds always drop when useing CFLS but i think you on the right path mate. Just think what they would look like if you used a HPS :)

Check out my Big Bangs just finishing their first week of flowering, looking good but starting to streach now on 12/12 (Link in signature)

Peace :)


Active Member
Stunning girls man, and very good for a CFL grow if i say so muself and also its your first grow +rep for that. Yeild wise i think you might hit 1.5oz dry, Yeilds always drop when useing CFLS but i think you on the right path mate. Just think what they would look like if you used a HPS :)

Check out my Big Bangs just finishing their first week of flowering, looking good but starting to streach now on 12/12 (Link in signature)

Peace :)
Thanks. I am using a HPS but its only 50 Watt. It is combined with 3 42 Watt CFLs. Also they aren't multiple girls, its just one big girl. :)

Wow you are growing a lot of plants. Those look nice. For my first time I just went with a solo grow, even an ounce would last me 6 months to a year.