It's all swirly and glowy looking, too.
I was gonna find just a simple infinity symbol image, but although this one is broken and therefore doesn't really represent infinity anymore, I still think it just looks cool.
I'll start with this one.Classic Babsian dodge. Kind of like: "Wowza....too entirely much to digest for my being on this's earlier for you."
Or my favorite: "Ack, I can't get in depth with this is short and debating and arguing for what purpose life exists is a waste of precious time."
Which really kind of leaves you without any reason for being in this thread. We are necessarily debating and arguing for what purpose life exists. If that is a waste of precious time, then what activity is more valuable?????? Why even log on to RIU????
Classic Babsian dodge. Kind of like: "Wowza....too entirely much to digest for my being on this's earlier for you."
Kind of like, yeah.
Maybe I should cry the river and list the itenerary I had that day?...or that I take the same mediation that narcoleptics use?
I DO have a life....and being it's so "Sheltered"...I should have probably hit myself up with some speed, "for the sake of sensitivity" naturally.
After all, "so many" on this thread have been "sensitive" to what I hold valuable or sacred.
Or my favorite: "Ack, I can't get in depth with this is short and debating and arguing for what purpose life exists is a waste of precious time."
....."because" I do have a life. I didn't say that in jest or to be smartass.
What is so wrong with this statement?
Life IS short and time IS precious. Why should I acknowledge questions posed to me in order for others entertainment?
For what purpose life exists....that's not one of them for me.
...last I heard, the Israelis are working on that.Apparently because I believe gay rights I'm probably a gay man.
Since I believe in the rights of transgender people I must be transgender.
And since I believe that the sun is a ball of hydrogen gas engaged in a prolonged nuclear reaction, I must be a ball of hydrogen gas engaged in a prolonged nuclear reaction. Now how can I use that to power my car.
......"shrieking" ....I'll opt for normal conversational tone. Normal works for me.Well this is interesting. I can find no trace of the posts where Babs and (I think) Roseman were both saying that America has been ruined by taking prayer out of school.
But I repeat the statement. If the kids went to school tomorrow and were asked to pray to Allah or Odin, how loud would the shrieks be from the Christian parents.
...relax, I'm not competing for your activity award. You still get to showcase it with earned it.I have a checkmate.
Of course....
Ignorance and homophobia are so closely related and so equally dangerous to us all and our future that you'll have to excuse me if it's hard to tell the difference from this side.
It was your words that caused the problem regardless of if you had malice behind it the end result is identical.
It's not about mine or anyone elses sensitivity on the subject, only your own insensitivity and thougtlessness. I just had to call you on it because you earned it. Also I do believe you can probably see the error in your thinking here and maybe that will translate to opening your mind that you are also just as wrong and stubborn in your opinions on everything else you and the rest of us don't agree on.
You look at everything from too narrow a view and don't seem to think outside yourself or at a minimum because of many things you say you come across quite thoughtless.
I'll start with this one.
Classic Babsian dodge. Kind of like: "Wowza....too entirely much to digest for my being on this's earlier for you."
Kind of like, yeah.
Maybe I should cry the river and list the itenerary I had that day?...or that I take the same mediation that narcoleptics use?
I DO have a life....and being it's so "Sheltered"...I should have probably hit myself up with some speed, "for the sake of sensitivity" naturally.
After all, "so many" on this thread have been "sensitive" to what I hold valuable or sacred.
Or my favorite: "Ack, I can't get in depth with this is short and debating and arguing for what purpose life exists is a waste of precious time."
....."because" I do have a life. I didn't say that in jest or to be smartass.
What is so wrong with this statement?
Life IS short and time IS precious. Why should I acknowledge questions posed to me in order for others entertainment?
For what purpose life exists....that's not one of them for me.
Look babs, I'm just pointing out that you have the time to post loooong statements preambled with I don't have time for this, I have responsibilities and a life and medication. You DO acknowledge questions that you seem to think we ask solely for entertainment purposes, but you DO acknowledge them by stating you don't have time to take them up because of your itinerary and . . . stuff. And a reminder: this IS the Atheism thread. It's not the hey, let's measure everybody's spiritual dick (not that you have one, dear) thread. By its title alone, this thread gives priority to atheists. I don't care about your commute, or your medications. I say again, if you really have that much going on, you should probably cut RIU out of your life; it's not productive.
I'll start with this one.Look babs, I'm just pointing out that you have the time to post loooong statements preambled with I don't have time for this, I have responsibilities and a life and medication. You DO acknowledge questions that you seem to think we ask solely for entertainment purposes, but you DO acknowledge them by stating you don't have time to take them up because of your itinerary and . . . stuff. And a reminder: this IS the Atheism thread. It's not the hey, let's measure everybody's spiritual dick (not that you have one, dear) thread. By its title alone, this thread gives priority to atheists. I don't care about your commute, or your medications. I say again, if you really have that much going on, you should probably cut RIU out of your life; it's not productive.....and I rest my case.I'll start with this one.
POINT "being" that I do take my time quite often to respond (and even respond in kind at that) That requires consideration, none of which you and others are capable of, but COMMAND of others.
You are telling me that YOU don't have time, but that I SHOULD sure as hell have taken the (inopportune) time for the sake of being sensitive.
And a reminder: this IS the Atheism thread. It's not the hey, let's measure everybody's spiritual dick (not that you have one, dear) thread. By its title alone, this thread gives priority to atheists. I don't care about your commute, or your medications. I say again, if you really have that much going on, you should probably cut RIU out of your life; it's not productive.
It's all about YOU.
Reminder: The "spirituality" and "religous" threads have their connotation as well, your point? By its title alone, it has obviously NOT given priority to the believer, but "dammit, it sure as hell should for your sake." Thank you and point illustrated BEAUTIFULLY.
The atheist is to be welcomed with open arms on these forums to critique, belittle and otherwise bash.....while I am to remain still and subject. WRONG
I don't measure any person's spiritual dick here, oh brother. While I take the time to answer that question, you lash out with even more hypocritical views.
I don't care about your commute, or your medications. I say again, if you really have that much going on, you should probably cut RIU out of your life; it's not productive.
Really, I don't need your direction with what I do with my time.......nor your misconceptions advertised as gospel truth.
Now, let me go "cry a goddamn river" because you didn't comprehend this VALID point by rambling on for a few pages how very wounded I am that you don't care about "my personal situation." refused to take the time...booohooooooo.
....which brings me to "I" find offense to using there, I DEMAND an apology!...and I will ramble on with the next few pages and break it down how you are to be subject to my formed beliefs because you didn't see my point and weren't sensitive to what I "spoon fed" you. (This is a joke for the record....I will spare the need for pulling out the violins.)
ME ME ME...and fuck everyone's the atheist way. I think I may have just embarked upon the atheist theme , LOL.
Thank you for clarifying. I sincerely appreciate that response.