I mistook a dude for being cool, and I had sent him a link to this journal.
He hooked me up with his good friend who ripped me off. Fish even came over when I told him about it and he looked at the weed through a loop and tried to play it off.
My good friend was a moderator on 420forums for 8 years and he came over and told me what the deal with it was.
I had never been around a vap.
Anyways these guys took advantage of my lack of knowledge. He also said some very fishy things when he was here, and it is not hard to put 2 and 2 together.
My parents used to abuse me something fierce and tell me if I told anyone people would come take me away. I was homeless when I was 16. This left me scarred, and I was in over 70 fights growing up. I think this is what led me to martial arts, and I just have 0 tolerance for the bad guy.
All my fights when I was growing up were against the bullies, the kids who picked on people. I would just attack them. I lost many many many fights like this. By the time I was 14 or so I stopped losing.
Now I am 31 and still train every day pull ups pull ups stationary bike. I have climbed a lot of the Cascades. Keeping me in shape for that one day when someone comes and they have mal-intentions. I like to keep my level of skill a suprise but most of my study has been Kenjutsu and Kenpo.
And yes I have a real katana
Something for everyone to think about when they decide to rip someone off.